• View & Export Orders

    Users can view orders placed between their Community and Suppliers. Watch this short video on how to View and Export Orders or read below for additional details: 

    For buyers, the orders found on this page may be limited to those placed by the buyer or other users within their shared Organization Units.

    For information on how to change the buyer's default for searches, refer to User/Buyer Search Filter Default.

    View Orders

    To view orders, go to Marketplace > select Orders on the left menu menu.

    By default, the Search function is set to search by Order Number. To search for a specific item, select the dropdown next to Orders > click Items. When searching for an item, a list of related orders will appear with the item listed just below the order number.

    The Created Date is defaulted to the last 90 days and can be changed, by selecting the dropdown in the Created Date field.

    Additionally, your search can be customized, by clicking Filters on the right side of the screen.

    This includes: Supplier, Order Type, Buyer, Receiving, if the order Has Accepted Invoice, Organization Unit, Work Order, Order State, Payment Method. You can also filter the list to only show Goods Received Not Invoiced (GRNI) or Commitments orders using the Views Field.


    Export Orders

    Export Orders provides an array of great information for a Buyer, including Supplier Tags for reporting purposes.

    To export, click Export on the right of the screen.

    Select Export Orders or Export Order LinesThe Export Orders will provide the summary/header level detail of the orders and Export Order Lines will provide a line level breakdown of orders.

    Note: Values used in exports, exclude GST & Shipping. Order Exports are available in the task/background menu for 7 days, from action date. 


    Once the desired option is selected, a pop-up box will appear > select the hyperlink titled Here to proceed to the Background Jobs screen.

    Once your CSV file is in a Finished state, select Download.


    Bulk Change Orders

    Bulk Change Orders, allow users to Close Order, Reopen Order, or Update Organization Unit.

    Note: Bill To and Ship To addresses will retain what was applied at the time of the Order, in cases where an update is made to the address. 


    To bulk change certain orders, click Export and > select Bulk Change.


    Available Actions on Orders

    In the More Actions menu you will find the below available options.

    • Copy: Copies the Order to your Shopping Cart and begins the checkout process.
    • Close: Closing an Order prevents any further receiving and invoicing or editing.

    Depending on whether your community has the below enabled, you may also see these options:

    • Cancel: Cancels the Order.
    • Edit: Allows you to edit the Order.
    • Receive All: Allows you to receive all the products in the Order at once.
    • Create Contract: Users with the Create Contract role can create a new contract directly from an Order.
    • Link Contract: Users with the Create Contract role can link the order to an existing contract for the associated Supplier.
    • Resend Email: resends email confirmation to Community and Supplier.

    For additional subject matter information, select the help article link below:

  • Order Comments

    The "Comments" tab within an order serves as a valuable tool, enabling users to include notes pertaining to the order and effectively manage essential details. This might include tracking numbers, ETA for backorders, communication with supplier and other notes you’d like to have linked to the order. 

    The Comments tab is available in all order types including Blanket orders.

    Add Comment to Order_Select User.jpg


    Any user who can see an Order in the Community should be able to view and add Comments for the order which will send an email notification to the Buyer (unless the Buyer themselves creates the Comment), Requester and On Behalf of Users.

    Note: You can select a User to mention in an Order Comment and when a user is added in the comment, the mentioned user will receive an Email notification. (i.e. You were mentioned in this comment)

    For comment mentions, the First and Last Name + comment text is displayed in the Comments section/tab.

    For Blanket Order comments, email notification will be sent to the Buyer and all Available To users. 

    Order Comments.jpg


    Details visible in the Comments tab include:

    • Date and Time when the comment was posted
    • User who posted the comment
    • And the comment context itself
    Note: Comments posted in the Orders are only visible in the Community and are not shown on the supplier side. 






  • Copying a Standard Order

    To Copy a Standard Order, find the order on your View Orders page and open it. From the More Actions menu at the top right, click on Copy. Copying the Order creates an Incomplete Requisition and takes you to the checkout page for any required modifications.



