A notification will be sent to the Buyer to approve/decline the invoice. At this point the invoice will have a state of Pending Initial Acceptance.
Note: If you select yourself as the buyer the invoice will automatically be accepted. |
Learn how Invoices work within Unimarket including how you can create and view invoices.
Watch this short video on how to use the New Create Invoice Screen or read below for instructions:
From the Create Invoice Screen you can either select an order to submit an invoice against or enter an invoice directly which will then create a retrofit order if no order number is entered at the time the invoice is created.
Note: Since this screen allows you to both submit an invoice against an order or enter an invoice directly, in turn creating a retrofit order, the Enter Invoice Screen and Invoice Order Screen will no longer be present in Production. |
Enter the invoice details on the left side:
Field | Definition |
Preview Mode | If this is toggled on, it will show the image of the attachment(s) that were loaded. If there is more than one attachment, you can click onto each attachment to view them. |
Order Number | If there is an order in the system you can enter the order number into this field. Once entered, it will pull the relevant data. |
Supplier | Enter the Supplier Name you would like to invoice in this field. |
Invoice Number | Enter the invoice number. |
Invoice Date | Enter the invoice date. |
Payment Due Date | Enter the Payment Due Date. |
Buyer |
Confirm the Buyer. To change the Buyer on the invoice click the field to open a drop down menu from which you can search for the correct user. |
Bill To | Select the Bill To address. |
Remittance Address | If the supplier has more than one remittance address, you can change the remittance address. If there is only one, you cannot change this field. To view the entire address, you can hover over the i on the right side of this field. |
Enter your first line item with its Quantity, Unit Price, Unit of Measure and tax if applicable. If you need to add additional lines you can press the Add Lines button. Once all lines are added you can additionally add Comments, Shipping and Shipping Tax if applicable.
Note: If the Contracts module is enabled for your community, the selected supplier has at least one contract, and the user creating the invoice has access to at least one of those contracts, a new Contract field will appear where you can select the contract this invoice should be linked to. |
When you have completed all the required information select Submit Invoice or, if you would like to create another invoice straight after, check the box for Create Another under the Submit Invoice button before clicking Create.
A notification will be sent to the Buyer to approve/decline the invoice. At this point the invoice will have a state of Pending Initial Acceptance.
Note: If you select yourself as the buyer the invoice will automatically be accepted. |
If the community has the Invoicing module enabled this can be configured from within the Administration module > Modules > Invoices.
Invoice matching settings can be configured by the Community Administrator including passthrough, 2-way or 3-way, tolerance settings, and shipping matching options. Details can be found here:
Note: If Allow Suppliers to Enter Discounts is not enabled and the supplier sends an invoice with a discount, the cxml invoice will be rejected. |
This setting allows administrators to determine whether the first step of invoice approvals routes to the requester(s) or the buyer(s) of the related order. For more on invoice approvals see Sending Invoices for Approval.
This setting allows administrators to decide if they would like to allow the upload of payment remittance information for invoice numbers that do not exist in the community.
This setting allows administrators to decide if they would like to set a timeframe in which orders can be automatically closed. If enabled, you will be required to enter your preferred number of days for the Auto Close Time Delay (the default is 30 days). More information on how this works can be found on the Auto Close Orders page.
Note: If the number of days for the Auto Close Time Delay is updated, any orders that were within the previous timeframe would then update to the new timeframe. |
Invoices can be sent to the community in three ways:
Community Invoice Order functionality provides users (with the Create Invoice role or Create Buyer Invoice role) with the ability to create electronic invoices through the Unimarket application. Invoice Order allows the user to locate the corresponding order for an invoice they have received, then flip the order into an electronic copy of the invoice and submit it for matching.
