Community Administration
Learn how Community administration works within Unimarket including how to view and update Community information.
Multiple Remit To Set Up (Banner Customers)
Unimarket has the ability for customers to select from a list of remit addresses during Invoice processing. The set up includes ensuring that Banner and Unimarket are configured properly to select the correct address type and sequence combination for the vendor.
A couple key items to keep in mind as you test:
- The Multiple Remit to address process is not part of the initial supplier set up in Unimarket - it is a secondary set up required for an existing supplier.
- Customers can maintain the supplier remittance addresses in the UI for the Supplier Admin screens or in an upload template for bulk uploads in the UI or via sFTP.
- The PO will always have the FTMVEND default remit to address and the Invoice will have the remit to addresses selected during the invoice/AP process if the customer is set up to allow Remittance Address Selection in the Invoice screen. These will not match if an address other than the default address is chosen during the invoice/AP process in Unimarket.
- If the AP address is invalid in Banner, the Invoice is created as Incomplete in Banner. AP should be checking for Incomplete documents (FGRIDOC) prior to the check run.
Set Up:
1. Turn on the ability to choose Multiple Remit to Addresses in Unimarket (one time setup).
Administration > Invoices > Under the UI Heading:
2. Determine which vendors you will use to test multiple remit (MR) addresses.
- You will need an address type and sequence number for each remit to address (i.e. AP1, etc.) from Banner. If you need queries from Banner, please ask the Unimarket Team for some that can help get you started.
- Select one of the addresses to be the Default address for Unimarket.
- You can add these to your test plan for tracking.
3. In Unimarket, from the Administration Module, access Administration > Suppliers. Find the supplier you want to set up with multiple remit to an select the Addresses tab.
4. Choose the ADD ADDRESS button and the address pop-up window will appear.
5. For each vendor address add the required information:
- The Name field is what will display in the drop-down list during the Invoicing process so make it clear and unique for the AP Team.
- Our suggestion is to append the "Code", address type and seqn at the end of the Remittance Address Name - for example "Accounts Receivable (AP01)" or "105 Main St (AP02)".
- The Code field is required if you are integrating with Banner. Enter the Address Type and Sequence combination from Banner in a four digit format - for example AP01, AP02, PO04, PO11, etc.
- Select the proper default. It will be the first option in the drop-down list during the Invoicing Process. You can change the default address on the vendor on the Supplier Address tab by selecting Actions > Set As Default.
6. Check your setup in Unimarket by submitting an Invoice. The Remit To option will have a drop down arrow listing all the options you added.
Bulk Upload of Supplier Remittance Addresses
Unimarket provides the ability to upload multiple suppliers’ remittance addresses in a CSV upload file. This can be done through the user interface (UI) or via an sFTP file processing. You will want to engage your IT team to build a report for the supplier remittance addresses out of Banner.
You can upload remittance addresses in Unimarket by going to Admin > Manage Suppliers > Uploads tab.
The upload template and specs can be found and downloaded from this upload screen.
Production to Demo Update Sequence (Demo Refresh)
You can take the below steps to update your Demo environment to match your Production environment. The only piece that you will need to request that Unimarket update will be the Process on the Approvals tab if your Demo environment does not currently match your Production environment. Once all of the other areas have been updated, please let us know and we can request that your account manager update the process on the backend.
1. Update the Account Code Format
- Export your Account Code Format from Production by going to the Administration Module
- Click on Settings
- Click on Management
- On the Account Codes tab click into the account code
- Click on the More Actions button in the top right and press download
- Once you have the file log into Demo
- Go into the Administration Module
- Click Settings
- Click Management
- On the Account Codes tab click into the account code
- Click the More Actions button in the top right and press Upload
2. Update the Organizations
- Export from Production by going to the Administration Module
- Click Organizations on the left side menu
- Click More Actions on the top right
- Click on Download Org Units
- Once you have the file log into Demo
- Go to the Administration Module
- Click Organizations on the left side menu
- Click More Actions on the top right
- Click on Upload Org Units
3. Update the Buyer Groups
- Update the buyer groups by going to the Administration Module
- Click on Users from the left side menu
Click on the tab for Buyer Groups - Click +Add Buyer Group to add any buyer groups that need to be added
- Click Delete on the right side of any buyer group on the list that needs to be removed
4. Update the Users
- Export the Users from Production by going to the Administration Module
- Click on Users on the left side menu
- Stay on the Users tab and press the Export button on the right hand side
- Once the file has been exported, log into Demo
- Go into the Administration Module
- Click on Users from the left side menu
- Go to the Upload Users tab
- Press Browse and find and attach your csv file
- In the Missing User Action box you will want to select either Disable or Ignore
Disable- Disable users that are present within Unimarket but not present within the upload file.
Ignore- Ignore users that are not present within the upload file.
5. Approvals
- Go to the Administration Module
- Press Approvals from the left side menu
5a. Levels
- Go to the Administration Module
- Press Approvals from the left side menu
- Click on the tab for Levels
- Review the levels in Prod vs Demo to determine if any need to be added or removed
Note: If any levels need to be added, it is best to delete these and start fresh and you will want to add from the lowest level and work your way up to the highest level. 5b. Groups
- Go to the Administration Module
- Press Approvals from the left side menu
- Click on the tab for Groups
- Click on the three dots on the right hand side
- Press Download Groups
- Log into Demo
- Go to the Administration Module
- Press Approvals from the left side menu
- Click on the tab for Groups
- Click on the three dots on the right hand side
- Press upload Groups
5c. Chains
- Go to the Administration Module
- Press Approvals from the left side menu
- Click on the tab for Chains
- Click on the three dots on the right hand side
- Press Download Chains
- Log into Demo
- Go to the Administration Module
- Press Approvals from the left side menu
- Click on the tab for Chains
- Click on the three dots on the right hand side
- Press upload Chains
5d. Rulesets
- Go to the Administration Module
- Press Approvals from the left side menu
- Click on the tab for Rulesets
- Check to make sure all the Ruleset names in Prod match the Ruleset names in Demo. If they are not all listed in Demo, you will want to add them by pressing the Add Ruleset button
- Next, click into the Ruleset names one by one in Production
- Press More Actions on the right hand side
- Press Export Rules. Do this under each Ruleset.
- Log into Demo and go to the Administration Module
- Press Approvals from the left side menu
- Click on the tab for Rulesets
- Click into each Ruleset Name
- Press the More Actions button on the right hand side
- Press Import Rules and attach the appropriate Ruleset
Note: If the Process for Approvals needs to be updated - Reach out to Support and they will have your Account Manager update this. -
Configuring receiving in your community
Administrators can manage the community receiving options from Administration > Modules > Procurement. The below options are available and define the global settings for all community users.
Setting Definition Enable Receiving Date Allows buyers to set a user-defined receiving date. This can be used if the community has a need to back-date receiving. Enable Auto-Receiving Allows auto-receiving for all suppliers if the buyer selects it during checkout. This can be overridden for individual suppliers. Enable Auto-Receiving Threshold If enabled, allows a threshold to be specified. All orders not over that value will have auto-receiving enabled by default. This can be overridden for individual suppliers. Auto-Receiving Threshold Where the auto-receiving threshold value should be entered. Enable Invoice Reminder Wait time If enabled, allows the receiving reminder for an order that has a Pending Receiving Invoice to be delayed by a number of days after the Order Created Date. Invoice Reminder Wait Days This is the number of days after the Order Created Date that the system will wait before sending a receiving reminder for an order that has a Pending Receiving Invoice. Enable Open Order Reminder If enabled, allows a reminder email to be sent for orders that are not fully received (or manually closed) and are still open after a specified number of days. Open Order Reminder Days Where you specify the number of days an order has to be open before it is included in the reminder email. -
Community Management
The Community Management tab is in the Administration menu under Settings. The Community Management settings can be managed by users with the Community Administrator or Community Management role.
