• Manage Community Users

    Users with the Community Administrator or User Administrator role can manage users. Community users can be created, invited, searched and edited from the pages accessed by going to the Administration module > Users. Organization units, buyer groups and user default settings are also created and assigned from these pages. A list of community users can also be exported in a CSV format. 

    Administration Manage Users.jpg


    Note: If your users are externally managed all user details must be edited within your system and not within Unimarket. 


    Create User - create individual users.

    Upload Users - used to upload user details in bulk via a CSV file import.

    Edit or Delete User - changing a users details.

    Unlock User - unlocking a users account.

    Buyer Groups - used to determine which buyers can access which suppliers.

    Invite Users - used to send invite email for users to finalize the user setup process.

    Out of Office - Used to determine the alternative approver when the approver is not available.


    On the Settings tab, you can define the default user account settings for new users. Roles, Buyer Groups and Organization Units are all configurable.



    To find out more information on New User SSO & Auto-provisioning, watch this short video:



  • User Export

    Unimarket provides the ability for Community Administrators or User Administrators to export a list of Users.  This provides a lot of useful information, and can also be used as the starting template if you are updating user records in bulk.


    To Export the User List:

    Go to Administration > Users

    Expand the filters and apply any filters (or untick the default state of enabled users only)

    Click Export


    The User Export will run as a background job and be available to download as a spreadsheet, just the same as our other exports.


    The fields in the User Export are:


    Field Purpose
    Username The users system username as per the customers naming conventions
    First Name User First Name
    Last Name User Last name
    Email User Email Address
    Enabled Y or N (to denote enabled yes or no)
    External User Management Y or N (to denote if users are externally managed)
    External User ID External ID where applicable (if provided by the customer)
    Vendor ID Where applicable (if provided by the customer)
    Self Approval Level If the user has a self-approval limit to approve their own requisitions/expenses to that value
    Org Units The Organisation Unit(s) the user is attributed to
    On Behalf Of Org Units The Organisation Unit(s) the user can buy on behalf of
    Roles The Roles the User has (see list of roles)
    Buyer Groups The Buyer Group(s) the user is included in, which drives the visibility of suppliers and catalogues in the marketplace.
    Phone User phone number that has been added to their profile
    Last Login The date & time the user last logged into the system
    Created Date The date & time the user was created
    Deactivated Date The date & time the user was deactivated


  • Creating a User

    The User Administration page allows you to create individual users, which is ideal if you only have a small number of users to add. If you need to upload a large number of users, you can see here on how to upload users in bulk.

    Before creating users, you should ensure the appropriate Organization Units, Self Approval Levels and Buyer Groups have been set up first.

    Note: Users are only able to edit their name, phone number and email address (and default account code if it is set to user default). All other settings are managed by an administrator.

    Creating a User

    Go to the Administration module > Users and select Create User from the top right of the page.


    This will open the create user pop up. Enter the user details. If you check box Send Invitation, you will not need to enter a password and the user will be emailed to set up their password. Click Save to create the user. UI_Update_-_Creating_a_User_2.png


    Field Description
    First Name * Users first name.
    Last Name * Users last name.
    Username *

    Username user will login with.

    Display Name

    Name displayed once logged in.

    Send Invitation Check this box if you would like an invite email to be sent to the user to finish the setup of their user login by setting a password, otherwise you need to enter a password for them in the next field.
    Password * If the Send Invitation box is checked this field will be unavailable, if not this is where you enter the users login password
    Confirm Password * If the Send Invitation box is checked this field will be unavailable, if not this is where you enter the users confirm the login password
    Email * Users email address (this is where all notifications for this user will be sent).
    Enabled If you checked the Send Invitation box this check box will be unavailable, as the users login will be disabled until they activate their user login via the invitation.
    External User Management This box indicates whether the user details are managed via integration with an external user management system or within the Unimarket portal.
    External Unique ID The External Unique ID is assigned from the community's management system if External User Management is being used.
    External User ID This field is populated with the external user ID from your external user management system, if you use one that requires the user to have this entered.
    Vendor ID If a user is set up in your external ERP or finance system as a vendor and your community has the expenses module enabled in Unimarket, you may need to enter their vendor ID here to ensure any data regarding expenses for this user can be transferred to your ERP/Finance system.
    Self Approval Level This is where you would assign the maximum value that this user can self approve their own requisitions/expenses up to. If this is blank, the user cannot self approve anything.
    Phone A contact number for the user.
    Roles This is where you select the roles that give this user the correct access and abilities. (see list of roles)
    Buyer Groups Select the buyer groups this user will need access to.
    Organization Units Select the org units this user is a part of.
    Buys For Organization Units This field is only available if the user has the Buyer role assigned. If this users makes purchases on behalf of any org units they are not a part of, those org units would need to be entered here. This allows other users in these org units to reassign requisitions to this buyer for ordering.