Note: The Create Invoices role allows users to invoice ANY order in the system. The Create Buyer Invoice role allows users to invoice their specific POs in which they are listed as the buyer. As a result, the invoice itself is not routed for approval, the requisition is routed for approval. (In the case of a blanket order in which the PO is already approved, a buyer created invoice would be approved automatically and go along for posting.) |
There are 3 different ways you can begin the Invoice Order process. See below for more:
1. Invoice Order - From Menu
Note: If your community has Consolidated Invoices enabled you can select multiple orders to invoice at the same time. |
2. Invoice Order - From Order
3. Invoice Order - From Non-Invoice Orders
Note: The system will warn you if the supplier is not set up for invoicing. All the suppliers details must be present before the invoice can be created. To setup the supplier select Setup Invoicing from the Actions menu on the top right. |
Note: Any lines that do not yet have a submitted invoice against them will have the checkbox to the left of them selected. If you need to create a partial invoice deselect any lines that do not need to be invoiced and they will appear in a lighter grey color to show they are deselected with the quantity at 0. |
The View Invoice page will show a summary of the matching statuses.
State of Invoice | Definition |
Downloaded | The Invoice has matched and been extracted as part of a Transaction Run. |
Invoice Accepted | All the invoice lines have matched and the invoice is in an accepted state ready to pay. |
On Hold | The invoice submitted by supplier exceeds the tolerances set by the community and was placed On Hold for review and further action by a user with the Create Invoice role. |
Pending Delegated Approval | The invoice has been accepted by the buyer and routed for delegated approval. It is pending approval by the delegated approver. |
Pending Initial Acceptance | The invoice relates to a retrofit or blanket order and is awaiting acceptance by the buyer and creation of a requisition for approval. |
Pending Order Acceptance | The Invoice was placed On Hold due to matching exceptions and has been sent to the buyer or requester for review and acceptance. |
Pending Receiving | The items on the order have not been received by the buyer. Once the buyer receives the item(s) the matching will reprocess. |
Canceled | The invoice creator cancelled the invoice before it was approved. |
Invoice Rejected | The invoice contains matching exceptions and was placed On Hold. The exceptions have been reviewed and Rejected by the Community. Invoices cannot be changed from the Rejected state. |
If enabled, both the Enter Invoice & Invoice Order screens will now include a Gross Total, a Discount Field, and the Net Total (essentially the payable amount).
Once created, the discount is shown on the Invoice record and the invoice PDF.
Note: Invoice matching and any retrofit requisitions are still based on the Gross total amount, rather than the discounted amount. |
For more on credit invoices see How to Create a Credit Invoice.
For more information see Retrofit Orders & Invoices.
Users can create an invoice that does not yet have a matching order in Unimarket. The Retrofit Invoices feature must be enabled by your community and the User must have the Create Invoices role. You can access the Enter Invoice Screen by going to the Invoice Module > Invoices > Enter Invoice.
Note: If your community has Remittance Address selection enabled, you will need to select a remittance address. |
Note: If the Contracts module is enabled for your community, the selected supplier has at least one contract and the user creating the invoice has access to at least one of those contracts, a new Contract field will appear where you can select the contract this invoice should be linked to. |
A notification will be sent to the Buyer to approve/decline the invoice, at this point the invoice will have a state of Pending Initial Acceptance.
Note: If you select yourself as the buyer the invoice will automatically be accepted. |
If an end user with the Create Invoices Role or Buyer Create Invoices Role is not seeing the option to "Invoice Order" from the relevant order page, below are some troubleshooting steps to review.
1. Check to make sure the Order State is Open. (Orders that are closed cannot be invoiced).
Note: If the Order State is Closed, the end user will not see the Invoice Order button on the upper right corner, to submit an Invoice |
2. Review the suppliers State. Go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Key in the Supplier name > Check the State of the Supplier. If the Supplier is disconnected, the Invoice Order icon will not appear on the order.
3. Review the Buyer Group(s) assigned to the supplier. Go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Search the supplier that the Order is with > Click the supplier name > Click the Settings tab > View the Buyer Groups assigned to supplier.
4. Ensure the end users' assigned buyer group matches the supplier's buyer group. You can review this by going to the Administration module > Users > use the search bar to locate the end user > click Edit.
Review the end user's buyer group to ensure it aligns with the supplier's buyer groups.
