• Unimarket-Banner Community Source Interface - Purchase Order Common Errors (List and Resolution)

    When there is an error transmitting or creating any of the integration messages or documents into Banner, the Banner APIs produce an error. The Interface logs the API error in the FZBEPRC and messages from Unimarket in the FZRCXML table. The Interface also triggers error emails to one or multiple email addresses defined in the FTVSDAT records (FZKEPRC-UM ERROR EMAIL-TO). The emails are sent using the Oracle UTL_MAIL function from the underlying Oracle database of Banner.

    This document will focus on the troubleshooting of the common errors received during new customer setup, testing and general usage.


    Interface Logs

    FZBEPRC Request log table – cXML messages from Unimarket to Interface

    FZRCXML Banner PO and Invoice API log table


    Order Common Errors

    Vendor Record Error for PO


    Header Record Errors

    *ERROR* Vendor address type PO and seqno 2 combination is invalid or inactive.

    Sample 2

    Header Record Errors

    *ERROR* Vendor ID 00866219 is not valid as of 10-MAY-2017

    *ERROR* Vendor address type is required.

    *ERROR* Vendor address sequence is required.

    *ERROR* Vendor address type and seqno combination is invalid or inactive.


    A few possible causes for this error are that the PO or Blanket Order Date is before the Vendor effective date, or the Vendor Addresses in FTMVEND do not have assigned sequence number or defaults.

    If the vendor address in FTMVEND does not have an assigned sequence number or default, go to the Vendor Maintenance tab information to ensure that the address defaults for Procurement and Accounts Payable have set Type Codes for the default address and those also have a Sequence number applied, as shown below. 


    Order Already Exists


    EPUNIMARKET orderID UP123173(UP123173) already exists in the system


    The purchase order from Unimarket hit Banner and Banner already has a PO with that number. This generally happens when an order has an error but someone looking in Banner expects to see the order. When they don’t see the order, they resend it and the order header information is already existing in Banner but the commodity level information has the error.

    Search error emails or logs for that order number to see if there are any other errors that need to be resolved before resending the order message from Unimarket to Banner.


    Vendor ID error


    Path //ItemOut[1]//SupplierID[1][@domain="external-id"] not found

    Sample 2

    API Error:

    Invalid value for vendor


    Check the Vendor ID in Unimarket to make sure there is a vendor ID entered in the Manage Supplier, Edit Supplier window. The vendor ID may not be correct or may not be present at all.


    ShipTo location code is invalid


    Header Record Errors

    *ERROR* Ship code D390 is not valid for 20-MAR-2017


    Check that there is a valid ShipTo location in Banner with the attempted code. Update Code appropriately in Unimarket or make active in Banner.

    Resend order from Unimarket if ShipTo was reactivated in Banner.

    If ShipTo code was incorrect in Unimarket, resending the order may not pick upm and use the updated ShipTo code if the change was made on the shipping location in Unimarket so a manual update to the PO in Banner may be required.


    Program Code Required


    Accounting Record Errors for sequence 1

    *ERROR* Program code is required.


    If the FOAPAL structure in Unimarket does not contain the Program element of the FOAPAL because the Banner PO API defaults the PROG based on the ORGN code so you have chosen not to require the users to enter the PROG code in Unimarket you may get this error if you do not have a Default PROG code setup for every ORGN or you have multiple PROGs for 1 ORGN.

    Manual update to the PO will be required in Banner or update the ORGN default PROG, delete the existing PO in Banner with the error and resend from Unimarket.


    Buyer User Does not have proper Fund/Orgn Access


    Accounting Record Errors for sequence 1

    *ERROR* User JDOE does not have authority to post to chart 1, Fund 414140 and organization 425431


    If you are not using the Fund/Orgn checking at the time of checkout a user that does not have the proper Fund/Orgn access will be able to initiate a requisition. When that requisition is finally approved and hits Banner, Banner does another Fund/Orgn Access validation on the buyer.

    Granting the Buyer user the needed access in Banner then reprocessing the order in Banner or deleting the Banner PO and resending the order from Unimarket to Banner would be needed.


    Currency on PO not recognized in Banner


    Header Record Errors

    Currency code is invalid


    Unimarket allows for supplier to register with their own local currency and does a currency conversion update nightly. Unimarket provides both the supplier local currency and customer local currency in the order and invoice messages. the Interface uses the main currency which would be the supplier’s local currency is allowed. Banner has a Currency table for the referenced currency codes but most customers do not have that setup.

