• How to Add a Split Account Code to Pending Requisition

    Check Requisition Editing Settings

    Go to Administration module > Select Approvals > General tab > Scroll down to Requisition Editing Settings header


    Allow Requisition details to be edited during approval: When enabled, approvers will be able to review a requisition and make extended changes.

    Allow Buyer to Edit Pending Requisition: When enabled, the buyer for a requisition will be able to edit details of the requisition.


    Note: If both are not enabled, please reach out to your Community Administrator


    To Add a Split Account Code

    Login to Marketplace module > Select Transactions > Click View Requisitions > Insert the Requisition number in the Search field > Ensure the Period box is empty > Select the Requisition number > Click More Actions in upper right corner > Select Edit > Go to the line item you would like to account code split to > Select Actions > Click Edit > Select the Split icon 



    Select +Add Split 



    Once completed, select OK.

  • View Requisitions

    You can view Requisitions placed between your Community and Suppliers using the View Requisitions page within the Marketplace module. For Buyers, the Requisitions found in these pages may be limited to those placed by them or others in their Organization Unit.

    To find out how to change the Buyer default for searches see User/Buyer Search Filter Default.

    View Requisitions

    To view Requisitions you have access to, go to Transactions > View Requisitions in the Marketplace Module. Here you will find a list displaying Requisitions will be filtered to the last 90 days. 



    You can find more filters by clicking the downwards arrow above the current list of Requisitions. These include Supplier, Time Period (Created Date) State, Buyer, Organization Unit, and Work Order (if applicable). You can search for the exact Requisition number using the Requisition Number field. 



    Columns in the View Requisitions screen can also be used for Sorting. The available columns to sort the Requisitions are - Requisition (by alphanumeric order), Buyer (by username A-Z & vice versa), Supplier (by supplier name A-Z & vice versa), Type (by type A-Z & vice versa, eg: Blanket first), State (by state A-Z & vice versa, eg: Abandoned first), Created (oldest date first or newest) and by Totals (lowest amount first or highest).



    To view the Requisition details click on the Requisition Number. There are different tabs on the Requisition screen to show the Items, Approvals, Justifications (if enabled and a Justification is included) and Comments.


    Requisition States

    • Abandoned: An Incomplete Requisition was cancelled before being checked out and routed for approval, or all items have been moved to another Requisition.
    • Approved: Requisition has been approved and an Order has been created.
    • Cancelled: All items on the Requisition have been cancelled before the approval process has completed.
    • Declined: an Approver has declined the Requisition during the approval process.
    • Incomplete: A Buyer or Browser saved or reassigned a Requisition before completing the checkout process. This Requisition is awaiting checkout.
    • No Approval Needed: The Requisition is within the user's Self-Approval threshold and does not require approval.
    • Pending: The Requisition is awaiting approval.

    Available Actions on Requisitions

    In the More Actions menu in the top right corner you can find the below actions:

    • Copy: Copies the Requisition to your Shopping Cart and starts the checkout process.
    • Pause Approvals: The ability to pause provides the approver with the ability to investigate the purchase in more detail without it escalating to the next approver.
    • Cancel: Cancels all line items on the Requisition.
    • Refresh Approval: Refreshes the Requisition approval status. This is used when there is a change to the Approval Chain associated with the Requisition. (Available for users with Community Administrator or Approval Administrator roles).
    • Cancel Line: Located to the right of each line. Cancels a single line on the Requisition.

    Depending on whether your Community has contracts enabled you may also see these options just above the Subtotal column of the items section:

    • Create Contract: Users with the Create Contract role can create a new contract directly from a Requisition.
    • Link Contract: Users with the Create Contract role can link the requisition to an existing Contract for the associated Supplier.


    Buyers and Approvers can post Comments on Requisitions and also receive an alert email when a Comment is posted. This is useful in situations when Approvers have questions around the need for an item or requires more specifics relating to a product or service.