Note: If the end user does not have the same buyer group as the supplier, the Invoice Order icon will not appear. A Community Administrator will need to review and decide if the End Users' buyer group or the suppliers' buyer group needs to be updated. |
Note: Any lines that have a submitted invoice against them will have the checkbox to the left of them deselected. |
For more on invoices see Creating Electronic Invoices.
You can view invoices for community purchase orders if you have the Community Administrator, View Transactions or Create Invoices role assigned to your user. The community can also be configured so that users can view invoices linked to orders they have access to (see Invoice Module Administration).
Select Invoices from the Module Switcher and you will be taken to the Invoices page.
By default the screen will display invoices from the last 90 days and can be a Custom Date Range. If the user’s search exactly matches an Invoice Number, it will open that invoice directly.
More filters are available by clicking the FILTERS button in the top right. These filters allow you to filter by the Invoice or Order number, the Supplier, Period, invoice State, and Organization (If your Community has multiple Organizations). You can use a single filter or any combination. To hide the additional filters click the Hide button in the top right.
By default the invoices displayed are sorted by Created Date.
You can change this by selecting any of the headings. Click them again to change the order between ascending and descending. The arrow will show which heading is sorted and the direction shows the order.
To export the list of invoices you have currently filtered, click on Export in the top right next to Filters and select Export Invoices. This will then create a report with all invoices that match the current filters.
State of Invoice | Definition |
Downloaded | The Invoice has matched and been extracted as part of a Transaction Run. |
Invoice Accepted | All the invoice lines have matched and the invoice is in an accepted state ready to pay. |
On Hold | The invoice submitted by supplier exceeds the tolerances set by the community and was placed On Hold for review and further action by a user with the Create Invoice role. |
Pending Delegated Approval | The invoice has been accepted by the buyer and routed for delegated approval. It is pending approval by the delegated approver. |
Pending Initial Acceptance | The invoice relates to a retrofit or blanket order and is awaiting acceptance by the buyer and creation of a requisition for approval. |
Pending Order Acceptance | The Invoice was placed On Hold due to matching exceptions and has been sent to the buyer or requester for review and acceptance. |
Pending Receiving | The items on the order have not been received by the buyer. Once the buyer receives the item(s) the matching will reprocess. |
Canceled | The invoice creator cancelled the invoice before it was approved. |
Invoice Rejected | The invoice contains matching exceptions and was placed On Hold. The exceptions have been reviewed and Rejected by the Community. Invoices cannot be changed from the Rejected state. |
Any invoices against an order that has not yet been received will be on the Outstanding Receiving list but also triggers an email for pending receiving to the buyer.
An invoice can be canceled when the invoice is entered incorrectly or when the invoice does not match. If needed, the correct invoice can then be resubmitted, and can use the same invoice number.
In order to cancel or resubmit the invoice, the invoice cannot be in the Downloaded or Invoice Accepted states. Those with the Create Invoices, Community Administrator, and Create Buyer Invoices roles are able to cancel and resubmit invoices.
To cancel an invoice:
You can resubmit the exact same invoice or an alternative invoice by clicking More Actions and selecting Resubmit after an invoice has been canceled.
Also, you can reuse the Invoice number once you cancel the invoice if the details are not correct.
To resubmit an invoice:
For more on invoices see Creating Electronic Invoices.
Invoice matching settings can be configured by the Community Administrator. They can be found here: Administration module > Modules > Invoices.
Configuring invoice matching will determine the default invoice matching rules for the community used for all suppliers. Supplier specific matching rules can be configured on each supplier which will override the default configuration.