    This can be avoided by reviewing any supplier registrations for currency other than USD or local customer currency and asking Unimarket to change the supplier’s currency to the customer’s local.

    If this happens, a manual update to the PO in Banner is needed and the supplier may need to register again with the preferred currency.

    Modification to the interface is possible to recognize when a non-customer local currency is used and for the interface to use the “alternate-currency” provided by Unimarket in the cXML order message. 


    Line Level Unit Price is Greater than 4 decimal places


    Document Edit errors

    *ERROR* Accounting amounts are not equal to the commodity extended amounts.


    If the entered Unit Price in Unimarket is $0.10596 (5 dp), Banner will attempt to round that to 4 decimal places equaling $0.1060 then calculate times the line item quantity. The Accounting amount and Commodity Extended amounts in Banner use different number of allowed decimal places so their calculations will be different.

    Manual edit of the PO to allow for it to post is needed directly in Banner.


    Change or Update to Order attempted before PO Posted


    API Error:

    *ERROR* ORA-00001: unique constraint (FIMSMGR.FOBAPPD_KEY_INDEX) violated


    If a PO has not yet been posted in Banner and a change or update to that existing PO like a cancelation is attempted before the PO is posted, the interface will trigger this error.

    Make sure that the posting process is running properly.

    Wait to make sure the PO posts then apply the update or change in Banner or ask Unimarket if the change/update message can be resent.


    Cannot Cancel a Canceled PO


    Purchase Order ID: EP013427 does not exist. Cannot cancel.

    Sample 2

    Header Record Errors, *ERROR* Purchase/Blanket order document previously

    cancelled or closed.


    If a PO or Blanket Order has been canceled in Banner directly then it is attempted to be Canceled in Unimarket, Unimarket will send a message to Banner to attempt to cancel the order again.

    No action required unless the initial cancellation was not known or expected then there may need to be an investigation into why it was canceled directly in Banner.


    Mixed Expense Accounting


    Document Edit errors

    *ERROR* Cannot mix GL and expense accounting.

    *ERROR* Cannot mix GL and expense accounting.


    When General Ledger Accounts, Operational Expenses Account and Fixed Asset Accounts are used on the same order Banner does not allow that on the same order.


    Blanket Order Not Found for Release Order


    Blanket PO not found for release orderID EP012541

    Sample 2

    Parent PO with orderID UP122375 not found!


    Release order sent to Banner has the above error that the Parent POP cannot be found. The Blanket likely had an error that needs to be resolved and have the blanket PO resent to Banner to post before the Release order can be resent to be processed against the existing Blanket order.


    Blanket Order Not Found for Release Order


    UB388138: Purchase Order has not been posted.


    The error indicates that the funds couldn't be released back to the budget because the original PO never posted. Check the FOIDOCH to see if the original blanket ever posted as complete, or otherwise check FPAPURR.


    Change Order (Blankets mainly) where the FUND is no longer active



    PO-EP010725 ITEM-1 SEQ-1  ~{101010} Create or Change Order Accounting Record

    errors for sequence 1, ::Fund code 306598 has been terminated and user UNICON

    has no authority to post beyond the termination date.::


    This happens most often with Grant or Sponsored Accounts when the FUND from the grant has been terminated by the Term Date in Banner but the PO or Blanket Order in Unimarket has not been closed. If a change is attempted to the order, Banner will produce this error.

    These should be caught most of the time when the BBA and Fund/Orgn security check is happening during the change order unless a budget check is not needed for a reduction in the order.

    Discuss with the grant office to reopen the FUND or Cancel the order in Unimarket.


    Requisition # Already Exists


    Document Edit errors

    *ERROR* Document# RQ31226 already exists in the system.

    *ERROR* Purchase Order failed validation.


    No action required. This is a warning message that only happens when you have the Cross-Supplier Checkout feature enabled in Unimarket to allow for 1 requisition to have multiple supplier items within it. When the PO goes to Banner, multiple orders have the same requisition number reference which causes this message. The POs are created and posted fine in Banner.

    Cancel Order feature give error that Type “delete” is not supported


    Interface Error:

    Request Type "delete" not supported


    Cancel Order feature is enabled in Unimarket but your Banner Interface does not handle the Cancel Order integration message that have the Request Type=”Delete”.

    Manually cancel the PO in Banner or upgrade the interface to add the Cancel PO code to the PO package.