There you can find the following management features:
Account Codes - one or many account code formats that are used to code requisition lines.
Exchange Rates - used to estimate the community base currency value of an item purchased in a foreign currency to ensure a requisition will be routed to the correct delegated approver.
Forms - allow additional community-defined information to be captured.
Tax - manage tax rates.
Categories - map product categories to the Unimarket UNSPSC codes.
Supplier Tax Form Definition - defines criteria for US tax forms.
Payment Terms - allow a Community to define the agreement that they have with specific suppliers for payment of orders.
Tags - group suppliers with purchasing categories.
Guided Buying - defines Collections which provide more control over the suppliers that display.
Community Settings
The Settings management tab can be found by clicking on the Administration Module > select Settings from the drop down then select the Settings Tab.
The Settings page allows administrators the ability to enable and disable various features. The Community Settings can be managed by users with the Community Administrator or Community Features role.
Setting Definition Enable Justifications Allows buyers to specify justification text and attachments which are sent to approvers with requisitions. Justification on all Order Types If this is enabled, justification can be completed for No Approval Needed Orders (Some Credit Card & Release Orders). Justification Text Required Makes the Justification Text a required field during checkout. Justification Type Required For communities using Justification Forms. This makes the Justification Type a required field during checkout. Default Justification Type For communities using Justification Forms. Determines the default option for the Justification Type during checkout. (You can set a Justification Type per supplier by going into the specific suppliers settings.) Tasks
Setting Definition Enable Task Digest Email Enables a regular task digest email to be sent to all users with outstanding Unimarket Tasks. Task Digest Frequency Determines how often the email is sent out - Daily (excludes weekends), Mon/Wed/Fri, Weekly (each Monday) or Custom. Days Displays when Custom is selected for Task Digest Frequency. Determines the weekday(s) on which the email is sent (from Monday to Friday). Run time Displays when Custom is selected for Task Digest Frequency. Determines the time of day at which the email is sent (up to 6 times a day). Account Code
Setting Definition Default Account Code Determines the default account code behavior during checkout. The options are: - None (no default)
- Remember last used - Remembers the last account code used by the buyer
- User Default - uses the buyers default account code populated on their user account
Supplier Pages
Setting Definition Supplier Profile Form Supplier Forms will be available for selection to apply to the community supplier profile. Community User Settings
Setting Definition Enable users to request suppliers Allows buyers to request suppliers from a Supplier Administrator. They will also be able to browse the Unimarket Directory. If enabled you can set a Supplier Request form(optional) Request Supplier Form If User to Request Suppliers is Enabled, this drop down will let you select a Supplier request Form to be included in the supplier requests sent. Inbound Emails
Setting Definition Enable Inbound Spam Filtering Enables spam filtering for the inbound email invoices sent to your Invoice Inbox if it's enabled (Defaults to enabled). Spam Threshold Used to set your preferred spam threshold. We recommend starting high (15+) and lowering it as you go. Messages that do not meet this threshold will not be processed by Unimarket. Total Accepted (last 7 Days) The total amount of emails that have passed the spam filter and been accepted over the last 7 days. Total Blocked (Last 7 Days) The total amount of emails that have not passed the spam filter and have not been processed because of this over the last 7 days. -
Community Profile
The Community Profile can be found in the Administration Module menu under Settings. The Profile page is designated for administrators to customize their community. The Community Profile can be managed by users with the Community Administrator or Community Profile role. The sections available on this page allow the community to customize the community, configure emails and view integration credentials.
Setup your community name, description, color scheme and banner.
Field Purpose Name Used to define the Community Name. This will be used in communications (e.g. on Purchase Orders). Display Name This is the name that will be displayed on your community dashboard. the Display Name is generally used if you name the site something internally. The community name will be used if this is not provided. The Display Name is not used on POs or any communications to suppliers. Community Code The community code used during integration and for the site url. Banner The graphical banner is used to customize the look of the community and appears at the top of all community pages. The banner must be a JPEG/PNG image 50 pixels high and a maximum of 500 pixels wide. Menu Color The color scheme allows the community to choose a color scheme for the menus that fit with their banner and branding. Currency States the currency of your community. Description
The Description can be used to specify text that will appear at the top of the community homepage. This is often used to display a welcome message or key information for buyers.
An Alert can be specified which displays highlighted text at the top of the community homepage. This is often used if there are special instructions that buyers need to see.
Links (URLs) can be specified. These are displayed on the homepage and can be used to provide links to documents or webpages such as 'Purchasing Guidelines' or internal support.
The Community can define different logos for that are included in the communications sent via Unimarket.
A Printable Logo which appears on all printable documents such as purchase orders.
An Email Logo that is displayed on emails.
A Public Logo which is used on the public supplier registration page.
Configure emails for your community. These define where notifications are sent during purchasing, approvals, invoicing and more. The help bubbles next to each email address explain how it is used.
You can chose to have one default email address that will be the email for all notifications OR you can have specified email addresses for the different notifications (see below).
- Default: The value used when a more specific email is not specified for the below email fields.
- Approvals: The email address all approval requests are sent from. It's sent to the approver when there is a requisition waiting for their action.
- Invoicing: The email address invoice error and receipting notifications are sent from. The email would be sent to the suppliers' invoice contact if the invoice that was created came in and was not submitted (i.e. rejected). A notification email would be sent to the buyer if an invoice came in for an order that has not been received.
- Lite Suppliers Default: The email address that orders will be sent to if the lite supplier has not been specified with an order email address in the Lite Supplier setup.
- Supplier Profile Changes: The email address that receives notifications of changes to Supplier information.
- Orders: The email address community orders are sent from. Email is sent to the supplier and the buyer when the order is created (requisition is fully approved).
- Supplier Forums: The email address that supplier invitations for registration and comments to the supplier are sent from (other than RFx communication). This is also the email that comments posted by the supplier and notifications when suppliers complete their registration are sent to.
- Integration: The email address that will be sent notifications if the integration web service messages cannot reach the endpoint due to any connection issues.
Provides an overview of the integration credentials for your community. These are used to identify the community when integrating with an external system. The Integration Username and the Community UUID are system generated identifiers. The Integration Password is set by the community and encrypted for security.
Community Terms and Conditions
Users with the Community Administrator role can add their communities Terms and Conditions so they will appear in all order confirmation emails.
NOTE: Changing the Organizations Terms and Conditions will apply the change to the future purchase orders and the historical orders will retain the older terms and conditions that they were issued under. To add Terms and Conditions navigate to your Administration module and then choose Organizations. Next choose your Organization and click on the tab for Order Template.
The content Editor will allow Community Administrators to enter Texts, URL Links and signature images (where required) for the Community Terms and Conditions
The Terms & Conditions will show at the bottom of Purchase Order confirmations (PDF and Email):
How Organization Units are Used
Assigning users to Organization units
Organization Units (Org Units) are very similar to Departments within an Organization. They can be hierarchical so that they can be setup to mirror your organization's structure. All users should be assigned one or more organization units within the Unimarket user profile so their spend can be allocated within the Unimarket application to the correct org unit.
Note that the assigned Org Unit does not impact how spend is classified within the Organization's ERP. Spend within the ERP is solely based on the GL Accounting information on purchase order lines, rather than the organization unit.
Other uses for Organization Units
View Orders Sharing (optional) - Sharing is a feature in Unimarket that allows users to access orders within the same Organization Unit. The benefit of this feature is to allow departments visibility of orders for their group, as well as spend data within the group. With a hierarchical structure, the department heads can easily see all orders from the Org Units that they manage.
Receiving Sharing (optional) - Receiving Sharing is an optional addition to the feature which allows members of the Org Unit to receive any order for their department. With this option disabled, only the Buyer or Browser can perform the receiving action on the order.
Procurement Dashboard - Users will also have access to a Procurement Dashboard within the Reports module. An Org Unit can be chosen for what spend data will appear in the dashboard. If a user chooses a parent Org Unit, the child Org Units will be included in the data.