Field | Description |
Type |
The Matching Type can be set to 2-Way, 3-Way or Pass-Through:
Level |
The Level can be set to Header or Line:
Tolerance Percentage | The tolerance will be a percentage of the header or line and it will apply to values equal to or more than the percentage. |
Tolerance Minimum | Minimum tolerance value. Ensures small variances less than the specified dollar value will match. |
Tolerance Maximum | Maximum tolerance value. Ensures the invoice variance cannot exceed the maximum dollar value specified. |
Match on Unit Price | The unit price line level matching allows for more detailed matching in addition to the line subtotal. |
Unit Price Tolerance Percentage | If Match on Unit Price is selected you can enter a percentage tolerance for the unit price line level matching and it will apply to values equal to or more than the percentage. |
Match On Amount | Leaving this checked will do standard matching on the total line amount. Uncheck it to do only unit price matching. |
Failed Matching Action |
Choose a behavior for invoices that do not fall within matching tolerances:
Note: Invoice approvals must be enabled for your community. If you are interested in this feature, please contact your Unimarket Account Manager. |
Shipping Matching tolerances are all based on the Invoice Subtotal, and nothing is compared to the Purchase Order.
Field | Description |
Enable matching on Shipping | Enable this if you would like to match the Shipping Amount using the tolerance settings below. These settings will compare the shipping amount of the invoice with the invoice total and ensure the Shipping Amount is not excessive. |
Shipping Tolerance Percentage | The shipping tolerance will be a percentage and it will apply to values equal to or more than the percentage. |
Shipping Tolerance Minimum | Minimum tolerance value. Ensures small shipping variances less than the specified dollar value will match. |
Shipping Tolerance Maximum | Maximum tolerance value. Ensures the invoice variance cannot exceed the maximum dollar value specified. |
The Invoice Administration module can be configured to allow invoices that fall outside of the community's matching tolerances to be sent for approval manually or automatically. This would mean the buyer or requester who created or initiated the order that is being invoiced will receive a task to approve or decline the invoice and if approved it is then sent on for delegated approval based on your community's approval process.
Within the invoice administration module this function has 3 different options: On Hold, Reject or Send for Approval. This state will be the default for any invoices that fall outside the configured tolerances and fail matching. Rejected invoices can be force matched however, as long as your community has the Invoice Approvals feature enable it is the On Hold and Send for Approval states that allow you to send them for approval.
The On Hold state means the invoice is waiting for manual intervention to ensure it is processed correctly. It allows users with the Create Invoice Role to either reject the invoice, force match it or manually route the invoice for approval.
The Send for Approval option will automatically put any invoices that fail matching into a state of 'Pending Order Acceptance'. This means an email notification will be sent to the buyer(s) or requester(s) (on the order) to let them know it is sitting with them to approve or decline the invoice.
If the user declines the invoice, it is put into a Rejected state and an email is sent to the creator of the invoice. If it's approved, it's then automatically routed for delegated approval, an email is sent to the approver to let them know and the invoice changes to a state of 'Pending Delegated Approval'. This means the invoice is now sitting with a delegated approver to be declined or approved
Similar to the Previous step, if declined the invoice will change to Rejected but if approved, the invoice finally goes into a Invoice Approved (Matched) state meaning it has matched and can be paid. Whether declined or approved the buyer(s) or requester(s) will be notified by email.
For information on where to find this setting see Invoice Administration Module
Buyers get a notification email and can view their Invoice for acceptance from their task menu (top right). From here they can accept/reject the Invoice. The invoice can also be accessed from the Invoices menu.
You can access invoices from the menu on the left.
Once you click into the invoice you will see the option to Accept or Reject the invoice.
Once the invoice is accepted, an incomplete requisition will be created from the invoice and the user is taken to the requisition/checkout screen. The user can complete the required information such as entering the accounting information and anything else that may be needed and checkout.
Once the requisition is checked out it will go into the Pending state since the requisition is now Pending Approval.
Approvers can access the requisition from their Task menu (top right).
If the requisition is approved a retrofit order will automatically be created and the invoice will be matched as per the standard matching process.
Note: If the invoice is rejected by the buyer you will be notified by email and the invoice state will change to Invoice Rejected. |
The "Comments" tab within an Invoice is a valuable tool enabling users to include notes, post commentary and questions pertaining to the invoice and effectively manage important details. This can include invoice status, communication with supplier and other notes you'd like to have linked to the invoice.