    Note: When the Approver comments the Buyer is notified, when the Buyer comments the Approver is notified and when a third party comments only the Buyer is notified.

    To add a comment go to the Comments tab of a requisition and click on Add Comment. Approvers can also access this from the Approval Task.

  • Edit a Pending Requisition

    The Edit Requisition function allows Approvers and Buyers to edit line items in a standard requisition that is Pending Approval or pause the requisition for in-depth review. This allows Approvers or Buyers to correct information sent for approval instead of the Approver declining the Requisition. To have the Edit Requisition function enabled for your Community, please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss further.

    Edit a Requisition

    Approvers or Buyers can begin editing a requisition by opening the Requisition and select More Actions, then Edit.

    Edit Requisition.jpg

    This will Pause the approval process on this Requisition, allowing the user to edit the Requisition.

    Editable fields:

    1. Bill To/Ship To and Order Submission
    2. Line items
    3. Non-Catalog items - Includes: Account codes, Product information, Additional supplier information
    4. Catalog items - Includes: Account codes

    1. Bill To/Ship To and Order Submission details

    2024-09-02 09_59_31-Requisition 76 _ Guide Community _ Unimarket.jpg

    After you have clicked Edit you can update the Bill To and Ship to address using the dropdown menu to the right of the header. You will only be able to choose from Location Codes assigned to your Organization or Org Unit. The Order Submission details can also amendable, to select between 'Send Electronically' or 'Do not Send' during edit of a requisition.


    2. Line Items

    To edit a line item, open the Actions menu to right of the item and select Edit. 


    3. Non-Catalog Items

    You can update the Account Code Details on a line item. You can also modify the Product Information and manage the Additional Supplier Information which includes the Requested Delivery Date and Notes for the line item.


    4. Catalog Item

    You can update the Account Code Details on a line item. As the item was selected from a catalogue the product details are unable to be changed except for Quantity. You can adjust the Additional Supplier Information which includes the Requested Delivery Date and Notes for the line item.


    Once you have made changes to the line items click OK.


    Note: If you edit the account code on a line item, you can then use the copy_down.pngbutton to copy that account code to your other line items if needed. 


    Saving Changes

    Once all changes are made on the Requisition, click Save at the top of the page to Resume the Approval Process. This will generate a pop-up asking if the changes you made require reapproval, as well as a text field to provide the details of the changes you have made.


    Note: If the changes cause an increase in the requisition total, reapproval will automatically be required. Account Code Changes will refresh automatically, you do not need to select Yes for these.


    Blanket Orders

    Edit on Blanket Orders works a little different given their set up and workflow. 

    For a Buyer, once sent for approval, edit dates is available.

    For an Approver, they may edit the accounting, shipping & billing details and amount.

    Changes will prompt if the requisition needs to be sent for reapproval or not and comments are mandatory.



    For more information on configuring the Edit Requisition function please see the Configure Edit and Pause Requisitions help article.

  • Pause a Requisition

    For some Requisitions, the approval process may require more time than is configured before it will Escalate automatically to the next user in the chain. If enabled, Approvers can use the Pause Requisition function to provide more time to review the line items and/or communicate with the Buyer. When ready, the Approver is able to Resume the Requisition. Pause Requisition requires the Edit Requisition function to be enabled. To have this function enabled for your Community you will need to reach out to your Account Manager to discuss further.

    Pause/Resume a Requisition

    1. Go to your Tasks menu and under Approvals select View All to open a list of all Pending Requisitions requiring your Approval.
    2. Click the Requisition number you wish to review.
    3. In the top right corner click More Actions and select Pause Approvals.
    4. Enter a Note advising why you are pausing the Approval of this Requisition and click OK.


    This will pause the Requisition up to the time configured by your Community. When Paused, a Requisition cannot be approved and will not escalate along the Approval Chain.

    To Resume the Requisition click Resume in the Alert or Resume Approvals under the More Actions menu. Your Community has a Pause Time configured, the requisition will be resumed automatically after this period has expired.



