• Viewing Orders

    When a customer places an order through Unimarket, suppliers receive a notification via email when the order becomes available in Unimarket. To view orders within Unimarket select View Orders from the Transactions section of the left side menu. This will show a list of all orders with your customers.



    The Filters at the top of the screen allow for the list of orders displayed to be refined. You are able to filter by Customer, Order Date and Order type. If you are looking for a specific order you can use the Order Number field to search using the customers order number.


    Note: When the Order Number field is used all other fields will be ignored. This allows it be used as a search function for specific orders. If you are looking for a range of Orders the other filters will provide better results.


    Viewing Order Details

    To view the details of the order click on the order number from the View Orders screen.


    The top of the Purchase Order in Unimarket will show key information about the order. To the right you can find the Bill To, Ship To, and Supplier(your own) address. To the left you will find the "header" information, Including the Order Number, Buyer, Order and Created Dates, Payment Method, a PDF version of the order and the State of the order and its receiving. 

    The Receiving state can be Open, Partial or Closed. Open means the customer is still expecting items from the order or have not processed the receiving in Unimarket. Closed means the customer has received all items they expect from this order. 

    The Order State can be Open or Closed. Open means the order can be invoiced, edited or cancelled if you and your customer have this enabled. Closed means no further actions can be processed on this order. The Order can only be Closed or Reopened from the customers side.

    Line Items

    Below the "Header" information you will find the product details of the line items that were ordered.

    Order Header Information.jpg

    This includes, the name, the Quantity, the Receiving, and price of the items. You can click Details on the right side of the item to view if it is a Catalog, Non-Catalog, Roundtrip or Quote product, the UNSPSC category and applicable shipping.

    The Created Date in the Item details is when Order was created, while Product Date is when the product was added to cart.  

    Item Details.jpg


    Next to Items you will find the Invoices tab. Clicking this tab will show you a summary of all invoices placed against this order including the Invoice Number, Created Date, Invoice Date, State, The invoice statement it is included in and the Total.


    Export Orders

    To export a CSV report of all currently filtered orders click More Actions and select Export Orders.


    For more information on exporting orders from Unimarket, see Export Orders.


    For information on creating invoices in Unimarket, see How to Create an Invoice.

  • Export Orders

    Suppliers can create an export of the orders within their store and can filter these orders by customer and date.

    Create Export

    To create an export, go to the View Orders page by selecting Transactions followed by View Orders from the top left menu. From View Orders, select Export Orders from the More Actions menu to the right of the page, and you will be taken to the Export Order page where you will see a history of exports done by any user of the store.


    Under the More Actions menu, select '+ Create Export'. A pop-up will appear where you can define the parameters for the order export.


    Order Date range (optional): Define the date range for the Order Date to include the order within your date specified. If you do not specify any dates, the order export will include all orders available.

    Customer (optional): You can specify the customer for which you want to export the orders in the report. If you leave the Customer field blank, the export will include all customers' orders.

    Include Exported Orders (optional): By default, the Order Export will only include orders that were not included in a prior export report. For any supplier that may use this report as a way to upload to your supply chain and ordering system, this is to keep you from duplicating orders. You can indicate if you would like to Include Exported Orders to override the default, thereby pulling every order from the above date range and customers defined.


    Once you click Create, the export will appear in the list of previous exports with options to download it or view the orders that are included in this export. Below is an example of the export and the data it includes.

    The Order Export report is formatted with header and line-level information about the orders to meet most import process format requirements. The header and line level-data are defined in the column 'Order Line Type' with an "H" for Header and "L" for Lines.


  • Resend an Order

    As a supplier, you may need to resend an integrated purchase order from your customer.

    You can do this by searching for the order and selecting Resend Order from the More Actions menu. Please follow the below instructions to resend an order.

    Note: This option is available if you have Purchase Order Integration enabled.


    Resend an Order

    1. Go to View Orders under the Transactions menu and search for the Order
    2. Select the Order number to open it
    3. Click on the More Actions button in the top right-hand corner

    4. Select Resend Order Message

    The order will be queued to be resent electronically. If this is successful you should see the order arrive at your purchase order integration endpoint within a couple of minutes.