    Note: Some suppliers with Roundtrip Punchout catalogs do not allow product re-use. In this case, visit the catalog again to retrieve up-to-date product information from a new shopping session. 


    Add Items to the Incomplete Requisition

    Users can both delete and add items from the same Supplier to an Incomplete Requisition. To add items click on the name of the Supplier then search for the product/service you want to add or create a non-catalog item for that Supplier. Once you have established the desired item click on the three dots on the right side of the item and click Add to Requisition. This will open a list where you can select the Incomplete Requisition you would like the item added to.


    After these modifications have been made the Requisition can be checked out as per the standard process. Changes to the billing/shipping addresses, Account Codes and other Requisition details can be made in the Checkout screen.

    Note: If the Cross-Supplier Checkout feature is enabled for your Community, Buyers can add items to any Incomplete Requisition, not only those from the same Supplier. Contact support@unimarket.com if you would like to have this feature enabled.


    You can also find more information about Blanket Orders in our Unimarket Help Documents

    The Checkout Process


  • Receiving Orders

    Communities can have 'goods receiving' enabled in Unimarket if they require buyers to receive all purchased goods and services. Receiving is used as part of the 3-way matching process when invoices are received from suppliers.

    When receiving is enabled buyers are provided with functionality to locate purchase orders and receive quantities against the Order lines. Orders can be received from the Receiving page found in the Transactions section within the Marketplace module or from within each individual order.

    Receive Multiple Items (Receive All)

    To begin this process you can either go to the Receiving page under the Transactions section or, locate the order from the View Orders page and click on the order number to open it.

    • Receiving Page - When on the Receiving page, click Receive All beside the appropriate order.

    Transactions - Receiving.jpg

    A new window will appear to allow you to receive the entire order (default) or select lines of the order and enter the relevant quantity received in the Received Quantity field.

    • Within Order - Select Receive All from the Actions section at the right of the screen. A new window will appear to allow you to receive the entire order (default) or select lines of the order and enter the relevant quantity received in the Received Quantity field.
      Order Receive All.jpg

    Receive by Line

    • Receiving Page - Click Receive next to the applicable item line to receipt a quantity for that line only. The receiving window will appear for that line only.

    Receive by Line.jpg

    • Within the Order - Click Receive next to the applicable line on the order. The receiving window will appear for that line only.

    Receive by Line in Order Page.jpg

    Receive Items on Behalf of Other Users

    If you have been given the 'On Behalf of Receiving' role or your community has 'Receiving Sharing' enabled (for more information, those with the Community Administrator role can go to Unimarket Sharing Guide) when you go to Marketplace > Orders > Receiving you can either see all the orders with open receiving for your whole community or within your Organization Unit(s). Depending on your settings you may need to remove your name from the Buyer dropdown. You can receive items on behalf of other users using the usual receiving process.


    Manual Close

    You can manually close the receiving on a line item or order if required. To close the receiving for order click More Actions and Select Receive All then change the Action to Manual Close using the drop down. You are required to enter a note regarding why you are closing the order and to select the lines you wish to close. This will not receive the remaining quantity. 

    Receiving Manually Close Order.jpg

    You can also close individual line items by clicking Receive next to the applicable line item and changing the Action to Manual Close

    Manual Close Receiving Item Line.jpg

    Note: Manually closing receiving will prevent any more goods from being received and may prevent invoices from being matched.

    To reopen closed receiving click More Actions and select Reopen All. A pop-up will prompt you to enter a note advising why you have reopened reeving and to select the lines you wish to reopen. This will not undo any receiving previously processed. 

    How Receiving Relates to Invoice Matching

    If 3-way matching is enabled, suppliers can only submit an invoice for the quantity received by the buyer or browser.

    • Match: If the supplier invoices for the received amount the invoice will pass and will be submitted to the buying organization's finance system for payment.
    • Pending Receiving: The items on the order have not been received by the buyer. Once the buyer receives the item(s) the matching will reprocess.
    • On Hold: The invoice submitted by supplier exceeds the quantity or amount tolerances set by the community and needs to be routed for approval.
    • Rejected: Line/Invoice Qty and/or amount have not matched the original order and have been manually rejected by AP or the buyer in the exception approval process.


