• Customer Supplier Request Process - for Premium Suppliers


    Unimarket supports our customers during the life of their contract with onboarding any new premium catalogue or integrated suppliers. Our team will work closely with you and your suppliers to manage the process start to finish.


    To request a new supplier: complete the Premium Supplier Request form via Zendesk (click Contact Us and select the applicable Form)

    Your request will be assigned to your Account Manager who will be in touch with you to discuss the  supplier arrangement, requirements & scope.

    If the supplier onboarding is to proceed, a supplier project will be created by Unimarket and allocated to  team to complete.


    Overview of the request process:



  • Manage Suppliers

    Users with the Community Administrator or Community Supplier Administrator role can manage suppliers. Community suppliers can be managed from the Administration module > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers tab. Administrator can add and remove suppliers from the community, assign buyer groups to their suppliers, update community supplier records, and invite suppliers to join the marketplace.


    Note: The email listed for Supplier Profile Changes will be notified when suppliers make any updates to their profile.


    Manage Suppliers 

    The Manage Suppliers screen provides an overview of the suppliers enabled within the community, including the status of the supplier registration, if they have provided the information requested and their current state. It also provides the ability to search your suppliers.

    The columns included in the supplier list are:

    Supplier The Supplier ID (or Vendor ID) for your finance system.
    This is used to match orders and invoices to the correct Vendor in your system.
    Supplier ID The Supplier ID (or Vendor ID) for your finance system. This is used to match orders and invoices to the correct Vendor in your system.
    Requirements Communities can request specific information from suppliers when they register. Communities can decide if they want to connect the supplier to their community or if they want to wait until all the requirements are complete. (To view the status you can hover over the Requirements column for the specified supplier.)
    State The State indicates if the supplier is Connected, Disconnected or Pending with the community. (The supplier must be connected for trading to occur. The list of suppliers will be filtered for Connected suppliers by default.)
    Type The type identifies if a supplier is Premium, Registered, or Lite.
    Last Supplier Update The date when the supplier last updated their details in Unimarket.
    Last Community Update The date when the community last updated the supplier details in Unimarket.


    Filter and Export

    Manage Suppliers Filters.jpg


    To open all available filters click on the Filters button. Once you have selected the filters required, click Search to apply the filter. 

    Manage Suppliers Open Filters.jpg


    The currently filtered list of suppliers can be exported in a CSV format. To do this click on the Export button and select Export.


    Manage Suppliers Export.jpg


  • Viewing A Supplier Invite

    After a supplier invite is sent out Community Administrators and Supplier Administrators can can view the invite information by going to Admin > Suppliers > Invitations. 


    On this page you can view the Supplier Name, Email, Supplier ID, date the invite was created, date the invite was sent, the state of the invite (New, Accepted, or Canceled) and you can click on View on the right side to open the invite and see more details. 


    From View, you will see the details that were entered for the supplier when the invitation was created including the user that created/triggered the invite. You can hover over the Requirements Icon to see the requirements that were requested at the time of the invite as well as the status of the requirements if the invitation has been accepted by the supplier. 

    The invite link that was sent to the supplier is also available on this page. If you would like to send the supplier a more personalized message with the invite link you can copy and paste it from here into your message. 

    Note: The invite link is specific to the company it was sent to and it should only be shared with that company. Regardless of the email address the invite was sent to, any user at the company can click the Invitation Link and action the registration. 



  • Inviting Suppliers to Register - Upload

    The Invitations tab can be found in the Administration module > Suppliers > Invitations. On this tab users with the Community Administrator or Community Supplier Administrator role can invite suppliers to register within Unimarket.


    If you are uploading multiple suppliers at once, this method may be easier than individually inviting them in Unimarket, which is ideal for one or two suppliers. 


    Upload and Invite Suppliers

    • Navigate to the Invitations tab. Click on Invite New Suppliers.
      You will be able to customize the look & feel and content of your invitation. This allows you to  create relevant branding/visual awareness and interest and include any important information that suppliers should know while registering.
    • Subject: add detail of what you want your email subject to be.
    • Banner: insert an image of your choice, which displays across the top of the invitation.
      • Banner size must be less than 10MB and no larger than 900 pixels wide and 400 pixels high.
    • Title: add a title to appear under the banner.
    • Body: you can update the default text to include any relevant information as required

    • Example:


    Once you have made your updates, you can click Preview, Help or Save.

        • Preview  will show you how the Body of your message will look to suppliers.
        • Help gives you extra information about the formatting options.
        • Save will permanently save your message and be used for future supplier invitations (until you update and save again)

    1. Select Upload a list of suppliers and click Download Template to attain the Supplier Invite Upload Template.


      • Details of the required data in the Supplier Invite Upload Template are below:

        Column Type Mandatory Comments
        Email Text Y Must be a valid email address
        Company Text N  
        Supplier Invitation ID Text N Can be anything alphanumeric
        Vendor ID Text N  
        First Name
        Text N  
        Last Name Text N  
        Buyer Groups Text N  
        Tags Text N  
        Search Terms Text N  
        Require Tax Profile Text Y Valid values are True/False, Yes/No or Y/N
        Require Bank Account  Text N Valid values are True/False, Yes/No or Y/N
        Require Bank Account Proof Text N Valid values are True/False, Yes/No or Y/N
        Require Insurance Certificate Text N Valid values are True/False, Yes/No or Y/N
        Auto Connect Text Y Valid values are True/False, Yes/No or Y/N
        Supplier  Invitation ID Supplier Invitation ID          N This is a Supplier Invitation ID. This is used to lookup existing supplier invitations.
        Cancel Invitation Text N Valid values are 'Y' or Blank
    2. Complete all of the supplier details and save the template as a CSV file.

    3. Click Browse, and select the CSV file and click Upload.

    4. When all the suppliers have been uploaded successfully click OK which will trigger the invite(s) to be sent out to the supplier(s) listed.

    Once the invitations are sent the registration status of the suppliers can be tracked from the Invitations tab.