Reporting - Users can also export orders for their Org Units, either individually or for all Org Units they belong to. To report on a specific Org Unit, select that Org Unit before clicking Search and then choosing an Export option on the View Orders page.
Shopping Lists - This feature provides the user with the ability to create a shopping list with commonly ordered items from Hosted Catalog Items, Roundtrip Items, and/or Non-Catalog Items. You can then share the selected list with other users by Organization Unit.
User Management – All users should be assigned one or more organization unit within Unimarket so their spend can be allocated to the correct org unit. To assign users to the org unit, go to the org unit and navigate to the Users tab, click on Add User and begin typing the user's name, once you have found the correct user click on their name to add them to the Users to Add field, you can add multiple users in one go. Only Org Units that have a parent can have users added to them, so top tier Org Units cannot be assigned users. Administrators can easily filter by user Org Unit in the Admin/Manage User screen.
Account Code Restriction - In many cases, a community will want to limit the GL accounting codes users can see when checking out a requisition. Once this feature is activated for your community, you may select specific codes or a range of codes that the members of each Org Unit are able to access. This allows admins to limit the visibility of codes available to only some departments.
Approvals by Org Unit (not recommended) – Approvals will be routed based on the buyer's Org Unit; this can be done for requisitions, invoices and/or expenses. If the buyer belongs to multiple Org Units, they will select the appropriate one during the checkout process. Each buyer is tied to an Organization or Org Unit, that Org Unit is tied to one or more approval chains containing a hierarchy of approvers, each with an approval level. If there is more than one approval chain the buyer selects the correct one when creating the requisition
Contracts – When creating a Contract, you can assign the “owning” Org Unit which gives all users in that Org Unit visibility of the Contract without needing to be a member. You can also limit who can buy off that contract with the Purchasing Org Units so that only the users in a selected Purchasing Org Unit can select that contract for a supplier in the checkout screen, linking the order to the contract for spend tracking. If your contract is assigned to an Org Unit, you can filter the contracts by the Org Units on the View Contracts page.
Organization Units
Organization Units (Org Units) can be hierarchical so that they can be setup to mirror your organization's structure. All users should be assigned one or more organization unit within Unimarket so their spend can be allocated to the correct org unit. The org units are created, assigned approval chains, and assigned to users from these tabs.
Org units can be used to drive delegated approvals, for more information on how approvals work or setting up approvals see How Approvals Work and Setup & Manage Approvals.
Add New Organization Unit
- Go to Administration module > Organizations
Select Add Organization Unit from the More Actions menu on the right.
- If the organization unit you are adding is a top tier unit (e.g. your Community name) then leave the Parent field blank, if this is an org unit that sits below another, add the relevant parent org unit in the Parent field.
- Give the org unit a name (e.g. IT or Finance) and then select Add or if you want to add more select Add More.
Note: Parenthesis will appear around the code if the name and code are different. Download and Import Org Units
If you prefer to export (download) your organization units to edit them or add new ones, you can do that by selecting Download Org Units from the More Actions menu on the right. The org unit information will be exported via a standard CSV file.
The columns in the file are as follows:
Column Type Mandatory Length Comments Name Text Y 255 The name of the organization unit. Parent Text N 255 Must reference the name of another organization unit. Leaving this blank will make this a top-level organization unit. Approval Chains Text N The Approval Chain must already be created in Unimarket. You can separate multiple approval chains with a comma (Eg: Approval Chain 1,Approval Chain 2). Once you have the file you can edit or add to the org units as needed. Once you are happy with the spreadsheet, select Upload Org Units from the More Actions to load them back into Unimarket.
Note: All existing organization units will be deleted and replaced with the content of the new upload file. Assigning Users to Org Units
To assign users to the org unit, open the org unit by clicking its name and navigate to the Users tab. Click on Add User.
Once you have found the correct user click on their name to add them to the Users to Add field, you can add multiple users at once.
Note: Only Org Units that have a parent can have users added to them, so top tier Org Units cannot be assigned users. Users may also have a self approval level which defines the spend level (i.e. $200) that they have authority to spend without the need for workflow to a delegated approver. If Self Approval is left blank then all the user's requisitions will be sent for delegated approval, see Edit User above.
Restrict Account Codes by Organization Unit
If required you can limit the Account Codes available to your buyers by Organization Unit. If this feature is enabled for your community, you may select specific account codes or a range of account codes that the members of each Org Unit are able to access. This allows admins to limit the visibility of account codes available to only the departments using those codes.
To configure an org unit for specific account codes, click on the relevant org unit and navigate to the Account Codes tab.
Uncheck the option for Allow All Account Codes and then click on Add Account Code Pattern. The options to modify the account codes available for members of the Org Unit will appear. You may set exact values, ranges of values or allow any (wildcard) for each part of the account code format. For ranges, letters are sorted alphabetically and numbers are sorted smallest to largest (e.g. A < B or 500 < 600).
Once satisfied with your newly created rule, click Add or Add More if you would like to add additional rules. You can then view any rules you have set up. You may set up as many as you like.
For picklist account codes (where users select from a supplied list of accounts), only the accounts the user's org unit has access to will appear. For regular expression account (where users must manually enter an account code), any account code outside of their allowed range will result in an error explaining they do not have access to the entered account code.
Delete Child Organization Unit
In rare cases where the Child Organization Unit is no longer in use, they can be deleted. However, it is very important to note that by deleting the Child Organization Unit would remove it from future reporting and from filters within the portal.
As an alternative, to maintain the Child Organization Unit in the portal while still denoting that it's no longer in use, the name of the Child Organization Unit can be changed to include the term "Discontinued".
Note: Before Deleting a Child Organization Unit, it's recommended to reach out to your account manager for further guidance. -
Purchase Order Bulk Change - Buyer
The Bulk update of Buyer on Purchase Orders allows Community Administrators to manage staff movements and allocate orders for 'User A' to be reassigned to 'User B'.
From the View Orders page, you can identify the purchase orders by using the Buyer filter of those orders you would like to Bulk update.
Note: The system will let you bulk update up to 200 purchase orders at a time. Select the orders from the list that you wish to Close or you can choose Select All from the bottom of the list.
Once you have completed your selection, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue.
Select Update Buyer and click Continue.
You will then be prompted with a dropdown menu of available new Buyers for selection, and a mandatory Note for the reassign reason. Upon clicking Continue a confirmation of the Orders that will be Bulk updated will be asked. Click on Finish upon review and confirmation.
A confirmation that the Bulk Change has been successfully completed and, the update to Buyer will be shown in the History of the Order.
Purchase Order Bulk Change - Close
From the View Orders page, you can identify the purchase orders you would like to Bulk Close. The system will let you bulk close up to 200 purchase orders at a time.
Note: You can use the filters on the View Orders page to filter down to the orders you want to close. Common settings are Order Status = Open and Receiving Status = Closed. You can also use the filter for Has Received Invoice = Yes. Select the Orders menu within the Marketplace module. (Use the search filters if needed to return the list of orders desired in the search results, then click Apply Filters.) Once you are happy with your selections, click the Export button and select Bulk Change.
Select the orders from the list that you wish to Close or you can choose Select All from the bottom of the list.
Once you have completed your selection, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue.
Select Close Order and click Continue.
Review the orders that were selected to be closed and if correct, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Finish to close the orders.
Note: You can Bulk Reopen orders by taking the above steps and selecting orders that have been closed. -
Purchase Order Bulk Change - Organization Unit
If your community is using Org Units (Organization Units) for approvals, transaction or receiving sharing, users will be assigned an Org Unit in their user profile to select at Checkout, which links the requisition and subsequent order and invoice to the Org Unit.
The Bulk Change function allows Community Administrators the ability to tidy up historical order data by bulk changing the Org Unit on orders.