    Invite Users

    If you check the Send Invitation box when creating a user they will be sent an email notification advising them to login in with the provided username and temporary password. You can customize the message sent for the invitation in the Invite Users Tab and press the Save button to confirm your change.

    After you have sent a user an invitation, their user login will appear as disabled until the user sets their password and logs in for the first time. You can see users that have been sent an invitation and whether they are enabled or not in the Invite Users tab.


  • Invite Users

    The Invite Users page is used to send users email invites so users can respond and complete their account setup in the system. Users follow a link within the email which asks them to confirm their user details before their initial login.

    Once you have created a user either in bulk or individually, you can see whether they have been sent an invite, when it was sent and you have the option to resend invites if needed.

    Note: Only users you have already created will show in the user list. For more on creating users see Creating a User (individual users) or Uploading Community Users.


    See below for instructions for sending User Invitations:

    1. Go to Administration Module > Users and select the Invite Users tab
    2. Check the box next to the user(s) you wish to send an invite to or check the Select All box at the bottom of the list to select all users.
    3. Click Invite and the email template shown above the list will be sent to the user(s) you selected.
    Note: You can update the email message sent to the users in the text box above the list if required. 
  • Uploading Community Users

    The Upload Users screen can be found in the Administration module > Users > Upload Users tab. On this tab the community can upload new users in bulk using a CSV flat file template available from the upload screen. 

    You can read below to find out more information on Uploading Users or watch this short video:

    Uploading Users

    • Go to the Administration module > Users > Upload Users.
    • Download the CSV Users Template and enter the user details.

    Details of the CSV flat file template fields are below:

    Column Type Mandatory Length Comments
    First Name Text Y 255  
    Last Name Text Y 255  
    Username Text Y 255 Must be unique
    Display Name Text N 255 Display Name works like a nickname, where if a user's first name was Daniel they might want to use Dan. This field is used to allow better searchability for a user. 
    Email Text Y 255 Must be a valid email address
    Enabled Y/N N   Defaults to Y
    External User Management Y/N N   Defaults to Y
    External User ID Text N 255  
    Vendor ID Text N 255  
    Self Approval Level Text N 255 Must be blank or match an existing approval level name
    Org Units   N   Comma separated list of existing Organization Unit names.
    On Behalf Of Org Units   N   Comma separated list of existing Organization Unit names
    Roles   N   Comma separated list of existing User Roles names
    Buyer Groups   N   Comma separated list of existing Buyer Group names
    Phone Text N 47 prefix-number-extension with length limits 5-20-20
    Default Account Code    N  

    This is only included if the Default Account Code settings is set to User Default.

    If entered, the format is validated according to the community's Account Code format.

    • Once you have all the user details entered in the CSV file save it.
    • Click browse and select the your CSV file.
    • In the Missing User Actions dropdown select if you wish to Ignore or Disable users not included in the CSV file.
    • Click Upload.
    • If there are any errors a red error message will appear on the screen advising you of what they are which you will need to fix in the CSV file and reload it.


    • Once all users are imported you can either click Invite Users at the bottom of the page or go to the Invite Users tab and send the invite from there.


    • If you have sent the user an invite their user login will appear as disabled and will not be enabled until the user finishes the setup. You can see users that have been sent an invitation and whether they are enabled or not by going to the Invite Users tab.




    • All the comma separated lists will need to be within quotation marks (" "). Excel and other apps should do this automatically.
    • The Column names should not be changed, otherwise the CSV will not load.
    • Roles should reference the valid User Roles in the system.
    • Organization Units (Org Unit), Buyer Groups and Self Approval Levels should reference a valid Org Unit, Buyer Group and/or Self Approval Level that you have setup in the system before loading the users (do that first).
    • You can use the User Upload process to Bulk Change existing users, for example to assign roles or other information to all users.