    FOMPROF User Organization -  Data Entry not allowed


    UM Order ID: XU024337

    FPBPOHD CODE: XU024337

    VENDOR CODE: 000709856


    Header Record Errors

    Code 32700 . No Data Entry allowed.

    Code 32700 . No Data Entry allowed.


    The PO Header Record Error "Code XXXXX. No Data Entry allowed" usually means the FOAPAL elements in the PO is not marked as Data Enterable in Banner. 

    Step 1, review the FOAPAL “code” from the ERROR. If the FOAPAL “code” in the error is NOT the FOAPAL used on any of the order lines it is more likely an issue with the user FOMPROF record in Banner. 

    Step 2, check the roles for the buyer on the order. If you see that the buyer is a browser in Unimarket, perhaps they don’t  have the proper setup in Banner. (We would encourage that Browsers not be listed as members of Blanket Orders so they aren't accepting transactions, as Banner won't play nice if their FOBPROF record isn't set up to let them buy. A simple fix if this is the case, would be to 'edit' the buyer on the release order to an adequate buyer, then resend the PO to Banner.)

    The customer should check on the buyer’s home ORGN.  It would be set in FOBPROF and should be marked as Data Enterable or the home ORGN should be switched to one that is Data Enterable for the buyer.


    Deadlock Detected


    Error in p_get_po_data:

    Last called f_get_val(Accounting_Charge)

    ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource


    This error is typically related to Banner receiving too many requests for processing at one time.  To resolve the error:

    1. Verify if the PO record has posted to FOIDOCH.  
      1. If the PO does not appear in FOIDOCH, resend the PO message from Unimarket and confirm it posts correctly.
      2. If the PO does appear in FOIDOCH, the status field is likely going to be blank/not approved.
        1. Use FPAPURR to delete the incomplete PO record
          1. In FPAPURR, enter the PO#, NEXT BLOCK once, then click delete twice to remove the record
        2. Once the PO record is deleted, resend the PO message from Unimarket and confirm it posts correctly in FOIDOCH


    The Account is Locked


     Error Message in Response for Invoice or PO: Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28000: The account is locked. 



    This error is typically related to access to Banner from the Connector. Usually found in a DEMO environment after a refresh, it means that the UNICON user account is locked so no integration messages are getting over to Banner. Ask the IT person to unlock the account and reset the password. 

    If you can set the correct password on the connector.properties file on the server in the UCP-Test directory, then restart the service, that will re-establish the connection for Unimarket Demo to Banner Test. 

    We recommend that institutions have the Connector properties file set with a consistent Unicon password for Production and Demo to avoid these errors after each clone.  


    Invalid Organization Field in Banner


    API Error:

    Organization 72251 is invalid.


    The org field within Banner was invalid so the order could not be posted to Banner

    The first step is to review the Buyer's FOMPROF record. In this case, there was an error response “Organization has been terminated.” Whenever the PO posts to Banner, there is an org field filled in within Banner based on the default org assigned in the users FOMPROF record (similar concept to an org unit in Unimarket). When the order record is posting, it cannot default to an invalid home org unit for a user so it will send back this error.


    Accounting Period Closed in Banner


    Accounting Record Errors for sequence 1

    *ERROR* Transaction date 27-FEB-2023 is not in an open accounting period for chart 1. The customer should reopen the accounting period in Banner and then resend the order. 


    If this error comes up it usually is due to the accounting period for the Order Date being closed in Banner and the community will need to reopen and then resend or action. 


    Clone of Prod to a DEV or PPRD Banner Instance


    *ERROR* UM: INGR: Error In OrderRequest - Wrong Deployment Mode "Production" for Banner instance INGR (INGR will be customer specific based on what they name their Banner Instance)


    We've typically seen this error happen during a clone of Prod to a DEV or PPRD Banner instance or if a customers Demo Connector has been pointed to their Production Banner environment.

    Customer should check with their internal team to see if they know which Banner Environment INGR is? (Note that it may not be INGR but you will check on the name that is listed in your error). Also, customer should check with their team to see if they have done a clone of Prod recently. 

  • Unimarket-Banner Community Source Interface - Invoice Common Errors (List and Resolution)

    When there is an error transmitting or creating any of the integration messages or documents into Banner, the Banner APIs produce an error. The Interface logs the API error in the FZBEPRC and messages from Unimarket in the FZRCXML table. The Interface also triggers error emails to one or multiple email addresses defined in the FTVSDAT records (FZKEPRC-UM ERROR EMAIL-TO). The emails are sent using the Oracle UTL_MAIL function from the underlying Oracle database of Banner.

