• Virtual Mailroom

    Unimarket has partnered with ineedafile.com to offer Virtual Mailroom Services to our customers.  The INAF team imports images, scans documents, and provides related storage and retrieval services to fully automate the invoice receipt process. The INAF team performs general and advanced invoicing tasks such as:

    • Opening mail, scanning mail, and assigning a Doc ID
    • Opening email attachments, saving them, and assigning a Doc ID
    • Indexing each invoice by Invoice #, Invoice Date, and Amount
    • Processing Invoices, re-indexing invoices, and submitting within Unimarket

    Invoice can be:

    • Mailed by vendors to a post office box managed by ineedafile.com
    • Emailed by vendors to an inbox managed by ineedafile.com – i.e. school@ineedafile.com
    • Automatically forwarded via email to ineedafile.com from an existing email address