Any user who can see the Invoice in the Community should be able to view and add Comments for the invoice.
Note: Comments posted in the Invoices are only visible in the Community and are not shown on the supplier side. |
Invoice comments created will send an email notification to the Buyer or the Invoice Creator. For any comments created by the Buyer this will send a notification to the Invoice creator. And vice versa, any comments made by the Invoice Creator notifies the Buyer with an email.
Details visible in the Comments tab include:
Note: If an invoice is Supplier created or came from Invoice integration, no email notification will be sent to the supplier for any comments entered. |
Unimarket provides the ability for customers to upload invoices for:
- Standard Orders; and
- Blanket Orders (refer here for Blanket Order specifics)
- Retrofit orders are not supported at this stage.
Invoices for standard orders can be uploaded in a CSV file format to make the process of entering the invoice lines quicker and easier. This process mimics the Invoice Order flow in the UI, which you can read more about here. Once invoices are loaded against the order they will follow the Invoice Matching Configuration (process) the customer has in place to be matched for payment.
Users must have the Create Invoice or Community Administration role to see the import option.
- there must be a valid order in Unimarket to post the invoice to. Retrofit orders are not supported at this stage.
- the order must be in Open State (if the order is closed, the upload will fail)
To Use:
Invoices: on the Invoice menu - click Import on the right-hand side:
The popup includes the Specification & Template (also see below for the template)
Once loaded, users can check the progress in the File Processing menu.
Please be aware that all columns are required in this file, but some values can be left blank. We have indicated Required N where you are able to submit an invoice without these.
Field | Example | Required | Notes |
Organisation | 0101 | Y |
Organisation Code |
Bill To Code | 123 | Y | |
Ship To Code | 456 | Y | |
Community Supplier ID | UM01234 | Y | Unimarket's unique ID for the supplier |
Supplier ID | S4444 | Y |
Your supplier (vendor) ID for your ERP. Note: either the Supplier ID OR the Community Supplier ID are required. Both are not required unless the Supplier ID is not unique. |
Order Number | 566777 | Y | Standard order number the invoice is to be posted against |
Order Line | 1 | N | Required when invoicing a standard order - ensure this is the order line and not the invoice line (that is below) |
Invoice Number | INV987 | Y | |
Invoice Date | 16/01/24 | Y | |
Invoice Subtotal | 100 | Y | |
Invoice Total | 110 | Y | |
Invoice Tax | 10 | Y | |
Invoice Shipping | 0 | Y | Can be set to 0 |
Shipping Tax | 0 | Y | Can be set to 0 |
Invoice Discount | 0 | Y | Can be set to 0 |
Invoice Line | 1 | Y | Repeat the line number if there are multiple distributions (splits) |
Product Code | N | Can be blank | |
Description | Stainless Bolts | Y | |
Quantity | 1 | Y | |
UOM | EA | Y | Accepts any valid UOM |
Unit Price | 100 | Y | |
Line Amount | 100 | Y | |
Line Tax | 10 | Y | |
Distribution% | 100 | N | Required if you have multiple distributions for one Invoice Line. Otherwise can be left blank. |
AcctFormat | GL | N |
Account coding is only applicable to Blanket Orders (the columns form part of the template, but can be left blank) |
AcctPart1 | 1 | N | |
AcctPart2 | 1 | N | |
AcctPart3 | 100 | N | |
AcctPart4 | 18312 | N |
Consolidated Invoicing
Note: if the customer has the consolidated invoices feature enabled, this file supports the processing consolidated invoices - where a consolidated invoice is defined as one invoice that is to be attributed to more than one purchase order.
Please contact our Support team should you require further information on this.
File Format
The upload file can contain both Blanket Orders & Standard Orders within a single file format - if a customer wishes to process both in the one file, all applicable fields to each order type need to be considered and entered appropriately.
Invoices for blanket orders can be uploaded in a CSV file format to make the process of entering the invoice lines quicker and easier. This process mimics the Invoice Order flow in the UI, which you can read more about here. Once invoices are loaded against the blanket order they will be placed in the state of Pending Acceptance and need to be reviewed by the blanket order owner(s) before they are matched for payment.