  • Inviting Suppliers To Register - Manually

    Suppliers can be invited by users with the Community Administrator or Community Supplier Administrator roles by going to the Administration module > Suppliers > Invitations tab. 

    If you only have one or two suppliers you would like to add, this method may be easier than uploading them using a CSV file, which is ideal for bulk entries.


    Manually Inviting Suppliersinvite.png

    1. Navigate to the Invitations tab. 
    • Click on Invite New Suppliers.
      You will be able to customize the look & feel and content of your invitation. This allows you to  create relevant branding/visual awareness and interest and include any important information that suppliers should know while registering.
    • Subject: add detail of what you want your email subject to be.
    • Banner: insert an image of your choice, which displays across the top of the invitation.
      • Banner size must be less than 10MB and no larger than 900 pixels wide and 400 pixels high.
    • Title: add a title to appear under the banner.
    • Body: you can update the default text to include any relevant information as required

    • Example:


    Once you have made your updates, you can click Preview, Help or Save.

        • Preview  will show you how the Body of your message will look to suppliers.
        • Help gives you extra information about the formatting options.
        • Save will permanently save your message and be used for future supplier invitations (until you update and save again).

    2. Click Enter a supplier manually and a pop up window will appear to enter the suppliers details.

    1. Click Add after you have entered the details or Add More if you want to enter another suppliers information.
    2. When all the suppliers have been uploaded successfully click OK.
    3. Once the invitations are sent the registration status of the suppliers can be tracked from the Invitations tab.

    Re-sending Invitations

    To resend an invitation to a supplier who has not yet accepted their invitation to register, find the supplier under the list of suppliers in Invitations. You can filter only the suppliers who have not yet accepted by selecting New in the state filter and clicking Search. To resend the invitation check the box next to the suppliers and click Resend.

    Resend Supplier Invitation NEW.jpg

    For details on how to upload supplier invitations in bulk via a CSV file see Inviting Suppliers To Register - Upload.

  • Supplier Self-Registration

    Users with the Community Administrator or Community Supplier Administrator role can allow Supplier Self-Registration. This enables a community registration page where your suppliers can register and supply their company and tax details.

    To enable your community specific supplier self-registration page go to the Administration module > Administration > Suppliers > Registration tab, select the Enabled checkbox, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save. Once saved the self-registration page can be previewed by clicking on a link located underneath the Enabled checkbox.

    Supplier Registration Guide.jpg

    The Description field allows the community to define a description that will display on the supplier registration page e.g. "Welcome to University X, we require all our suppliers to register and provide their details before trading. Please register and...".

    Default Supplier Settings

    Field Description
    Require Company Profile If enabled, suppliers are instructed that they must complete their Company Profile before they will be connected to the community for trading.
    Require Bank Account If enabled, suppliers are instructed that they must provide their bank account details before they will be connected to the community for trading.
    Require Bank Account Proof If enabled, suppliers are instructed that they must provide their bank account proof (eg a bank statement or Deposit slip) before they will be connected to the community for trading.
    Require Tax Profile If enabled, suppliers are instructed that they must complete their W9 / W8 tax profile before they will be connected to the community for trading (this is US only).
    Require Premium

    If enabled, suppliers are instructed that the community would like them to register and upgrade to Premium.

    Require Insurance Certificate

    If Enabled suppliers are instructed that they must upload an Insurance Certificate before they will be connected to the community for trading.

    Auto Connect Supplier If enabled, suppliers will be automatically connected to the community when the above criteria are met. This is disabled by default meaning suppliers need to be connected manually from the Manage Suppliers screen.
    Allow Foreign Currencies If enabled, suppliers can change the transacting currency on the self-register page. If your Community does not allow transacting in other currencies, this can be Disabled and suppliers registering cannot change the default currency of the Community.
  • Resend, Edit or Cancel a Supplier Invitation

    Once a supplier invitation has been sent out to prospect Suppliers either by Inviting Suppliers To Register Manually or Invitation through Upload the Community Administrator or Community Supplier Administrator have the options to either Resend, Edit or Cancel the invitation sent. 

    Resend a Supplier Invitation 

    To resend an invitation to a supplier who has not yet accepted their invitation to register, find the supplier under the list of suppliers in Administration module > Suppliers > Invitations tab. You can filter only the suppliers who have not yet accepted by selecting New in the state filter and clicking Search. To resend the invitation check the box next to the suppliers and click Resend.


    Resend Supplier Invitation.jpg

    Edit a Supplier Invitation 

    When a supplier requests that their invitation is to be resent to a different email address, the Edit Supplier Invitation function is a useful tool for this. Similar to the above steps of accessing the invitations go to Administration module > Suppliers > Invitations tab and use Search to find the specific invitation to be edited. Click View and once within the View invitation screen, select More Actions > Resend

    More Actions Resend.jpg

    In the succeeding screen, the Edit option is available before Resending the supplier invitation where the details including Email, Vendor ID, Requirements etc. can be edited before resending. 

    Edit before Resend.jpg

    Cancel a Supplier Invitation 

    For various reasons, a Supplier Invitation may need to be Cancelled. And to do this, simply navigate to the invitations by going to Administration module > Suppliers > Invitations tab and use Search to find the specific invitation to be cancelled. Click View and once within the View invitation screen, select More Actions > Cancel. When an invitation is cancelled the supplier the link will no longer be valid and supplier will not be able to register.

  • Resending Supplier Invitations

    To resend an invitation to a supplier who has not yet accepted their invitation to register, find the supplier on the Invitations tab, which can be found in the Administration module > Suppliers > Invitations. You can filter the list for suppliers who have not yet accepted by selecting New in the State field. To resend the invitation, check the box next to the suppliers and click Resend.


    Alternatively, resending invites can be done in bulk, similar to how supplier invites are loaded. If the Supplier Invitation ID in the file matches an existing supplier invite, the same invitation URL will be resent instead of creating a new record.