Note: This only allows users to select and bulk change the orders they would normally be able to edit directly. Bulk Change
Select the Orders menu within the Marketplace module. (Use the search filters if needed to return the list of orders desired in the search results, e.g. choose the organization you want to change from, then click Apply Filters.) Once you are happy with your selections, click the Export button and select Bulk Change.
Select the orders from the list that you wish to change or you can choose Select All from the bottom of the list.
Once you have completed your selection, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue.
Select Update Organization Unit if not already selected and click Continue.
Select the org unit you wish to change the orders to and click Continue.
Review the orders that were selected to be changed and once you are happy scroll to the bottom of the page and click Finish to update the orders.
Account Codes
Accounts codes can be found in the the Administration module > Settings > Management tab > Account Codes tab. The community can configure one or many account code formats that are used to code the requisition lines (also known as GL account codes). These should match the format used in the organizations Financial System (ERP). Codes can either be loaded as a Regular Expression, which requires the user to enter the code, or as a Picklist, which allows the community to upload a list of pre-defined codes that users will select. Multiple formats can be loaded if required. For example, a community may want to code requisitions against GL Codes and against Project Codes. If multiple formats are loaded the user will select which format during the checkout process (at a line by line level).
Creating Account Code Formats
- Go to the Administration module > Settings > Management tab > Account Codes tab and click Add Account Code Format.
- Provide a code and a name for the format. Users will select the name if there are multiple formats created.
- Define the account code Parts. This determines the number and format of the boxes displayed in the checkout process. Each part can be defined as a Regular Expression or a Picklist (see above). Check Optional if entry of data into this field is optional for users.
- Use the Depends On fields to set dependency between Parts e.g. a selection in Part A filters the available options in Part B .
Note: The format of the uploaded values must also reflect any dependency. Account codes can be used to route approvals, for information on how this works and how to set it up see How Approvals Work and Setup and Manage Approvals.
It is also possible to limit access to account codes based on the organization units the user is a member of, for information on how to set this up also see Setup and Manage Approvals.
To see how to filter or restrict Account Codes by Organization Unit, see the Org Unit help article
Exporting Current Account Codes
The Community Administrator and Community Management roles have access to the Community Management pages.
- Go to Administration Module > Settings > Management.
- Go to Account Codes tab.
- Click on an existing code or name of the Account Code format ('code' in the screenshot above).
- Click More Actions and select Download. This downloads an .CSV file to your default downloads folder.
Adding / Editing Account Code Information
- Open downloaded .CSV file
- The following columns are found in the file:
Column Type Mandatory Length Comments Part Text Y 255 - Must reference the name of a Part defined in the account code format
- Part Element examples:
Parent Text N 25 - This indicates a Parent dependency for the part on line. In Unimarket, the GL account value will only be available if the value in the Parent field has been selected.
- Must reference a Value from another row in the CSV.
Value Text Y 25 The short code for the account code that will be used as the value in the account code string. Description Text N 100 A description of this value. This is used when searching for parts and is shown in tooltips on completed account codes (eg when viewing an order). - Add any new account codes or change any existing account codes.
- Save the excel account code template as a .CSV file by clicking Save or Save as.
- You will be notified by Excel that there are formatting restrictions, click Ok.
- Save the file to a folder or location on your computer that you will be able to find the file for uploading. Saving the file does not automatically update the information in Unimarket. See the next section for uploading instructions.
Note: If leading zeros are required:
- Highlight all cells where one or more leading zeros need to be added.
- Right click and select Format Cells.
- Under the number tab, select the Custom Type.
- Under Type, enter in a string of zeros that match the length of the account code segment (For example, if the Object should be a 6 digit number, enter 6 zeros).
- Click OK.
- Once you are happy with the changes to the spreadsheet, save it in a place where you will easily find it.
- A window will pop up asking if you would like to continue saving as a .CSV document. Select Yes.
Uploading Account Codes
- Return to Manage Account Code page in Unimarket.
- Click Upload.
- Click Choose File and locate the recently saved .CSV file.
- Once you have made your selection, click Upload.
Note: Uploading a new account code file will overwrite all existing accounts in Unimarket but existing requisitions and orders will not be affected. The update can take a few minutes based on the size of the file. When it is complete, you will receive the message Account Code Uploaded.
Note: If you are routing approvals using account codes, make sure to add a mapping to any new accounts that have been loaded to ensure that requisitions using the new accounts are routed to the expected approval chain. If you have account code rules set up for organization units (to restrict access) you may need to update the relevant organization unit patterns accordingly. Uploading Account Codes via Automation
Unimarket also offers customers the ability to update account code data by automatic upload. Speak to your Account Manager for further details.
Users' Account
Community users are able to view their account details and set up preferences from the My Account selection under the User icon in the top right side of their screen.
You can read below to find out more information on User Account Settings or watch this short video:
Out of Office
You can set yourself as unavailable for a set timeframe from the Out of Office tab. Users that are away will display with an away icon and return date in all user-selection menus including the requisition reassign function, invoice assignment and anywhere a user is selected. See Approvers - Out of Office, Unavailable & Assigning Proxy on for more information.
Note: When you set yourself as unavailable, your name will be greyed out and will only show upon returning when reassigning a requisition or order. Settings
User Details
On the Settings tab, under the User Details section, community users can edit their First Name, Last Name, Phone Number and Email.
Note: Username is defaulted and cannot be modified. Default Account Code
If your community allows users to set a default account code, it will determine the account code behaviour during checkout. Each user's default account code can be configured in My Account > Settings.
Landing Page
Under the My Settings section, users are able to select the page they will see upon logging in to their account. The available options can be viewed from the Set Login Landing Page drop-down menu.
Default Attention
The default Attention To field is 'blank' and purchase orders will apply the user's First Name & Last Name as the default Attention To. In cases where users would like to have a different Attention To text other than their First & Last name, this default text can be set in this field.
Default Location (Ship To Address)
Community users can now choose their preferred default Ship To address under their account settings. The Ship To that is selected will be defaulted whenever the user creates a new requisition. On the check out screen the Ship To can still be edited to any of the users available Ship To locations as needed.
For more information on locations, see Locations (Billing & Shipping).
Click the Save button at the bottom of the page after editing your account details or settings to ensure changes are saved.
Configure Edit and Pause Requisitions
The Edit and Pause Requisition functions allows Approvers and Buyers to edit line items in a Requisition that is Pending Approval or Pause the Requisition to review it in-depth. To have this function enabled for your Community you will need to reach out to your Account Manager to discuss further.
The Edit Requisition function allows Approvers or Buyers to amend information in the Requisition instead of the Approver declining the Requisition.
The Pause Requisition function allows Approvers to pause the Approval process and review the Requisition and/or communicate with the Buyer.
Configure Edit Requisition
If the Edit Requisition function has been enabled by your Account Manager you can enable/disable who can use the Edit function.
Administrators can find these settings by going to the Administration Module and selecting Approvals from the left side menu. Under the Requisition Editing Settings you'll find the following options:
- Allow Requisition details to be edited during Approval - this enables Approvers to edit Requisitions that are delegated to them for Approval.
- Allow Buyers to Edit Pending Requisitions - this allows Buyers to edit Requisitions during the approval process.
Configuring Pause Approvals
Approval and Community Administrators can disable or enable the Pause Requisition function as well as update the time period for which a Requisition can be paused.
Administrators can find these settings by going to the Administration Module and selecting Approvals from the left side menu. Check Allow approvers to pause escalation to enable the Pause Requisition function. The Pause Time sets how long the Requisition will stay paused before the approval process is automatically resumed.
Note: The pause time excludes weekends and public holidays. For more information on how to pause or edit Requisitions please see our Pause Requisition and Edit Requisitions articles.
Procurement Administration Module
If the community has the Procurement module enabled this can be configured from the Administration menu under Procurement in the Modules section.