*i.e. if you have Inv-123 that has line 1 of a credit amount and line 2 of a positive amount, you will need to separate this invoice into two different uploads - mixed lines against a single invoice is not supported.
However if the credit was for Inv-123 and the positive is for Inv-144, that scenario is supported.
Please be aware that all columns are required in this file, but some values can be left blank. We have indicated Required N where you are able to submit an invoice without these.
Field | Example | Required | Notes |
Organisation | 1020 | Y | Organisation Code - must be the organisation the Blanket order sits within. |
Bill To Code | 123 | Y | |
Ship To Code | 456 | Y | |
Community Supplier ID | UM0000598 | Y | Unimarket's unique ID for the supplier |
Supplier ID | S4534 | Y |
Your supplier (vendor) ID for your ERP. Note: either the Supplier ID OR the Community Supplier ID are required. Both are not required unless the Supplier ID is not unique. |
Blanket Order | 5665756765 | Y | Blanket order number |
Invoice Number | INV45333 | Y | |
Invoice Date | 13/10/23 | Y | |
Invoice Subtotal | 100 | Y | |
Invoice Total | 110 | Y | |
Invoice Tax | 10 | Y | |
Invoice Shipping | 0 | Y | Can be set to 0 |
Shipping Tax | 0 | Y | Can be set to 0 |
Invoice Discount | 0 | Y | Can be set to 0 |
Invoice Line | 1 | Y | Repeat the line number if there are multiple distributions (splits) |
Product Code | N | Can be blank | |
Description | Stainless Bolts | Y | |
Quantity | 1 | Y | |
UOM | EA | Y | Accepts any valid UOM |
Unit Price | 100 | Y | |
Line Amount | 100 | Y | |
Line Tax | 10 | Y | |
Distribution% | 100 | N | Required if you have multiple distributions for one Invoice Line. Otherwise can be left blank. |
AcctFormat | GL | N |
Account code format CODE. Must match a format in your community. Note: If this is left blank it will have the default accounting off the blanket order. This will return an error if Release Order Coding is not allowed for the Blanket Order. |
AcctPart1 | 1 | N | Account code parts. Must match values loaded in your community. |
AcctPart2 | 1 | N | |
AcctPart3 | 100 | N | |
AcctPart4 | 18312 | N |
The Invoice Inbox is a central area in Unimarket that allows suppliers and your community to submit invoices electronically via email. The Invoice Inbox will give Accounts Payable users (Create Invoices role) the ability to process invoices submitted to the inbox easily with an "invoice stub" that can be linked to the order by referencing the order number in the subject line of the email from the supplier or, manually linked after it arrives.
Note: If Buyers Can Invoice Orders is enabled and either:
The Invoice Inbox will not be enabled automatically for customers that have the invoice module enabled. Contact your Unimarket account manager to request the Invoice Inbox be enabled for your community. The Invoice Inbox can be found within the Invoices module by clicking on Inbox for those users that have the Create Invoices role.
Note: If you have Order Versions enabled for your Community, the invoice will link to the latest version of the order. For example, if PO 251/1 and 251/2 exist, than the invoice inbox will automatically assign invoices to 251/2. |
Note: For customers who have users from within their own community emailing invoices they have received directly from a supplier, the supplier email recognition won't automatically link emails that come from an address with the same domain as the default email set for the community within Unimarket. This prevents community users email addresses that email invoices for different suppliers from getting linked to specific suppliers. |
Note: If the community chooses "Specific Users", manual updates as staff changes happen. If the community selects for all users to see the inbox, any new users with the Create Invoices option will gain access to that specific inbox. |
When an invoice is submitted to the Invoice Inbox, the user will see the following options on the right side of each entry:
Note: If your community has the feature turned on to allow Buyers to Invoice Orders, and the invoice has been assigned to you to process, you will receive an email notification advising you of this from the email address setup in the community settings under Invoicing. Please refer to the Invoice Inbox - Buyers Can Invoice Orders help article for more information. |
The invoice Review screen allows users to view the invoice document on screen and search for the correct supplier and/or order. Users can also reassign the buyer, un-assign from the buyer and change/edit the linked order.