    Note: Before uploading your updated User list, please remove columns: O (Last Login), P (Created Date) and Q (Deactivated Date).


    Uploading User Data via Automation

    Unimarket also offers customers the ability to update account code data by automatic upload. Speak to your Account Manager for further details.

  • Edit or Delete User

    A Community Administrator or User Administrator have the ability to edit a user's details, manage their Self Approval Level, Roles, and the Buyer Groups and Organization Units a user belongs to.

    Users cannot be deleted within Unimarket, instead, users can be disabled by editing the user and unchecking the Enabled box.

    To edit a user go to the Administration module > Users > find the relevant user by using the search filters at the top of the page and select Edit on the right side of the users name. Once you are happy with your changes click Save.



    Note: When using the search filters, if a user is disabled and/or locked you will need to click More Options  (the down arrow in the middle of the page and to the right of the search filters), remove Enabled from the State filter and select Search for them to appear, as this will now show all states not just enabled.


    The settings are explained below:

    Field Description
    Name, Username, Email The user's details. This email will be used for communicating to the user.
    Enabled Enables / Disables the user.
    External User Management Indicates if the user's details are managed by an external system such as active directory. Enabling this disables user management in Unimarket.
    External User ID Used to hold the user's external ID e.g. the ID they have in the ERP or Finance system.
    Vendor ID Used to hold the user's vendor ID. Only relevant for the Expenses module.
    Default account code If selected you can define the users' default account code. The user can also set this themselves under My Account. This is only relevant if User Default is selected as the 'Default Account Code' type under Administration > Settings > Settings tab. It may also be set to None or Remember Last Used.
    Self Approval Level The user's self approval level i.e. the amount they can approve before the requisition is sent for delegated approval.
    Roles The user's roles. These are used to determine the access and functionality available to the user e.g. 'Buyer', 'View Invoices' and so on. Role description can be found by going to Community Administration > Unimarket User Roles section.
    Buyer Groups The Buyer Groups the user belongs to. Buyer Groups determine which suppliers the user can access.
    Organization Units The user's Organization Units. This can be used to drive approvals and restrict access to account codes.
  • Unimarket User Roles

    Roles are a system of permissions in Unimarket, determining what features a user has access to. These roles help maintain a well functioning purchasing team and allow each community to tailor the needs within the system to each user. Users with the Community Administrator or User Administrator role can assign user roles. 

    To Assign/Edit User Roles

    1. Within the Administration Module, select Users from the menu on the left. 
    2. Search for the User.
    3. Click Edit on the right side of the users name.
    4. Make desired changes to Roles field.
    5. Click Save.


    • If your Users are externally managed, all user roles will be assigned within your finance system.
    • All users will have at least the Marketplace, User and Tasks menus visible.


    Role Module/ Feature Description
    Community Administrator Admin

    NOTE: Users assigned the Community Admin role can switch into other users and make changes if Switch User Edit is enabled. If turned on, the history tab will show data of the actions that were undertaken while a different user was switched in.