    Resending Invitations - Upload

    1. Navigate to the Invitations tab. Click on Invite New Suppliers.
      • Customise the message that is included in the invitation resent, so suppliers are aware that they have yet accepted the registration invite and need to action it at their convenience.
    2. Select Upload a list of suppliers and click Download Template to attain the Supplier Invite Upload Template.
    3. Complete all of the supplier details and save the template as a CSV file. Make sure you are including the Supplier Invitation ID associated with each supplier so the system treats it as a resent. 
    4. Click Browse, and select the CSV file and click Upload.
    5. When all the suppliers have been uploaded successfully click OK which will trigger the invite(s) to be resent to the supplier(s) listed.

    Resending Invitations - Invitation Export

    Another way for invites to be resent is to use an export of current invitations that have not yet been accepted by the suppliers. 

    In the Invitations tab, change the State to New and select Search, then click on the down arrow next to the Search button and hit Export. Download said export, then upload the file like you would if it was a bulk invitation upload. 



  • How to Locate User that Triggered a Supplier Invite

    Go to Administration module > Click Suppliers >Select Invitations >Enter supplier name in Supplier Name field > Select date in Sent Date field


    Note: You can customize dates by selecting Customize Date box.


    Select Search > Click on View in line item > Select View Supplier Request


  • Uploading Lite Suppliers

    A Lite Supplier is a set of details for a supplier you wish to purchase from. These details, including the purchase order email address, are uploaded and managed by your Community Administrator. This means the supplier has no access to Unimarket however, buyers are able to create POs with manually entered (non-catalog) items to send via email.

    If you are uploading a lot of Lite Suppliers at once, this method may be easier than manually entering them one at a time in Unimarket, which is ideal if its only one or two suppliers. 

    You can read below to find out more information on Uploading Lite Suppliers or watch this short video:

    Uploading Lite Suppliers

    1. Go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Create Lite.
    2. Download the Lite Supplier Template CSV and enter the Lite Suppliers details.

      Details of the required information in the Supplier Load Template are below:
      Column Mandatory Length Comments
      Company Y 255 The name of the Lite Supplier in Unimarket
      Contact Name N 255  
      Contact Email N 255  
      Contact Phone N 20  
      Order Email N 255  
      Address Line 1 N 200  
      Address Line 2 N 200  
      Address Line 3 N 200  
      City N 200  
      State N 200
      Must be blank or match a valid region/state name or code.
      Zip N 20 Zip/Postcode
      Country N 200
      Must match the 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code (eg "US", "NZ", "AU") or the full name (eg "New Zealand").
      Remittance Address Line 1 N 200  
      Remittance Address Line 2 N 200  
      Remittance Address Line 3 N 200  
      Remittance City N 200  
      Remittance State N 200
      Must be blank or match a valid region/state name or code.
      Remittance Zip N 20 Zip/Postcode
      Remittance Country N 200
      Must match the 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code (eg "US", "NZ", "AU") or the full name (eg "New Zealand").
      Account Number N 255  
      Vendor Number N 255  
      Tax Number N 255  
      Currency Y 3
      3-letter currency code, eg USD, NZD, AUD
      Group Names N  
      Comma separated list of existing Buyer Group names
      Tags N  
      Comma separated list of existing Tag names
      Search Terms N 1000
      Comma separated list of existing or new Search Terms
    3. Once you have all the supplier details in the CSV file save it.
    4. Click browse and select the CSV file and click Upload.
    5. Once uploaded, verify all requirements are met by clicking the Refresh option near the bottom of the page. This will check the imported items for any errors. Correct any errors at this time and choose Refresh until all lite suppliers are marked as Ready.
    6. Once all lite suppliers are imported and verified, select Create to publish your lite suppliers.


    Status of the Lite Supplier Creation

    • Unprocessed - the supplier details were loaded but have not yet been validated. Selecting the supplier with the check box and clicking the Create or Refresh options at the bottom of the page will process the validation.
    • Error - the supplier information has been processed and there is an error in the validation of the supplier details. Errors can represent an insufficient number of characters for a zip code, a bad currency code, or anything related to the required fields. If the country (not required) is defined for the address, then the system will ask for the Street 1, City, State and Zip code to be entered.
    • Duplicate - the supplier name matches another supplier in your system. This is often because the supplier received a notification to become a registered supplier. The matched duplicate will appear in a drop-down menu allowing you to verify and clean up any duplicates found.
    • Ready - after selecting Refresh, the validation process has passed and no errors were found. The supplier is now ready to be created by selecting the supplier and clicking the Create button at the bottom of the screen.


    • For the address, if any part is entered then the entire address must be valid.
    • Buyer Group Names must reference a group you have setup in the system. (Setup groups)
    • Tags must reference existing Tag names in the system. (Setup Tags)
  • Creating Lite Suppliers

    A Lite Supplier is a set of details for a supplier you wish to purchase from. These details, including the purchase order and email address, are entered or uploaded and managed by users with the Community Administrator or Community Supplier Administrator role. This means the supplier has no access to Unimarket. However, buyers are able to create a non-catalog, to send via email.

    You can read below to find out more information on Creating Lite Suppliers or watch this short video:


    If you only have one or two Lite Suppliers to add, this method may be easier than uploading them using a CSV file, which is better for bulk entries. See steps below for instructions:

    Creating a Lite Supplier

    1. Go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Create Lite tab.
    2. Click +Create Lite Supplier.createlite.png
    3. A pop up window will appear where you can enter the suppliers details.
    4. The Company and Currency fields are required. If you want orders placed in Unimarket to be sent to the supplier, you will need to enter an Order Email address.

    5. Click Add to finish or Add More if you would like to enter additional Lite Suppliers.


    • For the address, if any part is entered then the entire address must be valid.
    • Buyer Group Names must reference a group you have setup in the community. (Setup groups)
    • Tags must reference existing Tag names in the system. (Setup Tags)
  • Editing a Supplier

    Each supplier (both Registered and Lite) has individual settings which can be configured by users with the Community Administrator or Community Supplier Administrator roles.

    To edit these settings go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers tab. The filters at the top of the page will help you search to find specific vendors. Locate and click the name of the supplier you wish to open to review or update. 