If you want to know more about Creating Electronic Invoices, click here.
The Invoice Inbox is a central area in Unimarket that allows suppliers and the community to submit invoices electronically via email. If desired, communities can also configure the inbox to allow Buyers the ability to process invoices submitted to the inbox which relate to their orders.
The Invoice Inbox will not be enabled automatically for customers that have the Invoice module enabled. Contact your Unimarket Account Manager to request the Invoice Inbox and buyers Invoice Inbox option be enabled for your community.
Each community with this feature enabled is given a unique Invoice Inbox email address, which can be found at the top of the Invoice Inbox page.
When an invoice is emailed into the invoice inbox, it will be automatically linked to an order if the order number is referenced in the subject line, or it can be manually linked to a buyer or order from within the inbox by someone with the Create Invoices role (Accounts Payable). Once the invoice is linked, the Buyer will receive a notification email asking them to review the invoice and a task will appear in their tasks menu under Invoice Inbox.
When the Buyer clicks on the Invoice Inbox in their tasks menu they will be taken to the Invoice Inbox page where they can view any current invoices awaiting review. The invoices will have the option to either Invoice Order or Review.
Note: If the buyer also has the Create Buyer Invoices role, they will have the Create option, where they will be able to manually create a retrofit invoice in cases where there is no order within Unimarket. |
Once you have either selected Invoice Order or Create and created the invoice or selected Unassign/Reassign to unassign it, the task will disappear from your tasks menu and it will no longer appear on your Invoice Inbox page.
For more more on the Invoice Inbox see Invoice Inbox - Accounts Payable.
An Invoice Inbox Export can be created from within the Inbox menu.
Customers are able to firstly filter the Invoice Inbox data, as applicable (using the available filters, i.e. by Supplier, Tags, State and Date range) and then export that data to a CSV file for reporting.
Once you click to export the data, this will schedule a background job, the same as with other exports.
The Invoice Inbox export data includes:
Communities now have the option of creating multiple invoice inboxes and can set one of the inboxes as the default.
To manage or create multiple invoice inboxes, users with the Community Administrator role can go to the Administration module > select Modules > select Invoices and go to the Inbox tab. To create a new inbox, select the Create New Inbox button.
Invoice inboxes can be set to visible for all users with the Create Invoices role, or specific users with that role.
Note: If the community chooses "Specific Users", manual updates will be needed if access changes. If the community selects for all users to see the inbox, any new users with the Create Invoices role will gain access to that specific inbox. |
If the community has two or more inboxes, a user with access to two or more inboxes will be able to select from a drop-down menu.
To move invoices between inboxes, select the three vertical dots to the right of the invoice line and select Move To Inbox.
To add or remove users from an inbox, you can press Actions and then Edit next to the Inbox. Next, in the Pop-up, you can be set the inbox as either visible for all users with the Create Invoices role, or visible for specific users with that role and enter their names into the Users box.
If you have more than one inbox setup you will have the option to delete an inbox. If your community only has one inbox set up, you will not be able to delete it. A community Administrator can do this by taking the following steps:
Go to Administration > click on Modules > then Invoices > go to the tab for Inbox > click Actions on the right side of the inbox and click delete > you will need to select a Replacement Inbox and press OK.
When deleting, you select a ‘replacement inbox’. Any items will be moved to that replacement inbox. (If there are 200+ items to move you will get an error, and you will need to move those via the Inbox menu first before deleting.)
If you have the Payments feature enabled you can periodically upload your payment information into Unimarket. You can view and/or upload payment details on the Payments screen which is under the Invoices Module.
Payment details are visible on invoices so that you can view and search the payment status of your invoices from inside Unimarket. Suppliers will also get payment information relating to their invoices which means they don’t need to follow up with your AP team for details.