Note: If you have the Financial Years feature enabled there will be a Settings tab, which includes what you see below, and a Management tab where you manage your financial years (fiscal years). For more on Managing Financial Years (Fiscal Years) click here. General
Setting Definition Enable Delivery Date Allows delivery dates to be specified on purchase orders during checkout. Enable Saved Requisitions Allows users to save a requisition and continue with it at a later point. Enable Price Estimates Enables the price estimate functionality for non-catalog orders. This allows the buyer to specify a price range. This can be overridden for individual suppliers. Enable Retrofit Orders Enables the ability to create retrofit orders. This option will appear in the checkout. Enable Retrofit Date Enables the ability for buyers to specify the order date when creating a retrofit order. Non-Catalog Category Required If enabled, buyers must provide a UNSPSC category for all non-catalog order items. Enable Line Copying Allows buyers to copy and edit lines during checkout. This can be used if the buyer needs to split the line by quantity. Enable Reassign Requisitions Allow buyers to reassign their items to other users during the checkout process. Enable Reassign Requisitions Outside Organization Units Allow buyers to reassign their items to other users outside the organization unit during the checkout process. Enable Automatic cancellation of Incomplete Requisition A periodic job will run to Cancel any Requisition that is sitting in Incomplete state for more than 2 years. Blanket Orders
Setting Definition Enable Blanket Orders Enables Blanket Order Across all Suppliers (can be overridden for individual Suppliers). Enable Release Order Coding If enabled allows buyers to update the account coding for release orders during checkout. Include Shipping Include release orders shipping amount when deducting funds from blanket orders. Include Tax Include release order tax amount when deducting funds from blanket order. Checkout Default Layout
These settings define which sections of the checkout are expanded or collapsed by default.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions are managed on a per-organization basis. The link available here will redirect you to the organizations page. You can find more information on setting the Terms and Conditions on our dedicated help article.
Setting Definition Auto-Accept Quotes Enables the ability for supplier quotes to be automatically added to the buyers shopping cart rather than reviewed and accepted. Reminder Period Defines the number of hours prior to a quotes expiry that the buyer will be sent a reminder. Payment
Enables the ability for community buyers to purchase from suppliers using credit card. Please note that this must be coordinated with suppliers that accept credit cards. The credit card payment option will only appear for those suppliers that have it enabled. If Stripe is enabled you find the settings for Stripe and how it is displayed to your Buyers.
Note: Stripe is available only to Australian Communities. Please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss enabling this payment option Receiving
Setting Definition Enable Receiving Date Allows buyers to set a user-defined receiving date. This can be used if the community has a need to back-date receiving. Enable Auto-Receiving Allows auto-receiving for all suppliers if the buyer selects it during checkout. This can be overridden for individual suppliers. Enable Auto-Receiving Threshold If enabled, allows a threshold to be specified. All orders not over that value will have auto-receiving enabled by default. This can be overridden for individual suppliers. Auto-Receiving Threshold Where the auto-receiving threshold value should be entered. Enable Invoice Reminder Wait time If enabled, allows the receiving reminder for an order that has a Pending Receiving Invoice to be delayed by a number of days after the Order Created Date. Invoice Reminder Wait Days This is the number of days after the Order Created Date that the system will wait before sending a receiving reminder for an order that has a Pending Receiving Invoice. Enable Open Order Reminder If enabled, allows a reminder email to be sent for orders that are not fully received (or manually closed) and are still open after a specified number of days. Open Order Reminder Days Where you specify the number of days an order has to be open before it is included in the reminder email. Contract Spend
Setting Definition Allow Off Contract Spend Default The default setting to Allow or Disallow off contract spend for suppliers. Can be overridden at individual supplier level. Update all existing suppliers with the community default Note this will override any existing supplier specific settings. Non-Catalog Settings
Setting Definition Default Form Select a default Non-Catalog Form from your list of created forms.
The form selected will then be the one defaulted on the Non-Catalog screen for Buyers to use, unless they choose an alternate from the drop-down list (where there is more than one form).
Using Account Code Option Attributes
When defining an Account Code format it is possible to specify additional Option Attributes against 1 or many of the account code parts in a format. The flexible Attributes allow the community to store additional values against the account code Part. When a user selects account codes in the checkout the system also records the associated Attribute value(s) against an account code part for use within reporting or the customer ERP (see examples).
Note: End users cannot view or select attributes. It is only additional data captured when they code accounting on requisitions.
This example Account Code has the Parts: Cost Centre and Account.
Cost Centres have different tax classifications so the community creates an Option Attribute of Tax_Class (see below). An additional column will appear in the Account Code upload template and the community then uploads the different tax classifications against each Cost Centre in the Tax_Class column.
When the Cost Centre '2' (Charitable Trust) is selected, the Tax_Class of 'FREE' is also recorded. This can then be used in the customer ERP to determine how they apply tax against this Cost Centre.
Other examples
Option Attributes can be used for anything, however a common use is to identify CAPEX versus OPEX expenditure. To do this an Attribute of CAPEX could be added to the appropriate account code part and the community would upload their account codes with a CAPEX Y/N flag to easily record if spend was classified as CAPEX. This removes the need for end users to have knowledge of CAPEX/OPEX items.
Defining Option Attributes
Add an Option Attribute in the Account Code Part definition and give it a Name. There can be many for an Account Code Part.
Upload the Option Attribute values as part of the Account Code upload.
Part Parent Value Description Tax_Class Cost Centre 1 Business FULL Cost Centre 2 Charitable Trust FREE Account A Products Account B Services -
Deleting Attachments
Users with the Community Administrator role have the ability to delete attachments from Requisitions, Orders, Invoices and more. The attachment will be removed and no longer accessible within Unimarket. However a history of the original attachment, who attached and who deleted the file will be recorded, date/time stamped and available for auditing.
Note: If an invoice was created by the supplier, the attachments can only be removed by the supplier themselves. Administrators will see the
(red trashcan icon) next all uploaded attachments.
To delete, select the trash icon and place the reason for deletion in the pop-up window.
Once deleted, hover over the corresponding (i) icon to see that attachment's history.
The size limit for all attachments on a single requisition, invoice, or order is 50 MB.
Enable Task Digest Email
This feature allows users with the Community Administrator or Community Features role to enable a regular task digest email to be sent to all users with outstanding Unimarket tasks from the last 3 months. This includes:
- outstanding receiving tasks
- invoices that need acceptance tasks
- incomplete requisitions tasks
- requisition and invoice approval tasks
- expense tasks
- supplier requests tasks
Note: The Digest email will only include order numbers and supplier, not lines and is limited to the 10 newest orders based on the created date. Enable Task Digest Email
From the Module Switcher select the Administration menu and then select Settings from the Hamburger menu. On the Settings Tab, you can scroll to the Tasks section and you will see an Enable Task Digest Email checkbox option. Once checked you will then be allowed to select how often this email will be sent out to your users from the Task Digest Frequency drop down menu below. The emails are triggered at 6am (in the community's time zone) and the frequency options are:
- Daily - send the digest email every day (excludes weekends).
- Mon/Wed/Fri - send the digest email on Monday Wednesday and Friday.
- Weekly - send the digest email on Monday only.
- Custom - schedule for the digest email to be send any days from Monday to Friday, up to 6 times a day.
Unimarket Sharing Guide
Sharing is a feature in Unimarket that allows users to access orders within the same Organization Unit (Org Unit). This feature allows users in an Org Unit visibility of orders for their Org Unit and spend data within the group. "Receiving Sharing" is an optional additional feature which allows members of the Org Unit to receive any order for their Org Unit.
How Does It Work?
Org Units are organized into a hierarchy in Unimarket. This hierarchy gives a parent/child relationship between Org Units. A member of a parent Org Unit has visibility of child Org Units, children do not have visibility of the parents.
In the example below, members of the 'Construction' Org Unit would have access to orders within their Org Unit, however a member of 'Facilities' would have access to orders within all three child Org Units.
For more information on creating and managing Org Units, see our Organization Units help page.