    Manage Suppliers .jpg


    Profile Tab

    When a supplier is opened on the Manage Supplier page, you will be taken to the Profile tab displaying the Supplier ID, Company or Trading Name, and Legal Business Name at the top and further details broken down into sections. To update the details or override what has been provided by your supplier in this tab, click Edit on the right hand side.

    Also, from each supplier you can click on the More Actions Menu on the right hand side and you will see the option for Supplier Store which will take you to the suppliers store in the Marketplace.


    Note: If the supplier is a Lite Supplier or has integration enabled, there will also be individual Lite Supplier or Integration tabs.



    If you see an exclamation on the Profile tab that means there is a variation between what your community has entered and what the supplier has entered for a field. You can click on View Variations and you will see what the supplier has entered in this field. If you think this should be how it is entered in your community you can press Use Supplier Data to transfer in what the supplier has entered in this field and then press Save.


    Company Details

    Field Definition
    Supplier ID The Vendor Number from your finance system. Used to match the orders to the correct vendor in your system.
    Company and Trading Name The Suppliers Trading as Name.
    Legal Business Name The legally registered name of the supplier.
    Business Number (NZBN) New Zealand Only.  A unique number allocated in businesses in New Zealand.


    Note: To ensure all suppliers in Unimarket are matched up with a corresponding supplier in your finance system they need to share the same ID. This can be done by populating the Vendor ID field on the Community tab with the ID from your Finance system.

    Tax Details

    NZ Communities will see the GST number if this has been entered by the supplier.

    AU Communities will see the ABN number if this has been entered by the supplier.

    US Communities will see the Tax Identification Type and Tax Identification Number if this has been entered by the supplier.



    In the About section, Communities can see general information provided by the supplier including, UNSPSC Categories Supplied, Default [UNSPSC] Category, Regions Supplied, a short Description of products and services provided. A Company URL, Affiliated Purchasing Agreements the supplier may be part of and if the supplier is an EEO/AA Employer (US Only).


    Settings Tab

     The Settings tab allows Communities to adjust options on an individual supplier instead of across the entire Community.

    Supplier Settings 2.jpg


    Field Definition
    Buyer Groups Used to determine which buyers can purchase from which suppliers (See: The Buyer Groups article for more information).
    Price Estimate Allows Buyers to create non-catalog items with price estimates.
    Allow RFQ Allows Buyers to Request For Quote from the supplier
    Allow Non-Catalog Purchasing Allows Buyers Buyers to Purchase Non-Catalog products from the supplier.
    Blanket Orders Allows Buyers to create blanket orders for this supplier
    Auto-Receiving Allows Buyers to decide whether purchase orders should be auto-received.
    Auto-Receiving Threshold Allows a threshold to be specified so that all orders for this supplier below the threshold will be auto-received.
    Supplier Search Terms Specify keywords associated with the supplier to making searching for the supplier and their products easier for your buyers.
    Supplier Tags Tags used to label suppliers and apply a search boost to suppliers with that label. 
    Catalog Approval When checked, catalog approvals are required for this supplier. 
    Payment Term This determines the default payment term used for invoices for this supplier.
    Account Number An Account Number can be entered here, which the supplier can use to determine your account with them on your Purchase Orders. The Account number will appear on the Purchase Order PDF.

    Default Justification Type

    This field will default to the community set default but if there is a supplier specific justification form that should be used it can be selected here.

    Default Contract

    Select default contract if there is one that applies.

    Allow Off Contract Spend

    Enable or disable the Allow Off Contract Spend option specifically for this supplier or select Default to use the Community Default.

    Enable: Supplier has Allow Off Contract Spend regardless of Community level setting.

    Disable: Supplier does not have Allow Off Contract Spend regardless of Community level setting. 

    Default: The supplier will use your Community level setting.

    Manual Approval Escalation

    Allow users with the Escalate Approval role to manually escalate approvals for this supplier.

    Enable: Enable manual approval escalation functionality for this supplier.

    Disable: Disable manual approval escalation functionality for this supplier.

    Default: Use the default manual approval escalation setting that is defined for the community.

    If you have enabled Payment Terms you are able set the default payment term on a supplier if it differs from the Community wide default.


    The community can specify buyer purchasing instructions in the Description field for the supplier as well as an Alert and Links that will show on the supplier's specific marketplace page.


    Invoice Matching

    This information is used to define supplier specific matching rules if the community default is not required. 



    Contacts Tab

    The Contacts tab will display all available contacts and denote which contact is the supplier contact. Users with the Supplier Administrator and Community Administrator role can Switch To Advanced Mode by clicking the toggle in the right hand corner of the page.

    Note: Updating the Contact does not effect the email where a PO or other supplier notifications are sent from Unimarket. That information is displayed on the Emails tab. 



    This will allow Administrators to  set a Community Default contact for the supplier as well as add contact information if the supplier is unable to.


    To add a new Contact click Add Contact in the right hand corner and enter the name, phone number and email address.

    To update the default contact information for your Community click Actions next to the contact and select Set as Default. Administrators can also edit or delete contacts created and managed by the community.


    Emails Tab

    The emails tab will display the suppliers contact information for different types of notifications from within Unimarket.


    Addresses Tab

    The Addresses tab displays the Physical, Mailing and Remittance Addresses for the supplier.


    Switching to Advanced Mode allows Administrators to add Remittance Addresses by clicking Add Address and filling out the address details in the pop-up and selecting Add when complete.


    Note: The remittance address Code is a unique code used to internally identify this address and should match the address codes in your finance or ERP system.

    If your community is utilizing the Remittance Address Code for integration purposes on invoice integration, please check with your IT team, integration team or Unimarket support on the formatting standards for your ERP's remittance address codes.


    Editing a Supplier 1a.png

    After you have added an additional address you are able to click Actions and select Set as Default to update the Community Default Remittance address.



    Documents Tab

    The Documents Tab displays any documents that the supplier has uploaded. If needed a Community Admin or Community Supplier Admin can add documents on the Documents tab by clicking +Add Document button and completing the pop up.