  • Returns
  • Closing & Reopening Orders

    Buyers and Community Administrators are able to close an Order or its receiving.

    By Closing an Order, the user is stating that all needed actions against the order have been complete. Closing the order will stop Suppliers and Users with the relevant roles from submitting invoicing against the order.

    By closing the Receiving, the buyer is stating that they are done receiving on the order. (If there are any remaining items on the order, they are not expecting to receive them.) Therefore no invoice can be raised by the supplier against the order.

    If an order has been closed in error, (i.e. you have received the goods and the supplier's invoice is rejected), the order can be reopened.


    Closing an Order

    1. Find the Order you wish to close from the View Orders screen.
    2. Click More Actions once on the order and select Close.
    3. You have the option of adding a Comment when closing an order to provide a notation.

    Closing Order Line Receiving Status

    1. To close an order line, click the Receive button beside the corresponding line item to display the receiving options.
    2. Change the Action to Manual Close and click OK. This will close the line with no further receiving.
    3. You will be presented with a warning noting that invoices can no longer be matched against the line and you will be asked to provide a reason for closing in the Note field.
    4. To close multiple items on an order, select Receive All from the Actions menu in the top right of the screen to display the receiving options and select Manual Close from the Action dropdown. Tick the line items you would like closed, enter a note and select OK.

    Reopening Order Lines

    1. Click the Reopen icon to the right of the line item.
    2. Enter a reason why the order line item is being reopened in the Note field and click OK.
    3. It is also possible to reopen multiple line items by selecting Reopen All from the Actions menu in the top right of the screen.
    4. If the receiving also needs to be undone, follow the instructions here

    Open/Closed Status

    Order State: If the order state is Closed, invoices can no longer be created against this order. The state of Open will allow users to create invoices. Buyers are able to close their own orders only, unless they also have the Create Invoices role, in which case they are able to close any order.


    Receiving State: If receiving is Closed, no further receiving actions can be made against this order. If the receiving state is Open, receiving actions can still be taken.

  • Undo Receiving

    If needed, you can undo your previous receiving action. (For example, if you receive the wrong quantity or you decide to return an item after it has been received in the system.) To do this, make your way to the order in which you need to undo the receiving for by going to the Orders page and using the search filter. 


    If the receiving is closed you will need to reopen it before you can Undo the receiving. Click Reopen on the right side of the line item you wish to undo the receiving on. 


    Click on Receiving under the line item name and you will then see a popup box appear where you can press the Undo button. 




    If needed, you can check the box for Show Hidden Receiving History to see actions that have been undone.



  • Outstanding Receiving

    The Open Order Reminder allows the Community Administrator to trigger a task to appear in the Outstanding Receiving task list for orders that are open (not received or partially received) for longer than the specified number of days (e.g. orders still open after 30 days).

    With this feature we send buyers a notification whenever an invoice is processed against an order sitting in the Outstanding Receiving tasks menu. This ensures Buyers are kept aware of any new invoices submitted against any orders they have not fully received. You can also set a wait period between the invoice being sent and the receiving reminder. 

    Enable Invoice Reminder Wait

    Some Suppliers may send an invoice via Unimarket when the products are shipped. You can enable a waiting period, so the Receiving reminder is sent closer to when the products are expected to arrive. To enable this feature select Procurement page from the Module Switcher from the Hamburger menu on the left. Scroll to the Receiving section and select the checkbox option called Enable Invoice Reminder Wait. When checked you are required to specify the amount of days Unimarket will wait before sending a receiving reminder notification for orders that have an invoice with the Pending Receiving state.



    Enable Open Order Reminder

    To enable this feature select Procurement page from the Module Switcher from the Hamburger menu on the left. Scroll to the Receiving section and select the checkbox option called Enable Open Order Reminder. When checked this will allow you to specify the number of days an order has to be open for before it creates a task in the Outstanding Receiving task list.