How to view orders within your Org Unit
By default, the View Orders page will filter to only the user's orders. By clicking Filters, users can remove their name from the Buyer filter to see all orders they have access to.
Users can also view orders specific to an Org Unit they have access to by selecting the Org Unit in the Organization Unit field and clicking Apply Filter.
Order Export and Reporting
Users can export orders for their Org Units as a CSV file, either individually or for all Org Units they have access to. To report on all parent and child org units they belong to, users should leave the Organization Unit field blank, click Export and choose an Export option.
To report on a specific Org Unit, Filter the orders by that Org Unit, click Export and choose an Export option.
The options from this menu are:
- Export Orders gives a user header level order data, exported into a spreadsheet.
- Export Order Lines gives a user line level order data, exported into a spreadsheet.
- Bulk Change is an option for making bulk changes to your filtered orders.
For more information on the Bulk Change feature, see PO Organization Unit Bulk Change.
Procurement Dashboard
Users will also have access to a Procurement Dashboard on the main Insights page. An Org Unit can be selection in the dropdown in the top left corner for what spend data will appear on the dashboard.
If a user chooses a parent Org Unit, the child Org Units will be included in the data.
Turning on Sharing
To manage the receiving sharing settings as a Community Administrator, you can to to the Administration Module > Organizations > click into the organization you would like to enable this for > click on the Settings tab
Here you will be able to amend 4 Sharing settings:- View Sharing [on]: Allows users to see all Purchase Orders in their Organization Unit except any marked as sensitive.
- Receiving Sharing [on]: Allow users to manage receiving on all Purchase Orders in their Organization Unit except any marked as sensitive.
- Edit Buyer Sharing [on]: Allows users to edit the buyer on all Purchase Orders in their Organization Unit except any marked as sensitive.
- Sensitive Transactions [on]: Allows users to indicate a Requisition or Purchase Order is sensitive and exempt from Sharing.
Managing Financial Years (Fiscal Years) in Unimarket
Financial Years (also known as Fiscal Years) can be assigned to orders within Unimarket when the Financial Year functionality is activated. This will allow your community to track orders to a specific year's budget. The functionality allows the community to designate overlap time, to make forward or backdating orders during the Financial Tear transition as easy as possible.
Configuring Financial Years
The Financial Year functionality is configured within the Procurement Modules settings. To find this, navigate to the Administration > Module > Procurement and choose the Management tab.
Note: Within the Procurement Module there is another tab called Features where you can manage other procurement features. On this screen you can see the dates configured for your Financial Years. The Configurable dates for financial years are:
- Activation Date - the date new orders will be assigned to this Financial Year by default upon checkout (may be earlier than the Start Date)
- Start Date - the date the Financial Year begins
- End Date - the date the Financial Year ends
Adding a new Financial Year
Selecting Add Financial Year will prompt users to fill out information for the next Financial Year they wish to configure. They must name the Financial Year and choose the appropriate dates.
Note: If you add a new financial year and you do not want it to be the default, you will want to set the Activation Date to the future date in which you would like it to start being the default. Editing or disabling a Financial Year
To update the details in financial year click Edit to the right of the year you wish to update.
You can modify the Name, Code and Dates on a Financial Year. If the year is no longer in use, simply uncheck the Enabled option and the year will be disabled.
Locations (Billing & Shipping)
Location Codes are selected by Users during the checkout process which define the Bill To and the Ship To locations for the order. The Location Codes available to each User are based on their Organization.
Note: Unimarket will default to each user's last used ShipTo location when they create a new requisition, UNLESS they are copying a requisition, in which case it will copy those same details for the original document they are copying. Location Codes can be found in the Administration Module by selecting Organizations, clicking on the Organization and selecting the Locations tab.
- Billing Tab - here you can view and manually update your Billing locations
- Shipping Tab - here you can view and manually update your Shipping locations
- Upload Tab - here you can upload a new list of your Billing and Shipping locations
- Download Tab - here you can download the Billing and Shipping locations
Export Location Codes
You are able to export your current locations in a CSV file which you can open in your preferred spreadsheet application. The spreadsheet contains the fields in the table below.
To download an export go to the Download tab under the Locations tab and select Download.
Column Definition Mandatory Length Code A unique identifier for the Location Code. Yes 255 Name The name of the recipient for the address. Yes 255 Display Name The name visible in the dropdown menu for your Buyers when selecting an address. Yes 255 Attention Used to direct to a specific person or team.
If this blank it will show the Buyer on the order.No 255 Bill To Indicates if the address is a Bill To address. Enter as Y or N for Yes or No. Yes 1 Ship To Indicates if the address is a Ship To address. Enter Y or N for Yes or No. Yes 1 Default Bill To Defines the default Bill To Address. Enter Y or N for Yes or No. You may only have one default Bill To Address per Organization. Yes 1 Default Ship To Defines the default Ship To Address. Enter Y or N for Yes or No. You may only have one default Ship To Address per Organization. Yes 1 Address Line 1 The first line for the address. Yes 200 Address Line 2 The second line for the address. No 200 Address Line 3 The third line for the address. No 200 City The City for the address. Yes 200 Region Or State The Region Or State for the address. Yes 255 Zip The Zip or postcode for the address. Yes 20 Country The Country for the address. Yes 255 Note: The Display Value is what users will select on screen during checkout. Make this easy to distinguish. Bulk Update Location Codes
You can download the Location Codes Template or a Location Codes Export to add or update multiple location codes at once by following the below steps:
- Download a locations export or the Location Codes Template.
- Open this in your preferred spreadsheet application.
- Edit or add to the org units as needed.
- Once the spreadsheet is ready save it as a CSV file.
- Go to the Upload tab within the Locations tab, browse and select the CSV file.
- The 'Delete Existing Locations' check will delete and replace all locations with the contents of the new upload file if checked. Otherwise new Location Codes in your upload will be added, and existing codes will be updated.
- Once ready click Upload.
Add Location
You can add a single location by clicking Add Location on the Billing or Shipping tabs.
This will generate a pop-up where you can enter the details of the address. Once you have entered all the required details click Save to add the address to your Organization.
Editing an Address
If only a single address needs to be updated you can do this by following the below steps.
- Under Administration module, go to Organizations tab.
- Select the desired Organization.
- Go to the Locations tab, followed by the Billing or Shipping tab depending on the type of address you need to update.
- Search for the address you need to update.
- Click Edit to the right of the Address to open the Edit Location pop-up. To remove an address from a location click Delete
- Update the Location details with the information required.
- Click Save to apply the update to the Location Code.
Note: If the location in the user's last used default is edited in the system settings (for example renaming a location or making changes to the address), the system will set any users that had that location to the default. This is because a changed location is a new database entry, so Unimarket will not recognize the newly edited location as being the same as their original location.
Downloadable Template -
Payment Terms
The Payment Terms allows the Community to define specific payment terms on the payment due date of invoices from the Invoice Date. This can be Enabled by users with the Community Administrator or Community Management roles within the Administration module > Settings > Management > Payment Terms tab.
When the "Enable Payment Terms" ticked, payment terms are enabled for the community. The community then has the option to select a Payment Term from a drop-down menu when creating invoices. If there are a number of Payment Terms defined, the Default Community Payment Term will be the default payment term when creating an invoice. If a supplier creates an invoice for your community from the Unimarket Supplier Portal, the Payment Due Date will no longer be an option for the Supplier to enter when creating an invoice. The Payment Term set by the Community will dictate the Payment Due Date.
Adding a New Payment Term
Navigate to the Payment Terms tab and click Add Payment Term.
A pop-up box will appear with the following options:
Description Code A code that represents the payment term, such as '30'. Must be unique and should represent the payment term in your ERP depending on your invoice integration method. Term Type If payment is due on a specific day of the month, then use the following or current month options. If you use a set number of days, such as 'Net 30', use day(s) after the invoice date. (The term type Immediately sets the pay in number of days to 0.) Number of Days This will depend on the "Term Type". See the below list and Number of Days meanings:
- Day(s) after the Invoice Date- The Number of Days from the Invoice Date to the desired Payment Due Date.