    For more information on how to Configure Pausing Requisitions and how to Edit Requisitions, please see the relevant help articles.

  • Cancel, Amend & Resubmit Requisitions

    Copy/Resubmit Requisition

    Select Copy from the More Actions menu at the top of the View Requisition screen to resubmit a Requisition that you have cancelled or was declined by the Approver. Copying the Requisition creates an Incomplete Requisition and takes you to the checkout for any required modifications.


    Cancel a Requisition

    Requisitions or Requisition lines can be cancelled from the View Requisition screen.

    To cancel a Requisition select Cancel from the More Actions menu at the top right of the page.


    To Cancel a Requisition line, scroll down to find the line item. To the right of the line click Actions and select Cancel.

    Add Items to a Requisition

    Users can both delete and add items from the same Supplier to an Incomplete Requisition. To add items click on the name of the Supplier then search for the product/service you want to add or create a non-catalog item for that Supplier. Once you have established the desired item click on the downwards arrow on the Add to Cart button. This will open a list of Incomplete Requisitions to add the item to.


    After these modifications have been made the Requisition can be checked out as per the standard process. Changes to the billing/shipping addresses , Account Codes and other Requisition details can be made in the Checkout screen.

    Note: If the Cross-Supplier Checkout feature is enabled for your Community, Buyers can add items to any Incomplete Requisition, not only those from the same Supplier. Contact support@unimarket.com if you would like to have this feature enabled.


    Move Items

    Users can move items from one Incomplete Requisition to another, or out of an Incomplete Requisition to your shopping cart. When viewing an Incomplete Requisition, find the line item you want to move and click Actions, and select Move.


    Once the Move Product pop-up opens you use the dropdown to select if you want to move the product to a different Requisition or to your cart.


    Once you have selected where you want to move the product to click OK.


  • Share Incomplete Requisitions

    Many customers operate central buyer teams that work on orders on behalf of browsers and other buyers within their organization. However, in the past when a Browser reassigns a requisition to a Buyer, only that Buyer has the ability to reassign it to another Buyer making it difficult to hand over the requisition if needed.

    Incomplete Requisition Sharing allows incomplete requisitions to be shared across any buyer within an organization unit. If this feature is enabled within your community it allows Buyers in the same organization unit(s) to view all incomplete requisitions within their organization unit and change the Buyer on the requisition to themselves or another buyer if needed. So if a Buyer goes on leave and the order needs to get placed urgently, another Buyer can take the requisition and check it out.

    Sharing an Incomplete Requisition

    In order to allow the sharing of Incomplete Requisitions, the feature "Edit Buyer Sharing" must be enabled for your community.incomplete_requisitions.PNG

    If sharing is enabled and a user has the Buyer role, as well as seeing their own Incomplete Requisitions on the Incomplete Requisitions page, when the Buyer field is cleared the user can see any Incomplete Requisitions where the Organization Unit is:

    • One of their Org Units, or

    • A child of one of their Org Units, or

    • One of their buys for Org Units, or

    • A child of one of their buys for Org Units

    In order for a buyer to take an Incomplete requisition which is available to them, they can click the pencil icon beside the Requisition in order to update the buyer on the order. When the new buyer is selected and the user clicks "OK", the Incomplete Requisition will become available to the new buyer to checkout.


    For more on requisitions, please see our help article Cancel, Amend & Resubmit Requisitions.

  • Reassigning Orders & Requisitions

    Orders and Requisitions can be reassigned within Unimarket so that someone else can complete The Checkout Process, Receive Orders as well as Close or Reopen the Order.

    Browsers can search for items, add them to cart and then reassign requisitions to a Buyer as an Incomplete Requisition for final checkout.

    Reassigning is also useful when a buyer is out of office or moved to a different organization and the order needs to be reassigned to another buyer.