    This document will focus on the troubleshooting of the common errors received during new customer setup, testing and general usage.


    Interface Logs

    FZBEPRC Request log table – cXML messages from Unimarket to Interface

    FZRCXML Banner PO and Invoice API log table


    Invoice Common Errors

    Purchase Order has not been posted 


    PO: PO163110

    INVOICE: 56321237

    API Error:

    Purchase Order cannot be invoiced.

    Purchase Order has not been posted to the ledgers.


    This error occurs when the PO has not posted. If the PO is not posted, the PO cannot be invoiced. Check to see if any other POs are failing, to ensure that posting is running. 

    The customer should look up the API error for the PO, fix the PO and then resend the invoice. 

    The customer can look in the FZRCXML log for the error that needs to be fixed. We can try resending the PO message also to see if it goes through. (If we get the message “the Order Already Exists” the customer will need to find the original API error from in the FZRCXML log to see what needs to be fixed). Once the PO has been fixed, the invoice message can be resent.

    IF the posting process is running the customer has recently upgraded Oracle to version 19c which will need to have the below grant performed by their DBA in IT to give the permission to the FISHRS user to reprocess the invoice for a retrofit order.

    The issue with the Oracle 19c upgrade was the DBMS_Jobs not being a default with the DBMS_Scheduler being the Oracle default job. The solution was to grant the FISHER user permission to “create job” so that it can perform the DBMS_Job to reprocess an invoice if the PO wasn’t posted at the time it attempted to hit Banner.

    Can the customer please  “grant create job to FISHRS” in Banner PPRD/TEST.

    This will allow FISHRS to use DBMS_JOB functions from the FTVSDAT record for the “INV DELAY” when the invoice is reprocessed.




    PO: UP389903

    INVOICE: UI394356

    API Error:

    Purchase order not posted to ledgers.

    Invoice scheduled to be reprocessed.


    This error is expected and okay to ignore.

    The reason this error occurs is on retrofit releases, both the release order and the invoice are sent to Banner at the exact same time. Often times, the invoice makes it there first. Resulting, in the error message received because the release order hasn't posted yet. The integration is set to resend the invoice message approximately 5 minutes later, to allow time for the release order to post, along with the invoice. Most customers have an email rule to filter this out since there can a lot of emails, depending upon how heavy the blanket order usage is. We suggest using the "Invoice scheduled to be reprocessed" portion of the error message, as the primary criteria for the email filtering. Since that tells you this invoice is going to be resent again and no action is needed.



    Purchase Order has not been posted (Invoice scheduled to be reprocessed)


    PO: PO163110

    INVOICE: 56321237

    API Error:

    Purchase Order cannot be invoiced.

    Purchase Order has not been posted to the ledgers.

    Invoice scheduled to be reprocessed


    This happens for Retrofit Invoices where the Retrofit Order is being created at the same time as the Invoice. Both are sent to Banner and the invoice may try to hit the PO before the PO has been posted. 

    Waiting for posting process, invoice will reprocess in # number of minutes defined in FTVSDAT.  If you get several of these messages verify with finance that the posting process is running.


    Vendor Invoice Already Exists 


    API Error:

    This Vendor Invoice already exists for this vendor 

    Sample 2

    Invoice IU017253/EP017512/02298183 already exists


    Invoice was resent manually from Unimarket to Banner because someone could not find the invoice in Banner. There may be another error with the invoice but when the invoice was initially sent to Banner, the Banner invoice (I#) was created but the other possible error caused it to not be completed.


    Vendor invoice number already exists in Banner. Unimarket will validate against invoices in Unimarket and not allow the same invoice number to be used for the same supplier. For any invoices that are in Banner only the invoice validation on the supplier invoice number is not done until the invoice hits Banner. AP will need to edit the Banner invoice to add a suffix to the vendor invoice number then complete the invoice in Banner.

    Vendor FTMVEND Address Issue


    API Error:

    Invalid combination of address type and sequence for vendor.


    The vendor address defaults and sequence numbers for the Purchasing and Accounts Payable need to be updated in FTMVEND, Vendor Maintenance tab and the Order then invoice need to be resent from Unimarket to Banner.

    Invoice line item amount exceeds purchase order line amount



    Approved amount exceeds tolerance percent or amount on commodity item 1.       


    Invoice Matching Tolerance in Unimarket is not the same or lower than the Banner invoice tolerances so the approved and matched invoice in Unimarket does not match per Banner tolerances.