- Of the Current Month- The calendar day of the current month. If the calendar day has already passed, some integrations will then set the Payment Due Date to the next available day.
- Of the Following Month- The calendar day of the next month.
- Immediately- Defaults Number of Days to "0".
Description Enter a description of the payment term if needed. Discount A discount percentage that can apply to the invoice total if the payment term is realized. The invoice total will not change in Unimarket as the payment term is realized when the payment is issued within the ERP or payment system. Discount Days Payment must be made before this number of days for the for the Discount to apply. The "Active" checkbox at the bottom of the popup will add this new Payment Term to the dropdown list when creating an invoice.
Setting a Payment Term per Supplier
When the Payment Terms have been set-up, the Community can then assign a specific Payment Term to each Supplier from Administration > Suppliers > select a specific Supplier > Settings Tab.
If a supplier creates an invoice for your community from the Unimarket Supplier Portal, it will follow the Payment Term set here.
Note: Supplier invoices will take on the Community settings of the Payment Terms. If Payment Terms have been disabled in the Community, Payment Due Date can then be entered manually.
If Enabled - it will use the Community Default Payment Terms or the defined Payment Terms set in the Suppliers settings.
Selecting a Payment Term on an Invoice
Where an Invoice is created within Unimarket for your Community, it will now default to your Default Payment Term. However, the Create Invoice role user will be able to select another Payment Term from a drop-down menu. This applies when you invoice an order or entering an invoice.
Viewing the Payment TermOnce the Invoice has been created, the Payment Term will display as part of the View screen. The Payment Due Date is also calculated based on the Number of Days of the selected Payment Term.
Note: In case details of the Payment Term change, the information will retain as it was at the time of the Invoice. eg: If a discount of 10% applied for Invoice ABC on 01-07, but later in the year (01-10) the discount was changed to 15%, Invoice ABC would always show 10% for the historical data. This would also apply in cases where the Payment Term is deleted.
General Ledger Module
The Unimarket General Ledger module is designed to integrate Unimarket directly with the general ledger of your finance system. This means orders and receipts can remain in Unimarket but the finance system still accurately reflects Commitment and Accrual information.
How it Works
Each time an order is created in Unimarket, the GL module sends a ledger entry via integration to your finance system so the GL is updated. When buyers receipt items in Unimarket, another ledger entry is sent to the finance system which creates an accrual. Finally, when an invoice is matched in Unimarket the accrual is reversed and the AP invoice is entered into the finance system for payment. This process happens in real-time so the finance system is always accurate.
Viewing the Ledger
The GL module provides screens to allow the administrator to view and search all the ledger transactions by GL account. This provides visibility of what transactions have taken place between Unimarket and the finance system. When viewing an order the administrator can also choose to view the related ledger entries created for the order, receipt and invoice.
GRNI Accrual Reconciliation Report
The GRNI report has been designed to provide a summary of the accruals in Unimarket so that they can be easily compared to those in the finance system. This process is typically done at month-end as an audit check. The GRNI Accrual Reconciliation report is designed to work in the same way as the GL Module so the results are the consistent.
Below are some scenarios and how they are handled by the GL module.
- Standard scenario
Order: 1 x $10.50 ($10.50 committed)
Receive: 1 x $10.50 ($10.50 accrued)
Invoice: 1 x $10.25 ($10.25 invoiced and the entire accrual of $10.50 is backed out as it is based on QTY)
- Part receipt
Order: 2 x $10.50 ($21 committed)
Receive: 1 x $10.50 (10.50 remains committed, 10.50 accrued)
Invoice: 1 x $10.50 ($10.50 invoiced, accrual of $10.50 is backed out. Qty of 1 remaining to be received and invoiced)
- Invoice amount greater but the quantity is the same
Order: 1 x $10.50 ($10.50 committed)
Receive: 1 x $10.50 ($10.50 accrued)
Invoice: 1 x $18 ($18 invoiced and the entire accrual of $10.50 is backed out as it is based on QTY)
Note: This case would only occur if there was a Force Match in Unimarket. - Invoice quantity is less than the received quantity (but the amount is greater)
Order: 20 x $2 ($40 committed)
Receive: 20 x $2 ($40 accrued)
Invoice: 1 x $47
In this case $47 is invoiced for 1 item but the amount is greater than the total accrual of $40 for 20 items. The accrual is then backed out to the total accrued value ($40) - it is not placed in negative. An example of when this might happen is when the person ordering does not know the correct unit of measure to order in e.g. they order 20 litres of Oil @ $2 per litre ($40). The supplier invoices 1 x 20l Drum @ $47. The total accrual of $40 is backed out but there are 19 items remaining to be invoiced on the order.
In this case the user can Close the order in Unimarket (see below) which ensures no further invoices can be processed against the remaining 19 items.
- Invoice quantity is less than the received quantity (and its the last invoice)
Order: 20 x $2 ($40 committed)
Receive: 20 x $2 ($40 accrued)
Invoice: 1 x $32
In this case $32 is invoiced for 1 item and the amount is less than the total accrual of $40 for 20 items. The accrual is then backed out to the invoiced value ($32) - leaving $6 accrued. As above, an example of when this might happen is when the person ordering does not know the correct unit of measure to order in e.g. they order 20 litres of Oil @ $2 per litre ($40). The supplier invoices 1 x 20l Drum @ $36. This leaves 19 items that could be invoiced, and $6 still accrued.
In this case the supplier has submitted their final invoice so the user can Close the order in Unimarket (see below) which ensures no further invoices can be processed against the remaining 19 items and it releases the remaining $6 accrual.
- Closing Orders
The GL module provides administrators with the ability to Close any outstanding orders where no further invoices are expected. This process stops any further invoicing against the order and releases any remaining accrual. Closed orders can also be reopened if needed.
Integration and Technical Information
For technical details of the GL integration see Accounting Transaction Request (General Ledger Integration)
Change Request Process
We have many change requests from customers that seek new Unimarket functionality or require a solution to a specific business requirement. To best manage customer requirements we have formalized the process for requesting new changes. Outlined below is a summary of the process to request changes or any specific (e.g. integration) work you would like our development team to complete.
- Go to the Change Request form, found here.
- Provide a summary of your change focusing primarily on the business problem you are trying to address. This helps us understand the best approach.
- Email the form to:
- We will review the change and determine if it is something we are able to add to the product.
Note: Unimarket is a 'Software as a Service' product meaning the changes we make to the product are made for all customers. We do not make product customizations for specific customers. - We will determine the desired approach and solution together with an estimate and cost.
Note: If we have already scheduled the change as part of a release it will not attract a cost. If you request a change that requires business analysis to fully scope and specify the change, then we will provide you with an estimate including the required analysis. - The updated Change Request and Estimate will be attached to the Unimarket Helpdesk ticket and sent back for customer review.
- Review the Change Request and any associated costs.
- Discuss and agree delivery time-frames with Unimarket.
- Authorize the change request and provide Unimarket with a Purchase Order.
- Schedule the change as part of a release (time-frames agreed with the customer).
Category Mapping (UNSPSC Codes)
Communities have the ability to map product categories to the Unimarket UNSPSC codes. This means that variances between UNSPSC code versions can be mapped and customers receive a consistent category value for reporting. It also means that communities using another category system can maintain a mapping table so that their categories can be mapped back to the UNSPSC standard. Categories can be found in the Administration module > Settings > Management tab > Categories tab
Communities can choose to manually add mapping from within their community settings or to upload mapping via the supplied CSV template.
Note: When mapping between UN versions, only the exceptions need to be mapped. For example, if a code in UN version 9 is the same as in UN version 14 then no mapping is required. If the code is different then the supplier needs to set up a mapping. Manual Mapping
- Navigate to the Categories management tab. From there you will be able to add or modify mapping.