    Reassigning an Incomplete Requisition

    Both browsers and buyers can reassign incomplete requisitions from inside the checkout page as well as when viewing their incomplete requisitions. This page can be found by clicking on Incomplete Requisitions in the Tasks menu as seen below.




    A Community Administrator can also reassign incomplete requisitions from a browser or buyer to a buyer. When viewing an incomplete requisition, the Community Administrator can select click on articleimage2.jpgwhich allows them to select a buyer from the list and click Reassign. The incomplete requisition is routed to the buyer for action and they will be notified by email and in their Tasks menu. (only Incomplete requisitions can be reassigned)




    After the requisition has been reassigned, the approval process it goes through is defined by that of the original requester and not the newly assigned buyer. 


    Reassigning an Order

    Buyers can reassign their own order by selecting the articleimage2.jpglink next to their name as the buyer and follow the same process as above. Community Administrators can also perform this action on all orders. Buyers that the order can be reassigned to have to be part of the Organization Unit that the Order was purchased for.

    Reassigned History

    In the History tab you can view if a Requisition or Order was reassigned.  This will display who processed the reassignment, who the Previous Buyer was, who the Order or requisition is currently assigned to and why the change was made.

    Turning on Reassigning Requisitions

    Reassigning requisitions is turned on internally by your Account Manager. Schedule a conversation with your Unimarket Account Manager to discuss turning this feature on for your community.

  • Cancel & Edit Orders

    If the Cancel/Edit Order features are enabled for your community, buyers have the ability to cancel and edit their own orders. Cancel orders can be enabled on its own however, the edit orders feature can only be enabled if the cancel orders feature is enabled.

    Note: An order can only be edited or cancelled if it has not been received and there are no pending invoices against it. Premium suppliers also need to have Edit/Cancel Orders enabled in their store (as some suppliers cannot support Edit/Cancel Orders).

    Unimarket can also setup Edit Orders to use Order Number Versions (e.g. order 123 was edited - order number is now 123/2) or a completely new order number.

    Note: If you require Cancel/Edit Orders please contact Unimarket at support@unimarket.com to discuss.


    Cancelling an Order

    • Select View Orders from the Orders menu.
    • Locate the order using the search filters at the top of the page. For more search filters just click the downwards arrow.
    • Open the order by clicking on the order number and select Cancel from the More Actions menu in the top right of the screen.


    • The supplier will be notified that the order has been cancelled.

    Editing an Order

    Note: Edit Order is also known as a Change Order.
    • Select View Orders from the Orders menu.
    • Locate the order using the search filters at the top of the page. For more search filters just click the downwards arrow.
    • Open the order by clicking on the order number and select Edit from the More Actions menu in the top right of the screen.



    • A new incomplete requisition will be created with the original order details and you will be taken to the Checkout screen.

    • The order details can now be modified as required from within the checkout screen. This includes account codes (FOPAL), approval routing, billing and shipping addresses, items/quantities (See Cancel, Amend & Resubmit Requisitions for information on how to add items to an incomplete requisition) as well as other related information like notes.

    • Once checkout is complete the modified order will be routed for approval.
    • Once approved, a new order will be generated and sent to the supplier and it will note that the order replaces a previous order.


    Note: While an order is being changed it is put into a locked state. Further changes, receiving or invoicing against the order are not possible. In this case a message like this will appear at the top of the order being changed: "This order has pending changes (requisition xxx) and cannot be edited, cancelled, invoiced or received."
  • The Checkout Process

    To get to the checkout click on the Shopping cart icon in the top right of the screen and select Checkout on the relevant cart. Alternatively, if your Community has Cross-Supplier Checkout enabled and you have items in your cart for multiple Suppliers, you can select Checkout All at the bottom of the list to create a Requisition which includes all items from all Suppliers in your cart.




    • Select the relevant Ship To and Bill To addresses from the list of locations.
    • Ship To and Bill To locations can be loaded and edited by Community Administrators or users with the Community Management role.