    Purchase order line item amount may have been changed manually between the time of creation by the Unimarket interface and invoice time.   Whatever the cause the amounts don’t match and an invoice cannot be created.   Manual invoice needs to be created by A/P to invoice this item.  

    Invoice Item Unit Price is $0.00


    API Error:

    Approved unit price should be positive.


    The Banner API for invoices does not allow for a unit price of $0.00. This is used sometimes for free products or discounted products on an invoice from a supplier.

    The Invoice will need to be edited in Banner to give the offending line item a Unit price of $0.0001. Banner allows for unit prices with 4 decimal places but rounds up the line subtotal to 2 decimal places. So depending on the line item quantity, a unit price of $0.0001 will still round up to a subtotal of $0.00.

    There is a modification that has been done to recognize the $0.00 unit prices and change them to $0.0001 in the interface as the invoice is being created so contact the Unimarket customer community to see who is using that to see if it will be an option for your IT department to add to your Banner Interface.

    Invoice for Split Lines (more than 2 splits) does not calculate correctly



    Approved Amount: ::Percent and Amount do not match


    There is a known API issue with Banner for invoices against order with a line item containing more than 2 split line accounts. The calculation that Banner does with the unit price X Quantity divided by the percentage of the split accounting does not equal the total of the line item subtotal. This is a known Banner API issue and the invoice will need to have manual intervention in Banner to ensure that the amounts of the split funding equal the line subtotal. The difference is usually a penny or two.

    Shipping on Split Line Invoice with Additional Charge shipping amount error



    Additional Charge:  Percent and Amount do not match


    Similar to the above issue with the split line accounting. If you have your interface configured to add the shipping from an invoice to 1 line item in the Additional Charges field in Banner and the line item is split by 2 or more funding sources, the calculation that Banner does for the amount and split percentages may not match the initial amount which causes this error. Manual editing of the Additional Charge amounts need to be done in Banner to ensure that the amounts per split equal the initial shipping amount. Likely 1 funding source will need to pay an additional penny.

    Unit Price Exceeds expected character count, $1,000,000 unit prices


    Error in p_do_item_data:

    Last called f_get_val(Item_UnitPrice)

       ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: number precision too large


    This is an Oracle Error and due to the Interface not expecting unit prices as large as a million dollars with 7 characters. This can be changed with custom coding of the interface or reported to USNH for updates to the baseline code.

    PO is Closed and cannot be invoiced


    API Error:

    The item from the purchase order cannot be copied to the invoice as it is closed


    PO in Banner needs to be reopened and invoice resent from Unimarket.

    Invoicing a PO from a different Fiscal Year


    API Error:

    Purchase Order cannot be invoiced.

    Encumbrance does not exist in the fiscal year in which the invoice transaction date falls.


    Manually change the transaction date on the invoice in Banner

    Change the INV_TRANS_DATEin FZREPRF to “Y”

    Crediting an Invoice with a past Fiscal year date on the credit invoice


    API Error:

    Cannot create credit memo in prior year if the purchase order has rolled into the next year.


    Manually edit the invoice transaction date in Banner.

    Change your FZREPRF_INV_TRANS_DATE Interface Configuration setting for the Invoice Trans Date to always set the invoice transaction date as the PO transaction date.

    Purchase Order Canceled and cannot be invoiced


    API Error:

    Purchase Order cannot be invoiced.

    Purchase Order has been canceled


    PO was canceled in Banner so there would need to be an investigation with the buyer to find out why the PO was canceled and if the invoice should be paid. 

    Cancel the invoice if the PO was canceled intentionally and communicate to the supplier to have them credit the invoice on their books.


    FUND Terminated and Invoice Failed to Post against PO


    API Error:

    Fund code 551543 has been terminated as of 23-DEC-2016.


    This error generally happens with Grants or Sponsored Account Funds. PO was created when the Fund was active but the time between the PO being created and the invoice being matched and submitted for payment may have had the Fund activity date past and the Fund gets Terminated. 

    To resolve, the Grant or Fund Owner will need to give approval for the Fund to be reopened so that the invoice can be paid. Direct action in Banner required.


    Vendor ID not Valid on the Invoice compared to the Order


    API Error:

    Invalid value for vendor


    Issue is sometimes that the vendor ID needed to be changed after the PO was created. The vendor ID was not updated in Unimarket so the invoice referenced the initial (old) vendor ID but the PO number was carried over to the new vendor. The Banner API validated the PO reference number for Vendor B and the vendor ID representing vendor A which did not match.