    Community Features Admin
    Community Management Admin
    Community Profile Admin
    • Administration menu visible.
    • Manage administrator functions that relate to the community profile such as community name, branding, welcome text, links, community email addresses and more.
    Community Supplier Administrator Admin
    Catalog Reviewer Admin
    • Visibility of all supplier catalogs shared with the community
    • Administration of the Buyer Groups that have visibility of the catalog
    • Accept or decline new and updated catalogs
      • Based on Community Catalog Approval settings
      • Will receive notifications for catalog approval
    • Comment to the suppliers related to their catalogs
    Supplier Request Administrator Admin
    User Administrator Admin
    • Administration menu visible.
    • Manage community users including user details and roles.
    • Cannot allocate a user the Community Administrator role.
    • Manages the Organization settings and Org Units
    • Organization Settings
      • PO terms and Conditions
      • Locations
      • Sharing and Sensitive Transactions settings 
    User Support Admin
    • Allows User to Switch into other users to assist with support.
    • Not able to make changes while switched into other users, including transaction updates or returning a cart from a supplier.
    View Tax Profiles Admin
    • View Tax Profiles (W9/W8BEN forms) submitted by suppliers.
    View Transactions Admin
    • Users with this role can view any transaction (Purchase, Invoice, Expense, Bid Request, Payments etc) throughout the entire community.
    • Without this role, users may only see transactions they are involved in.
    • Gives the user a menu option called Reporting, where they are able to see and run reports on community data.
    • Allows the user to see the Procurement and Performance dashboards.
    Approval Administrator Approvals
    Escalate Approval Approvals
    Contracts Administrator Contracts
    • Allows users to make changes and edit a contract as if they were the owner of the contract without being a member of the contract.
    • Allows users to able to access the Documents and Transactions tabs without being a member.
    Create Contracts Contracts
    • Contracts menu visible.
    • Create new contracts
    • Users would need to have this role assigned to create contracts even if they already have the Community Administrator role.
    • Users are able to view any Contracts they are a member of (not all contracts)
    View Contracts Contracts
    Expense Administrator Expenses
    • Expenses menu visible.
    • Create expense claims.
    • Create expense claims on behalf of other users.
    • User is able to Edit Expense Types, Payment Types, Reimbursement Types and Settings under Expenses.
    Expenses Expenses
    • Expenses menu visible.
    • Create expense claims.
    • Users would need to have this role assigned to create expenses even if they already have the Community Administrator role.
    On Behalf of Expenses Expenses
    Create Buyer Invoices Invoicing
    • Allows Buyers the ability to process invoices which relate to their orders only.
    Create Invoices Invoicing
    • Users with this role can view any transaction (purchase, invoice, expense, bid request, payments etc) throughout the entire community.
    • Reporting menu available and able to create and export reports and transaction runs on the community data.
    • Invoices outside community tolerances (Rejected/On Hold/ Pending Buyer/Requester Approval) - Depending on community settings they can Reject, Force Match, Send for Approval or Cancel an invoice outside tolerance.
    • PO Flip enabled - Use the Order to Invoice feature.
    • Retrofit Invoices enabled - Create invoices for orders not yet in Unimarket for buyer approval.
    • Invoice Inbox enabled - Access and full use of the Invoice Inbox.
    • Users would need to have this role assigned to create invoices even if they already have the Community Administrator role.
    • Can upload Payment Status information
    Browser Procurement
    Buyer Procurement
    Create Blanket Order Procurement
    • Create Blanket Orders.
    • Users require this role to create blanket orders even if they already have the Community Administrator role.
    On Behalf Of Procurement
    On Behalf Of Receiving Procurement
    Over Receiving Procurement
    • Allows users to receive more than the ordered quantity if Over Receiving is enabled.
    RFQ Procurement
    • Initiate simple RFQs with suppliers.
    Bid Request Collaboration Sourcing
    • Sourcing menu is visible.
    • Gives users with the Bid Requests role the ability to select collaborators when creating a bid request.
    Bid Requests Sourcing

  • Buyer Groups

    Buyer Groups are used to determine which buyers can access which suppliers. This is done by creating Buyer Groups and then adding suppliers and buyers to the group. Most communities create a General group which contains all the suppliers that the majority of buyers can purchase from. However, more specific groups like IT can be created if the community wants to restrict specific suppliers to a select number of buyers.

    Note: Both suppliers and buyers can be assigned to more than one Buyer Group.


    Add new Buyer Group

    To add a new buyer group go to the Administration module > Users > Buyer Groups tab and click on Add a Buyer Group. Specify a name for the Buyer Group and an optional description.

    Assign Suppliers to a Buyer Group

    To assign suppliers to a buyer group click on Suppliers next to the relevant buyer group and use the >> buttons to move the desired suppliers into the Selected field.


    Assign Buyers to a Buyer Group

    To assign buyers to a buyer group go to the Administration menu > Users, then find the user and click Edit. Add the relevant buyer group in the Buyer Groups field and click Save.

  • Unlock a User

    For security purposes a user's account will be locked if their password has been entered incorrectly more than five times. If a user becomes locked they will need to contact their Community Administrators or Unimarket support to unlock their account.


    Searching for Locked Users

    To search for locked users go to Administration module > Users. Click the Filters button to show all available filters. You can then change the State filter to Locked and select Apply Filters.


    Unlocking Users

    Community Administrators and User Administrators can also unlock a user's account by editing the user, selecting Unlock.