    Payments Tab

    The Payments Tab will show the payment information entered by the supplier such as their bank details and credit card information if they accept payment this way. If needed a Community Admins or Community Supplier Admins can add payment information by clicking Edit.


    Transactions Tab

    The Transactions tab allows for easy access to Requisitions, Orders, and Invoices with the supplier. 

    History Tab

    The History tab allows Community Admins and Supplier Admins access to view both an Audit History tab and an Event History tab. The Audit History will show changes made to the supplier detailing the user with the date and time. You are able to filter the Audit History tab by user and date. The Event History will show users who Connected or Disconnected the Supplier from the Community.

    Comments Tab

    The comments tab will show comments between you and the supplier. These comments fall into two types: Messages sent from the Community to the Supplier (or vice versa) and automatic notifications regarding updates.


    Note: The email listed for Supplier Profile Changes will be notified any time a supplier makes any updates to their profile.


  • How To Prevent Suppliers From Registering With Foreign Currencies

    If your community would like to only allow your countries currency be used by suppliers when they are registering you can go to Administration module > select Suppliers > click Registration tab > under the Default Supplier Setting, uncheck the Allow Foreign Currencies box. 


    To streamline your supplier registration process and ensure compliance with using your country's currency, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Administration module within your system
    2. Select Suppliers 
    3. Click on the Registration tab
    4. Locate the Default Supplier Settings section
    5. Uncheck the box labeled Allow Foreign Currencies

    By implementing this change, you'll restrict suppliers to using only your country's currency during registration.



    If you uncheck the Allow Foreign Currencies box, any new registrations that go out will not allow suppliers to select any other than your countries currency.


  • Supplier Documents

    Communities are able to load documents against suppliers on the Documents Tab which you can get to by going to Administration > Suppliers > Search and click into specific supplier > Documents tab.


    Inactive Documents

    By default the option Active Documents Only is enabled. When documents are deleted by the Community or the Supplier they will be marked Inactive.

    To see these documents uncheck Active Documents Only.


    Viewing Attachments

    To view the attachment(s) loaded with a document you can click on the paperclip icon to open the below pop-up. This will allow you to view (click on the eyeball icon) or download (click on the down arrow) the attachment(s).



    Adding Documents

    To add a new document to the supplier you will need to go to the Documents tab and click +Add Document found above the Active Documents Only check box.


    Here you can enter the Purpose, Valid From Date, Valid To Date, check Show to Buyers box to enable it to be viewed by buyers and any Attachments. The Purpose field and attachment field are mandatory. 

    Upon successful upload, notifications will be sent out to:

    • Community Supplier Admin role.
    • It gets posted to Supplier Comments and an email goes out to the Supplier Comments email (or the default if not specified) from the suppliers account. (See the Supplier Help article for Create, Edit & Assign Supplier Contacts for more information on this).
  • Convert Lite Supplier to Registered

    This function is available to allow Communities to manually upgrade a supplier who has been initially set-up as Lite Supplier to a Registered Supplier account.

    Where this applies:

    The registered/premium suppliers must meet the following conditions:

    - Not already be in the Community

    - Match the same currency as the lite supplier

    - Be enabled

    (i.e. the functionality allows a customer to upgrade a supplier they have as type Lite, to an existing supplier with a Registered supplier profile/store).


    The action is available to Community Administrator and Community Supplier Administrator, in the supplier's account within the Administration module.


    Within the Administration module, go to Suppliers and search the Lite supplier you would like to convert. Within their Supplier Profile, select More Actions > Convert to Registered

    Convert to Registered.jpg


    It will then open the Search supplier window to search for the Registered account you'd like to upgrade.

    The Supplier address, currency and Tax Identification number will be shown to use as a match to the Lite account. 

    A reason is required to be entered, otherwise the OK button is disabled.

    Note: You can only convert a Lite supplier who does not have a Registered account in the Community. Any suppliers already in the community irrespective of state (Connected, Disconnected or Pending) is greyed out and unavailable for selection.


    A succeeding confirmation to merge Suppliers will be prompted to complete the conversion, a final reminder that this action cannot be undone and the Lite account will be merged to the Registered account.

    Merge Supplier.jpg






  • Requesting a New Supplier - Browser/Buyer Role

    If this feature has been enabled for your community, users have the ability to request a new supplier or request access to an existing supplier from the Unimarket Directory.


    Requesting a New Supplier

    A user must have the Browser or Buyer role to be able to request a new supplier.


    Note: Community Administrators do not have this feature as they can create supplier invitations to register directly without having to submit a request.


    Go to the Marketplace module and select Request Supplier under Purchasing.




    Select Request Supplier under Search or Add a New Supplier, enter the required information and click Send Request.


    Request a Supplier.jpg

    Users with the Supplier Request Administrator role are notified via email of the new supplier request and they can action it by approving or declining the request. While the request is under review the status will be listed as Pending.


    Status Definitions

    Pending – The request is under review by a Supplier Request or Community Administrator.

    Accepted – The request has been approved and an invitation has been sent to either the supplier’s email address provided in the Supplier Request form or, the email address specified by the existing supplier.

    Completed – Supplier has completed the registration and the registration is under review (Pending status on Supplier Administration page). Once the supplier is Connected, the requesting user will receive the email notification that the supplier is available.

    Declined – The request has been declined. An email notification will also be sent to you if your request is declined with the reason provided.

    Deleted – This request has been deleted by the requesting user (only the requesting user can Delete a request).


    Email Notifications

    When the supplier is connected and available to trade with you will receive an email notification.

  • Enabling Supplier Requests

    This is an optional Community feature that allows users to request for new suppliers to be connected to the Community. Once a user requests a new supplier to Unimarket or requests access to an existing supplier, any user with the Supplier Request Administrator role is notified via email and a task will appear within their Tasks menu for them to approve or decline the request.

    Users who have the Community Administration or Community Features role have access to the Community settings where this feature is enabled.


    Note: Community Administrators do not have this feature, as they can create new supplier invitations to register directly without the need to submit a request for approval.