    Deadlock Detected


    Error in p_get_po_data:

    Last called f_get_val(Accounting_Charge)

    ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource


    This error is typically related to Banner receiving too many requests for processing at one time.  To resolve the error:

    1. Verify if the Invoice record has posted to FOIDOCH.  
      1. If the Invoice does not appear in FOIDOCH, resend the Invoice message from Unimarket and confirm it posts correctly.
      2. If the Invoice does appear in FOIDOCH, the status field is likely going to be Suspended or Incomplete..
        1. Delete the incomplete Invoice record from Banner (FAAINVE is likely the screen, but can’t confirm)  
        2. Once the invoice record is deleted, resend the invoice message from Unimarket and confirm it posts correctly in FOIDOCH

    Clone of Prod to a DEV or PPRD Banner Instance


    *ERROR* UM: INGR: Error In InvoiceDetailRequest - Wrong Deployment Mode "Production" for Banner instance INGR (INGR will be customer specific based on what they name their Banner Instance)


    We've typically seen this error happen during a clone of Prod to a DEV or PPRD Banner instance or if a customers Demo Connector has been pointed to their Production Banner environment.

    Customer should check with their internal team to see if they know which Banner Environment INGR is? (Note that it may not be INGR but you will check on the name that is listed in your error). Also, customer should check with their team to see if they have done a clone of Prod recently. 

  • Unimarket-Banner Community Source Interface Error Emails

    When there is an error transmitting or creating any of the integration messages or documents into Banner, the Banner APIs produce an error. The Interface logs the API error in the FZBEPRC and messages from Unimarket in the FZRCXML table. The Interface also triggers error emails to one or multiple email addresses defined in the FTVSDAT records (FZKEPRC-UM ERROR EMAIL-TO). The emails are sent using the Oracle UTL_MAIL function from the underlying Oracle database of Banner.


    Interface Logs

    FZBEPRC Request log table – cXML messages from Unimarket to Interface

    FZRCXML Banner PO and Invoice API log table

    Unimarket-Banner Interface Error Emails

    The Interface error emails utilize the Oracle UTL_MAIL.SEND. If you are not getting the error emails, the issue is likely with the smtp_out_server setup or the permissions granted to the Oracle user or schema in the access control list (ACL) are insufficient or have been removed. This section below will focus on the troubleshooting and setup for the Error Emails using the oracle UTL_MAIL.SEND.

    Error Email Test

    login as FISHRS try this simple test:


    UTL_MAIL.SEND(sender => 'somebody@school.edu',

    recipients => 'somebody@school.edu',

    cc => 'somebody@school.edu',

    subject => 'Just test',

    message => 'test');



    Setup and Troubleshooting:

    Script:  utlmail_grant_080500.sql  

    Note:  change the '<SERVER_NAME>.<DOMAIN>' fields below to match your own SMTP server and domain.


    start /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db11203/rdbms/admin/utlmail.sql

    start /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db11203/rdbms/admin/prvtmail.plb

    grant EXECUTE ON utl_mail TO BANINST1;



    Script:  utlmail_acl_11g.sql


      dbms_network_acl_admin.create_acl (

        acl         => 'utl_mail.xml',

        description => 'Allow mail to be sent',

        principal   => 'BANINST1',

        is_grant    => TRUE,

        privilege   => 'connect'







      dbms_network_acl_admin.add_privilege (

      acl       => 'utl_mail.xml',

      principal => 'WWW_USER',

      is_grant  => TRUE,

      privilege => 'connect'






    Note:  change the '<SERVER_NAME>.<DOMAIN>' fields below to match your own SMTP server and domain – should match what you entered for the “smtp_out_server” init parameter above.




      acl  => 'utl_mail.xml',

      host => '<SERVER_NAME>.<DOMAIN>',

      lower_port => 25,

      upper_port => 25





    ACL (run later)


      dbms_network_acl_admin.add_privilege (

        acl         => 'utl_mail.xml',

        principal   => 'FISHRS',

        is_grant    => TRUE,

        privilege   => 'connect'






    Customer is not receiving errors via email

    If a customer is not receiving their error emails, they can check that the FISHRS user in Oracle has access to the UTL_Mail or if they can use ACL permissions, check that FISHRS is included in the ACLs. If that's not the issue, it could be an SMTP_Out configuration issue with the email server on the customer side.