    Note: Orders with Invoices that are Pending Receiving will appear in the Outstanding Receiving task list immediately, whether or not Open Order Reminders are enabled and also triggers an email for pending receiving.


    This feature works well in conjunction with the Task Digest Email. For more information see Enable Task Digest Email.

    Viewing Outstanding Receiving

    To see any current outstanding receiving go to the Tasks menu and selecting Outstanding Receiving.


    This page will show only orders that have had a receiving task created and it includes filters for Order Number, Supplier, Has Pending Invoice (does it have an invoice in a Pending Receiving state). Click on the order number to open the order and, if needed, receive the order. For more on receiving see Receiving Orders.



    Note: Orders with a red note icon to the left imply an order with a Pending Receiving Invoice.

    See below for scenarios’ showing when an order will be added to the Outstanding Receiving tasks page (all scenarios use 30 days as an example time frame):

    • Order created after the feature was enabled – Order is still in an Open or Partial receiving state after 30 days has passed.
    • Order created before or after feature is enabled - An invoice is created against the order after the feature has been enabled and the order has not been marked as received. The buyer is also notified via email that they need to receive the order.
    • Order created before the feature is enabled - Order is in an Open or Partial receiving state, the feature is then enabled and then the order is partially received. If the order was created more than 30 days ago, it will be added straight away. If the order has not reached the 30 days, it will be added when it does.
    • Order has Pending Receiving Invoice - These orders will always show in the Outstanding Receiving task page (an email for pending receiving will also be triggered).
  • Auto Close Orders

    If the Auto Close setting is enabled for your community, this automatically closes any order where all order lines are either in the state of Closed or Manually Closed and the order is fully invoiced by quantity after the timeframe chosen by your community.

    The criteria for an order to be auto closed are as follows: 

    1. Is the order currently OPEN?
    2. Was the order fully received at least X days ago?
    3. Was the order fully invoiced (by quantity) at least X days ago?


    Note: If an order is reopened, it will automatically close the following day unless the receiving process is reversed (undone) and then reopened, thereby exempting the order from the above criteria. It will become eligible for auto close once again after it is fully received and the specified number of days set by your community have elapsed.


    To enable the feature community administrators need to go to Administration > Modules > Invoices. From here select the Auto Close Completed Orders option and specify a Time Delay in days. 


    Note: Older orders become candidates & are treated as if they became auto-close candidates once enabled.


    Auto Close will apply to Standard, Retrofit and Release orders. If your community only has Invoicing enabled, we will only check if the order is fully invoiced. If Invoicing and Receiving are not enabled in the Community, we will not attempt to close orders with this setting. 


    Note: The Auto Close feature does not currently include Blanket orders or orders paid for via Credit Card or Stripe.


    If you need to reopen an order please see here on how to do this. Note that an order will need to be reopened and the receiving would need to be undone to avoid the order from auto-closing again. 

  • Receiving with Acceptance of Invoice

    When a buyer clicks to Accept/Reject an invoice, they will be presented with a checkbox that allows them to select if they have received the items (This checkbox is only visible when receiving has not yet been completed.). By ticking the box and selecting Accept, the goods will be received along with the acceptance of the invoice. 



    • Your community must have Invoice Approvals enabled for the Send for Approval option to be available. To enable this contact support@unimarket.com or speak with your Account Manager.
    • The invoices can either be routed to the buyer or the requester for initial approval depending on your community invoice settings. For more on invoice settings see Invoice Administration Module.


    Auto-receiving notification

    When the invoice falls outside the configured tolerances set by your community and fails matching, it will go into the Pending Order Acceptance state and the buyer will receive a notification to let them know it is sitting with them to approve or decline the invoice.


    The buyer can access this invoice via their Tasks menu and once they press Accept/Reject, they will have the option to receive the items along with accepting the invoice. 



    Based on your communities setup, the invoice then gets routed for delegated approval. For more information on the process, see Accepting Invoices.