Users with the Create Invoices role will have the ability to Upload Payments. Users with the Create Invoices, View Transactions and/or Community Administrator role can view the Payments screen. To view the payments screen simply navigate to the top of your homepage and select Invoices > Payments.
From the payments screen users will have the ability to search for payments by Payment Number, Supplier, Date Range, Invoice Number and Payment Status.
Canceled = Payment has been canceled
Failed = Payment failed
Paid = Payment successfully issued
Paying = Payment is in progress
Delete= Payment no longer visible
Users with the Create Invoices role will have the ability to upload payments. From the Payments screen users can select the More Actions menu and select Upload Payments. This will bring a pop-up window that will provide users with a csv template for the payment upload. Once the template is populated with the necessary information simply choose the appropriate file and select OK.
NOTE: The Specification document will explain what should be entered in the fields on the Template. |
Once payments have been loaded, clicking into a payment will allow for more details such as Invoice number, Payment Date, Payment Method, Status, Amount, References, and Comments.
Terms | Specifications | Type | Mandatory |
Payment Number | The external payment identifier (Payment source, check run, etc...). | Text | Y |
Transaction Date | This is the date the payment was made. | Date | Y |
Payment Operation | The payment operation, NEW if uploading a payment, UPDATE or DELETE when updating existing payment. | Value | Y |
Supplier | The supplier's name. | Text | N |
Supplier Vendor ID | The supplier external vendor ID. | Text | Y |
Payment Status | Actual status of the payment; PAID, PAYING, FAILED, CANCELLED, DELETED. | Value | Y |
Card Type | Type of card if a card has been used as a payment method; AMEX, VISA, MasterCard, Discover. | Value | N |
Reference | Users can enter up to 255 characters. This is typically the electronic reference or the check number. | Text | N |
Comments | Users can enter up to 255 characters. This is for any comments to identify the payment. | Text | N |
Invoice Number | External invoice identifier; typically the invoice number provided by the supplier. | Text | Y |
Invoice Payment Amount | This is the amount being paid toward the invoice. | Decimal | Y |
Currency | Currency of the payment. | Text | Y |
Invoice Comments | Any comments to identify the invoice. | Text | N |
After a payment has been uploaded, the payments will be posted to the invoices and will be view-able by all users within the header section of the invoice. Suppliers will also be able to view this information when reviewing their invoices.
NOTE: If the file includes an invoice that is a duplicate:
Unimarket also offers customers the ability to update payment status information by automatic upload. Speak to your Account Manager for further details.
The View Spend feature is available to Communities with the Invoice Module Enabled. You can access the View Spend screen by going to Marketplace > Transactions > View Spend. This feature allows you to view a list of your orders showing the value of the order received and invoiced. Users with the View Transactions and Community Administrator role can view spend across all Organization Units. Users with the Buyer Role are restricted to only orders they can access.
Note: Orders NRNI as well as manually closed orders are not included. |
The View Spend Screen will show a summary of spend per order.
Column Name | Description |
Order | The order number. |
Supplier | The name of the Supplier for the order. |
Order Date | The date the order was placed. |
Order Value | The total value of the line items on the order. Excludes tax and shipping costs. |
Not Received | The value of the line items not received on the order. Excludes tax and shipping costs. |
GRNI (Goods Received Not Invoiced) | The value of line items that have been received and not yet invoiced. Excludes tax and shipping costs. |
Invoiced | The value invoiced against the order. Excludes tax and shipping costs. |
Shipping & Other Costs | The value of shipping, special handing and tax on the order or invoice. |
Total Invoiced | The total amount invoiced (Invoiced + Shipping & Other Costs). |
You can filter which orders are displayed on the View Spend screen by Organization Unit, Created Date, Supplier, Order Type, Buyer, and Payment Method. To apply a filter click Filters and use the drop down menus to choose how you wish to filter the list than Click Apply Filter.
To export the current filtered list, click Export on the top right side and select Export Spend. The Export will show each Order by Line item allowing you to easily see the spend recorded in detail.