    To enable this feature:

    • Log in to Unimarket.
    • Go to the Administration module and click on Settings.
    • On the Settings tab, under Community Users Settings, click the Enable users to request suppliers checkbox.


  • How to Approve/Decline a Supplier Request

    When users create requests for a new or existing supplier to be connected to the Community, users with the Supplier Request Administrator or Community Administrator role will receive the request task. They are notified via email of the Supplier request and a task will appear in their Tasks menu. 


    Approving/Decline a New Supplier Request

    • Select Supplier Requests from the Tasks menu and ensure the State search filter is set to Pending.


    Note: Users can request New Suppliers or Request Access to a Supplier from the Unimarket Directory. Requests for access to existing suppliers already in the Unimarket Directory will display Unimarket in the Type column and new supplier requests will display New.
    • Click on the supplier name and a pop-up window will appear with the supplier details.
    • Enter any notes needed in the comments box and select either Accept or Decline.


    • If the Supplier Request Administrator or Community Administration user has accepted the request they will be taken to the Add Supplier pop-up window. The supplier information is already populated and the supplier requirements can be set.
    Note: If the request is declined the end user will be sent a notification by email including the reason provided in the comments.



    • Once the requirements are set, click Add and an email invitation will be automatically sent to the Supplier asking them to register.
    • The Status will also change to Accepted in the Supplier Requests page.
    • When the Supplier has accepted the invitation, completed the registration and met the requirements, you will receive a notification to review and validate the information provided by the newly requested supplier.
    • To finalize the connection to the new supplier select Suppliers from the Administration module, change the State search filter to Pending and click Search.
    • Open the supplier profile by clicking on the supplier name and select +Connect from the More Actions menu on the top right right of the screen.
    • Once connected the end user will be notified via email.
    Note: If no buyer groups are selected this will need to be added later via the Supplier Administration page. For more on updating suppliers see Editing a Supplier.


    Status Definitions

    Pending – The request is under review by a Supplier Request or Community Administrator.

    Accepted – The request has been approved and an invitation has been sent to either the supplier’s email address provided in the Supplier Request form or, the email address specified by the existing supplier.

    Completed – Supplier has completed the registration and the registration is under review (Pending status on Supplier Administration page). Once the supplier is Connected, the requesting user will receive the email notification that the supplier is available.

    Declined – The request has been declined. An email notification will also be sent to you if your request is declined with the reason provided.

    Deleted – This request has been deleted by the requesting user (only the requesting user can Delete a request).

  • Requesting Access to an Existing Supplier from the Unimarket Directory

    If the Supplier Request feature has been enabled for your community, buyers and browsers have the ability to request a new supplier from the Unimarket Directory.

    Requesting Access to an Existing Supplier from the Unimarket Directory

    Community Administrators do not have this feature as they can create a supplier invitation to register directly and there is no need to submit a request for approval.

    1. Go to the Marketplace module and select Request Supplier under Purchasing.
    2. Select Search Existing Supplier under Search or Add a New Supplier.
    3. Type in key words to find the desired supplier.
    4. Choose the supplier from the drop-down menu.
    5. Select the user you are sending the request to and enter your reason.search.png
    6. Once you are happy select Send Request and a notification will be sent to the users that can manage the request.
    7. While the request is under review the status will be listed as Pending.


    Status Definitions

    Pending – The request is under review by a Supplier Request or Community Administrator.

    Accepted – The request has been approved and an invitation has been sent to either the supplier’s email address provided in the Supplier Request form or, the email address specified by the existing supplier.

    Completed – Supplier has completed the registration and the registration is under review (Pending status on Supplier Administration page). Once the supplier is Connected, the requesting user will receive the email notification that the supplier is available.

    Declined – The request has been declined. An email notification will also be sent to you if your request is declined with the reason provided.

    Deleted – This request has been deleted by the requesting user (only the requesting user can Delete a request).


    Email Notifications

    When the supplier is connected and available to trade with you will receive an email notification.

  • Searching Suppliers in the Unimarket Directory

    The Unimarket Directory allows users with the Community Administrator or Supplier Administrator Roles to view a list of all Registered and Premium Suppliers within Unimarket. 

    You can access the Unimarket Directory from the Marketplace module under Marketplace or from the Actions in the top right on the Manage Suppliers page from the Administration module.

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    On the Unimarket Directory you are able to search by name or filter the list by Supplier Access.



  • Tags

    Tags can be found in the Administration module > Settings > Management tab > Tags tab. Tags can be assigned to Suppliers, Products or to Invoice Stubs. Once a Supplier Tag has been created, it can then be added to a Guided Buying Collection.

    Tags allow Communities to group Suppliers by categories into Guided Buying Collections like 'Office Supplies'. Tags also allow Suppliers to be grouped into broader cross-cutting categories such as 'Sustainable' or 'Preferred'. 

    Product Tags remain visible on the product throughout the purchasing process so items can be easily categorized during checkout and approval.

    Communities can also apply a Boost to Supplier and Product Tag so that any Supplier or Product with the tag will be boosted in the search results. For example, if the 'Preferred' tag is boosted then any supplier meeting the search criteria AND tagged with 'Preferred' will appear at the top.

    Tags can also be used to assist Accounts Payable with managing invoices sent to the Unimarket Invoice Inbox.  The invoice stub can be assigned Tags to help identify who within Accounts Payable is responsible for reviewing the invoice.


    Creating/Adding Tags


    To create a Tag Select Add Tag under the Search button.

    Select the Type, enter the Name, a Description and choose the Color of Tag. Click Add More if you wish to create additional Tags, Click Add to create the Tag and close this pop-up.

    Note: The Supplier and Product Type of tag requires you to choose a Boost level to provide priority to tagged Suppliers and Products when searching.


    Assigning Tags

    Supplier Tags can be assigned by a Community Administrator, or Supplier Administrator by Editing a Supplier.  In the Administrator module select Suppliers. Key in the supplier's name and select. Click the Settings tab. Under the Purchasing section, supplier tags can be entered.