    For more information about adding Ship To and Bill To locations refer to the article on Community Management.



    Order Type

    You do not normally need to make changes in this section if you are creating a Standard Order.

    If your community has Retrofit Orders enabled, you can flag an Order as retrofit in this section. Also, if your Community has Blanket Orders enabled and you are creating a Release Order this section may already be flagged as Retrofit.

    For more information see Retrofit Orders & Invoices or Blanket Orders.

    For Standard Orders the Order Submission field normally defaults to Send Electronically however, if it is flagged as a Retrofit Order you can then choose Do Not Send which stops the Order email from being sent to the Supplier.



    Sensitive Orders

    The Unimarket Sharing functionality allows users within the same Organization Unit to view and/or receive each other’s Requisitions, Orders and associated Invoices. In most cases this is a handy feature, sometimes you may need to restrict access to documents because they contain sensitive information. You are able to flag the Requisition as Sensitive to the checkout which makes the Requisition, resulting Order and associated Invoices visible to only that Buyer. It's also possible to change the visibility of documents at a later stage if needed.




    Specify Account Codes

    Provide an account code for each requisition line item. Each community will have their own account code format customized to meet their requirements. Users may either enter an account code or pick from a defined list loaded for the community.

    If the community has loaded a pre-defined list of account codes the user can perform an account code search to find the values they require by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.

    You can clear, refresh and copy down the account codes using the icons alongside the Account Code boxes.

    For more information about adding account codes see Community Management.



    Split Account Codes

    If the feature has been enabled it allows users to split the cost of an item across more than one account code, if this option is available you will see the CaptureSplit.jpgSplit icon next to the account code boxes. If you would like to split the cost across two or more account codes select Split and then CaptureAddSplit.jpg. Enter the second account code and the value to be allocated to the corresponding code. You may enter as many splits as needed. You may also copy down the splits to other lines as necessary, using the CaptureAddSplit2.jpg icon. The percentages will calculate automatically for you.



    Notes, Order Attachments and Delivery Dates

    You can add a Delivery Note and Order Attachments at the bottom of the items table, as well as individual line notes by selecting located to the top right of the list of items, clicking this will open a Notes field for each line.

    You can also add Delivery Dates for each item if required.


    When adding Order attachments, users have the option to Share with Supplier. If you opt to un-share, the attachment will remain private and only visible by your community.


    Order Receiving

    If your community has auto-receiving enabled and it is enabled for the specific supplier, you may choose to auto-receive at the time the order is approved. To do this select Receive Automatically in the Order Receiving field.

    It is also possible for the community to set an auto-receiving dollar threshold (this can be overridden for certain suppliers), if this is set it means orders below the specified threshold will be set to Receive Automatically, you can change this to Receive Manually if a below threshold order does require receipt.

    For more information see Receiving Orders.


    The tax codes and rates are configured within your community, if more than one tax rate is available for your purchase you will see a drop-down in the tax column for each of your items and you can select the correct tax rate from the options.

    For more information see Tax Rates.



    Your community may have justifications enabled, if so you can add justification text and/or separate justification attachments in the Justification section of the checkout.

    Justification notes and attachments do not go to the supplier but stay with the Requisition for the approval process.



    On Behalf Of

    If you are a user that has been assigned the On Behalf Of (OBO) user role, you will have the option to select from a list the user that you are purchasing the goods on behalf of. This is located within the Organization and Approvals section of the checkout. When the user is selected the Requisition is created on behalf of the selected user. If the user belongs to multiple Org Units, the OBO user may also choose which Org Unit the Order will belong to. This will allow the approvals to be routed correctly for the Requisition.

    Note: The initiator and the Buyer who the Requisition is created on behalf of will both be CC'd into the Order email that is sent out if the Requisition is approved.


    Save Incomplete Requisition

    If the feature is enabled for your Community you can save a checkout part way through and complete it later. To do this during the checkout process select Save at the bottom of the screen. The Requisition will be saved as Incomplete.