    Once a Supplier Tag has been created, that Supplier Tag can be added to your Guided Buying Collections. See here for more information on Guided Buying



    Product Tags can be assigned by a Community Administrator or Supplier Administrator by viewing the catalog in the Marketplace and press the three dots on the right side of Add To Cart and then pressing Manage Tags. 


    Invoice Tags can be assigned by Users with the Create Invoices role to the individual “Invoice Stubs” in the Invoice Inbox. Select the three dots, click Manage Tabs.



  • Sending Messages to Suppliers

    Users with the Community Administrator or Community Supplier Administrator role can send messages to multiple or individual suppliers. You can view previous messages between your community and a supplier on the comments tab for each supplier.

    Multiple Suppliers

    1. Go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers and select Bulk Change from the drop down menu in the Export button.

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    1. Choose which suppliers you will send a message to.
      Note: Lite suppliers will appear grayed out and although the checkbox is selected the message will not be sent to them, as lite suppliers do not have a store in Unimarket that they can login to for them to view or respond to the message.
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    2. Select Continue and select Create Comment.Bulk Supplier Change Create Comment.jpg
    3. Select Continue again and a Comment box will appear to enter the message you wish to post to all the selected suppliers.Bulk Change Add Comment.jpg
    4. Select Continue, review the suppliers you are sending the message to and select Finish.

    Your message will now be sent to the selected Suppliers via email. The email will be sent from the email address of the user who created the message. This message will also be visible in the Comments tab for each supplier. 


    Individual Suppliers

    1. Go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers.
    2. You will then need to locate the supplier using the search filters, click on the suppliers name to open the supplier and go to the Comments tab.
    3. Click +Add Comment and a pop up text box will appear where you enter the message you would like to send.
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    4. Click Send once you have reviewed your message and it will be sent to the supplier from your email address. If the supplier replies within Unimarket by creating another comment, it will be sent to the community email address entered in the community profile settings. However, if they reply directly to the email, it will come back to your email address. For more information on profile settings see Community Profile.

    You can view the message history for each supplier by going to the Manage Suppliers tab, clicking on the supplier name and going to the Comments tab.comment.png

  • Supplier Search Terms

    Suppliers can be assigned Search Terms that allow them to be returned in searches where the buyer or browser is using the Search bar at the top of the page. Users with the Community or Supplier Administrator role have the ability to add these search terms to supplier profiles.

    If a buyer searches for the words 'Printer Paper', Unimarket will return results that include any products that match that search along with any suppliers who have those search terms assigned to them. This means that suppliers who don't have a hosted catalog, therefore no products that would show up in the search, can still be captured.

    You can read below to find out more information on Search Terms or watch this short video:

    Adding Search Terms - Individual Lite Supplier

    1. Go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Create Lite.
    2. Click +Create Lite Supplier
    3. A pop up window will appear where you can enter the suppliers details.
    4. Click on the Search Terms field to view a list of current search terms and select from the list or,
    5. If the search term you need is not part of the current search term list, type in the appropriate search term and it will now appear as an option which you need to select.
    6. Click Add or, if you are adding another supplier click Add More to open up a new supplier detail screen. Once you have added the supplier this will save any new search terms you have created.

    Adding Search Terms - Current Supplier

    1. Go to the Administration module > SuppliersManage Suppliers
    2. Search for and click on the name of supplier you wish to update
    3. Go to the Settings tab
    4. Scroll down to and click on the Search Terms field to view a list of current search terms and select from the list or,
    5. If the search term you need is not part of the current list, type in the appropriate search term and it will now appear as an option which you need to select.
    6. Click Save and this will save any new Search Terms you have created and the changes you have made to the supplier.
  • Disconnecting a Supplier

    If your community would no longer like to transact with a supplier, they can be disconnected to remove them from your connected supplier list. Community Admins and Community Supplier Admins can do this by:

    • Go to the Administration module and select Suppliers.
    • Locate the Supplier.
    • Click on the Suppliers name.
    • Click More Actions (right side of screen) and select Disconnect.



    Note: If you would like to leave the supplier connected, but wish to stop users from initiating transactions with them, simply remove the supplier from any Buyer Groups on the Settings tab of the supplier profile.


  • ISO Country Codes

    What is an ISO Country code and how does Unimarket use them?

    The purpose of ISO is to define internationally recognized codes of letters and/or numbers that we can use when we refer to countries and subdivisions. This information comes from United Nations sources (Terminology Bulletin Country Names and the Country and Region Codes for Statistical Use maintained by the United Nations Statistics Divisions). The current version of ISO Country Codes is ISO 3166-1.

    In Unimarket we use the 2 digit ISO country code to define the "country" field when related to addresses and the 3 digit ISO when relating to currency.

    Country Name
    ISO 2 Digit Code ISO 3 Digit Code
    Afghanistan AF AFG
    Aland Islands AX ALA
    Albania AL ALB
    Algeria DZ DZA
    American Samoa AS ASM
    Andorra AD AND
    Angola AO AGO
    Anguilla AI AIA
    Antarctica AQ ATA
    Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG
    Argentina AR ARG
    Armenia AM ARM
    Aruba AW ABW
    Australia AU AUS
    Austria AT AUT
    Azerbaijan AZ AZE
    Bahamas BS BHS
    Bahrain BH BHR
    Bangladesh BD BGD
    Barbados BB BRB
    Belarus BY BLR
    Belgium BE BEL
    Belize BZ BLZ
    Benin BJ BEN
    Bermuda BM BMU
    Bhutan BT BTN
    Bolivia (Plurinational State of) BO BOL
    Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ BES
    Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH
    Botswana BW BWA
    Bouvet Island BV BVT
    Brazil BR BRA
    British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT
    Brunei Darussalam BN BRN
    Bulgaria BG BGR
    Burkina Faso BF BFA
    Burundi BI BDI
    Cambodia KH KHM
    Cameroon CM CMR
    Canada CA CAN
    Cabo Verde CV CPV
    Cayman Islands KY CYM
    Central African Republic CF CAF
    Chad TD TCD
    Chile CL CHL
    China CN CHN
    Christmas Island CX CXR
    Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC CCK
    Colombia CO COL
    Comoros KM COM
    Congo CG COG
    Congo (Democratic Republic of the) CD COD
    Cook Islands CK COK
    Costa Rica CR CRI
    Cote d'Ivoire CI CIV
    Croatia HR HRV
    Cuba CU CUB
    Curacao CW CUW
    Cyprus CY CYP
    Czech Republic CZ CZE
    Denmark DK DNK
    Djibouti DJ DJI
    Dominica DM DMA
    Dominican Republic DO DOM
    Ecuador EC ECU
    Egypt EG EGY
    El Salvador SV SLV
    Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ
    Eritrea ER ERI
    Estonia EE EST
    Ethiopia ET ETH
    Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK FLK
    Faroe Islands FO FRO
    Fiji FJ FJI
    Finland FI FIN
    France FR FRA
    French Guiana GF GUF
    French Polynesia PF PYF
    French Southern Territories TF ATF
    Gabon GA GAB
    Gambia GM GMB
    Georgia GE GEO
    Germany DE DEU
    Ghana GH GHA
    Gibraltar GI GIB
    Greece GR GRC
    Greenland GL GRL
    Grenada GD GRD
    Guadeloupe GP GLP
    Guam GU GUM
    Guatemala GT GTM
    Guernsey GG GGY
    Guinea GN GIN
    Guinea-Bissau GW GNB
    Guyana GY GUY
    Haiti HT HTI
    Heard Island and McDonald Islands HM HMD
    Holy See VA VAT
    Honduras HN HND
    Hong Kong HK HKG
    Hungary HU HUN
    Iceland IS ISL
    India IN IND
    Indonesia ID IDN
    Iran (Islamic Republic of) IR IRN
    Iraq IQ IRQ
    Ireland IE IRL
    Isle of Man IM IMN
    Israel IL ISR
    Italy IT ITA
    Jamaica JM JAM
    Japan JP JPN
    Jersey JE JEY
    Jordan JO JOR
    Kazakhstan KZ KAZ
    Kenya KE KEN
    Kiribati KI KIR
    Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) KP PRK
    Korea (Republic of) KR KOR
    Kuwait KW KWT
    Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ
    Lao People's Democratic Republic LA LAO
    Latvia LV LVA
    Lebanon LB LBN
    Lesotho LS LSO
    Liberia LR LBR
    Libya LY LBY
    Liechtenstein LI LIE
    Lithuania LT LTU
    Luxembourg LU LUX
    Macao MO MAC
    Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of) MK MKD
    Madagascar MG MDG
    Malawi MW MWI
    Malaysia MY MYS
    Maldives MV MDV
    Mali ML MLI
    Malta MT MLT
    Marshall Islands MH MHL
    Martinique MQ MTQ
    Mauritania MR MRT
    Mauritius MU MUS
    Mayotte YT MYT
    Mexico MX MEX
    Micronesia (Federated States of) FM FSM
    Moldova (Republic of) MD MDA
    Monaco MC MCO
    Mongolia MN MNG
    Montenegro ME MNE
    Montserrat MS MSR
    Morocco MA MAR
    Mozambique MZ MOZ
    Myanmar MM MMR
    Namibia NA NAM
    Nauru NR NRU
    Nepal NP NPL
    Netherlands NL NLD
    New Caledonia NC NCL
    New Zealand NZ NZL
    Nicaragua NI NIC
    Niger NE NER
    Nigeria NG NGA
    Niue NU NIU
    Norfolk Island NF NFK
    Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP
    Norway NO NOR
    Oman OM OMN
    Pakistan PK PAK
    Palau PW PLW
    Palestine, State of PS PSE
    Panama PA PAN
    Papua New Guinea PG PNG
    Paraguay PY PRY
    Peru PE PER
    Philippines PH PHL
    Pitcairn PN PCN
    Poland PL POL
    Portugal PT PRT
    Puerto Rico PR PRI
    Qatar QA QAT
    Reunion RE REU
    Romania RO ROU
    Russian Federation RU RUS
    Rwanda RW RWA
    Saint Barthelemy BL BLM
    Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SH SHN
    Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA
    Saint Lucia LC LCA
    Saint Martin (French part) MF MAF
    Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC VCT
    Samoa WS WSM
    San Marino SM SMR
    Sao Tome and Principe ST STP
    Saudi Arabia SA SAU
    Senegal SN SEN
    Serbia RS SRB
    Seychelles SC SYC
    Sierra Leone SL SLE
    Singapore SG SGP
    Sint Maarten (Dutch part) SX SXM
    Slovakia SK SVK
    Slovenia SI SVN
    Solomon Islands SB SLB
    Somalia SO SOM
    South Africa ZA ZAF
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GS SGS
    South Sudan SS SSD
    Spain ES ESP
    Sri Lanka LK LKA
    Sudan SD SDN
    Suriname SR SUR
    Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ SJM
    Swaziland SZ SWZ
    Sweden SE SWE
    Switzerland CH CHE
    Syrian Arab Republic SY SYR
    Taiwan, Province of China TW TWN
    Tajikistan TJ TJK
    Tanzania, United Republic of TZ TZA
    Thailand TH THA
    Timor-Leste TL TLS
    Togo TG TGO
    Tokelau TK TKL
    Tonga TO TON
    Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO
    Tunisia TN TUN
    Turkey TR TUR
    Turkmenistan TM TKM
    Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA
    Tuvalu TV TUV
    Uganda UG UGA
    Ukraine UA UKR
    United Arab Emirates AE ARE
    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GB GBR
    United States of America US USA
    United States Minor Outlying Islands UM UMI
    Uruguay UY URY
    Uzbekistan UZ UZB
    Vanuatu VU VUT
    Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VE VEN
    Viet Nam VN VNM
    Virgin Islands (British) VG VGB
    Virgin Islands (U.S.) VI VIR
    Wallis and Futuna WF WLF
    Western Sahara EH ESH
    Yemen YE YEM
    Zambia ZM ZMB
    Zimbabwe ZW ZWE