    Once you have successfully saved your shopping cart, a red badge icon will either appear over the Task menu icon in the top right of the screen or, if you already have outstanding tasks, the number inside the badge will increase by one.


    Reassign Requisition

    If the feature is enabled for your Community you can reassign your shopping cart to another user by selecting Reassign at the bottom of the checkout page. You can then enter the relevant user and add a note. The user will be notified and the cart will appear in their Task menu under Incomplete Requisitions.


    Note: The Initiator and the Buyer who the Requisition is created on behalf of will both be CC'd into the Order email that is sent out if the Requisition is approved. Users with the Browser role will not have the Checkout option, as this role only allows them to find product, reassign the Requisition to users with the Buyer role to submit for approval.


    Checkout Complete

    Once checkout is complete your items will be sent to the appropriate delegated authority for approval. If you have authorization to spend the requested amount, the Requisition will auto-approve. When the Requisition is approved the Purchase Order will be automatically sent to the Supplier electronically.

    See the related articles below for more information:

    Viewing Requisitions & Orders

    Approving or Declining a Requisition

  • Sensitive Requisitions

    Communities now have the ability to enable a core feature which allows Requisitions to be marked as Sensitive, making them visible only to the buyer and users with the Community Administrator, Create Invoices, View Transactions, and OBO Receiving roles. This is handy for those orders and invoices which may need to remain private to the person that created it e.g. employment of a contractor, sensitive legal information etc.

    By enabling the Sensitive feature, users can select this during the checkout process under "Order Type".


    Marking a requisition as sensitive will apply a sensitive label to the requisition, along with it's associated orders and invoices.


    The Buyer, and users with the Community Administrator, Create Invoices, and View Transactions roles will have the ability to edit the sensitivity of a requisition, purchase order and invoice.

    To enable this feature please contact your Community's Account Manager.

  • Change History

    To provide better visibility of changes to requisitions, orders and invoices the Event History tab can be used to display a history of changes such as state changes, buyer changes and approval changes. This is available to Buyers, users with the 'Create Invoices' Role and Administrators.

    Here are the status changes for different transactions that are tracked in the Change History:


    • Approval State changes

    Requisition History.jpg

    Purchase Orders:

    • State Changes
    • Buyer Changes

    Order History.jpg


    • State Changes
    • Approval Changes
    • Cancellations
    • Rejections
  • Retrofit Orders & Invoices

    A retrofit order is used in cases where an order needs to be created in Unimarket after the fact. With retrofit orders you can opt not to send the order to the supplier and to auto-receive the items (since in most cases the order will have already been sent to the supplier and in some cases may have already been received by the buyer). This feature will not appear at checkout for Browsers as only Buyers can checkout orders, retrofit or not.

    This is a feature that can be enabled/disabled by your community.


    Creating a Retrofit Requisition

    • Add the items you wish to order to your cart.
    • Within the Order Type section of the checkout screen select Retrofit Order.
    • Checking this box will display additional fields for the Related Invoice Number and the Order Date (if enabled). It will also change the Order Submission field to Do not Send by default (you can change this if you would still like the supplier to be sent the order electronically).
    Note: Customers utilizing financial years can restrict what dates are available. Eg: Buyer selects Financial Year 2018 (July 2017-June 2018), the Order Date must fall within these dates.

    • The Order Receiving field which is displayed under the Product table will also change to Receive Automatically (if enabled). You can change this if receiving is still required.

    • When you complete the checkout the requisition will be routed for approval as per the usual process.


    Creating a Retrofit Invoice

    It is also possible to create a retrofit order from an invoice that does not yet have a matching order in Unimarket. To do this the Retrofit Invoices feature must be enabled by your community and you must have the Create Invoices role.

    • Go to Enter Invoice from the Invoices module.


    • Select the relevant Supplier and Buyer, you can begin typing their name and/or search through the dropdown.
    Note: If the Contracts module is enabled for your community, the selected supplier has at least one contract and the user creating the invoice has access to at least one of those contracts, a new Contract field will appear where you can select the contract this invoice should be linked to.
    • Complete all the other mandatory fields indicated by a red asterisk.
    • You have the option of adding Comments and Attachments.


    • Then click on Add Invoice Item, a popup will appear, complete the necessary detail and then select Add or, Add More to add additional lines.

    • When you have completed all the required information select Create or, if you would like to create another invoice straight after, tick the Create another box next to the Create button before clicking Create.
    • A notification will be sent to the buyer to approve/decline the invoice, at this point the invoice will have a state of Pending Initial Acceptance.
    Note: If you select yourself as the buyer the invoice will automatically be accepted.
    • If the requisition is approved a retrofit order will automatically be created and the invoice will be matched as per the standard matching process.
    • If the invoice is rejected by the buyer you will be notified by email and the invoice state will change to Invoice Rejected.

    Accepting or Rejecting an Invoice for a Retrofit Order

    • Go to the Tasks menu and select Invoices.


    • Pending invoices awaiting approval will appear.
    • Click Accept and a popup will display allowing you to Accept, Reject, or Cancel (no action).


    • To view more details about the invoice, select the invoice number.
    • From here you may approve or decline in the Actions menu.


    • If approved an incomplete requisition will be created and you will be taken to the checkout to complete the retrofit requisition.
    • The retrofit requisition will be routed for approval as per the standard process and if approved a retrofit order will be created and automatically associated with the invoice.
    • If you reject the invoice a reason will be required and the creator of the invoice will be notified that it has been rejected.

    For more on creating invoices see Creating Electronic Invoices.

  • Payment Options

    On Account

    The community can configure one or many account code formats that are used to code the requisition lines (also known as GL account codes). These should match the format used in the organizations Financial System (ERP). Users will need to select the appropriate account code when completing their requisitions.

    Blanket Orders

    The Blanket Order functionality provides communities with the ability to create a blanket (or contract) order for the provision of unspecified products and services to one supplier over a specified time-frame. The blanket order is pre-approved using the standard approval process and then products and services are provided on a purchase-on-demand basis. Users draw down on the blanket order as required without the need for a purchase order each time. For more information on Blanket Orders click here.

    Note: Blanket Orders must be enabled for your community and once enabled it can then be enabled/disabled for certain suppliers. To enable this feature contact us at support@unimarket.com.


    Credit Card

    The credit card payment option must be coordinated with suppliers that accept credit cards. The credit card payments will only appear for those integrated suppliers that have it enabled.

    Note: Credit Cards must be enabled for your community. To enable this feature contact your community administrator.


    Shared Credit Cards

    Shared Credit Cards allow you to pay for goods and services using a credit card stored at the supplier end. To support this payment process, we have added functionality that allows specific cards to be allocated to users within your community and selectable in checkout as a payment method. Suppliers are simply sent the last four digits of the credit card number so they can match the digits to your provided card on file and process the payment.

    Note: Shared Credit Cards must be enabled for your community. To enable this feature contact your community administrator.
  • Drawing Down Using a Release Order

    Users with access to the blanket order can create release orders that draw down on the blanket. A release order does not require any further approval.

    Drawing Down Using a Release Order

    • Find the products or services you require (see Finding Products & Services).
    • Add the items to your cart (see Adding Items to Cart) and then click on the cart icon in the top right of your screen to view your cart.
    • Review the products and click Checkout when happy.
    • Select the desired blanket order from the Blanket Order drop down menu, located at the bottom of the items table in the checkout. (If there is more than one to choose from, the most recent will appear at the top.)


    • Enter the rest of the required information as per the normal checkout process (see The Checkout Process).
    • Select Checkout and the value of the resulting release order will be subtracted from the blanket order total.

    For more on Blanket Orders, please refer to Blanket Orders.