- Click Add Product Mapping and a pop up box will appear.
- Enter category in the External Category field.
- External Domain field is optional.
- Key in a category in the UNSPSC Category field. If the category is unknown, select the search icon to view and select desired option.
- Click Add to create the category mapping or Add More if you wish to create additional mappings.
Note: When setting the domain please ensure that it matches the external category source you are using. You can also choose to leave the domain blank and Unimarket will look for a matching mapping rule and ignore the domain. Upload Mapping via CSV
You can upload mapping using a CSV file by adding mapping information into the category template, which can also be found by clicking Download Category Mappings.
Fields available within the category template are:
External Code
Category code that needs to be mapped back to Unimarket UNSPSC standards
External Domain
What the external code is
Unimarket Code
Unimarket UNSPSC code
Browse for your CSV file and click Upload.
Set default mapping
Communities have the ability to set a default UNSPSC category for when a category value that is not recognized (or is blank) is passed through and there is no mapping setup for that value.
- In the Categories tab, enter the UNSPSC category you would like to select as your default.
- If you are unsure which category to select, click the magnifying glass icon to bring up a UNSPSC category tree view where you can drill into the categories.
- Once you have found the correct category, click Select to set as default.
Note: If no default is setup and a value is not recognized then the system will display 'NA' in the category. -
User/Buyer Search Filter Default
For users with the Community Administrator, View Transactions or Create Invoice role you may find that when searching on the View Orders, Requisitions, Receiving, Requests For Quote or Bid Requests pages that the search results only display your own data. As these users have the ability to view all transaction data within the community, the results will need to be expanded to users other than themselves at times and there are two ways of doing this.
Change Buyer/User Search Filter
The Buyer or User search filter may default to yourself, meaning the results show only your own transaction data. One way of showing the data for all users is to manually remove your name from that search filter.
Note: Users that don't have the Community Administrator, View Transactions or Create Invoice role will not have a Buyer or User search filter, as they are only allowed to view their own transaction data, unless the View Sharing feature is enabled. For more on View Sharing see Organization Units and scroll to the Organization Unit Based Sharing section. - Once logged in, navigate to whichever page you are wanting to search on.
- Click Filters on the right side of the page.
- Some new search filters will appear and one of them will currently be populated with your name.
- You will need to remove your name by clicking the small X just to the right of it and then click Apply Filters.
Change Data View Setting
Another way to see all user data is to change your user account settings so that the search automatically defaults to include data from all users instead of just your own.
- Once logged in, go to My Account from the User menu in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Click the Settings tab.
- Under My Settings change the Data View Settings field to Community Data instead of Your Data and then click Save.
Note: This will also change the view in the users dashboard to display community data instead of just their own. -
Exchange Rates
Exchange Rates can be found in the Administration module under Settings > Management tab > Exchange Rates tab. Exchange rates are used to estimate the community base currency value of an item purchased in a foreign currency. The estimation is used to ensure the requisition will be routed to the correct delegated approver.
Override Rates
Users with the Community Management or Community Administrator role can set an override for the exchange rate for each currency. To set or change the Override Rate click Edit Override.
You can then enter a new exchange rate in the Override Rate field and click Save to apply this rate to the currency.
Once you have saved the Override this will apply on all further purchases. You can remove the Override by clicking Delete Override to the right or update it by clicking Edit Override.
Note: The exchange rates are not used to calculate the final value of the item in the communities base currency. They are just an estimate for approvals. The purchase order will be created using the currency it was purchased in and the final conversion will occur at the point of invoice or within the customers finance system. Each night the exchange rates are updated using the feed.
Tax Rates
Tax Rates can be found in the the Administration module > Settings > Management tab > Tax Rates tab where you will be presented with your current tax rates. These can be managed and changed to suit your needs.
Adding a New Tax Rate
Navigate to the Tax Rate management tab and click Add Tax rate.
A pop-up box will appear with the following options:
Field Description Type - Composite: Combine multiple tax rates into a single user-selectable option, such as County tax plus State tax.
- Date-based: A rate that changes based on the transaction date.
- Predefined: A tax code to use when products have tax predefined.
- Simple: A simple fixed rate.
Code The short name will appear in the list shown to buyers. Name A descriptive name. Account Code Customers using order integration will receive this account code with the associated tax amount. Rate The tax rate percentage. Selecting a Tax Rate at Checkout
At the checkout stage of processing a requisition, the default tax rates for the product and the shipping will display. To change the tax rate, select the appropriate tax code from the relevant drop-down box. Ensure you have the correct tax rate for both the product and the shipping.
Unimarket Emails List
This below information details all email communications sent by Unimarket to customers and suppliers, including notifications, the wording, what triggers them and who sends/receives them:
Purpose - Trigger Sender Recipients APPROVAL APPROVED - An expense claim that was submitted has been approved
"Subject: Expense Claim Approved
Expense Claim 5 for Demo Buyer has been approved
Expense Claim Approval Summary
Expense Description Supplier Amount Approval
5 Expense Name Demo Supplier $50.00Reason: Approval reason.
Total: $50.00
For full approval details please view the expense in Unimarket."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Approvals Community User who submitted expense claim APPROVAL APPROVER NOT REQUIRED - A requisition which was assigned to a user for approval has been approved by another user
"Subject: Approval No Longer Required
Demo Community
Requisition 196 (Demo Supplier) for Demo Administrator: No further action required.Your approval is no longer required because the requisition has already been Approved or Cancelled. The approval task has been removed from your approval queue.
Description Supplier Account Code Qty Distribution Percentage Unit Price Subtotal
Subtotal $0.00
Shipping $0.00
Tax $0.00
TOTAL $0.00"Community Email set up in community email settings: Approvals Community Approver who doesn't need to approve the requisition anymore APPROVAL APPROVER REMINDER - A requisition that was sent to a user is still awaiting approval (the default reminder period can be set in the community approval settings)
"Subject: Approval Required
Demo Community
Requisition 197 (Demo Supplier) for Demo BuyerDescription Supplier Account Code Qty Distribution Percentage Unit Price Subtotal
Product4 Demo Supplier 1010011753 1 $40.00 (100.00%) $40.00 $40.00
Subtotal $40.00
Shipping $0.00
Tax $6.00
TOTAL $46.00Please login to approve or decline this requisition."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Approvals Community User who has an approval waiting APPROVAL APPROVER REQUIRED - A requisition has been sent to a user for approval
"Subject: Approval Required
Demo Community
Requisition 195 (Demo Supplier) for Demo AdministratorDescription Supplier Account Code Qty Distribution Percentage Unit Price Subtotal
Product3 Demo Supplier 1010011753 25 $750.00 (100.00%) $30.00 $750.00
Subtotal $750.00
Shipping $0.00
Tax $112.50
TOTAL $862.50Please login to approve or decline this requisition."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Approvals Community Approver(s) APPROVAL DECLINED - A requisition that was submitted has been declined
"Subject: Requisition Declined
Requisition 193 for Demo Buyer has been declined
Requisition Approval Summary
Description Unit Price Subtotal Approval
Product4 $40.00 $40.00 DeclinedReason: Reason here.
Shipping: $0.00
Total: $46.00For full approval details please view the requisition in Unimarket."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Approvals Community Buyer who created requisition APPROVAL MIXED - A requisition that was submitted has some lines that were approved and some were declined (this applies to requisitions that have multiple suppliers also)
"Subject: Requisition 191 has been part Declined
Demo Community,
Some lines on this requisition were declined. Approved lines have been ordered.Requisition Approval Summary
Description Unit Price Subtotal Approval
Product5 $50.00 $50.00 Approved
Product9 $90.00 $90.00 Approved
Product4 $40.00 $120.00 DeclinedShipping: $0.00
Total: $299.00For full approval details please view the requisition in Unimarket."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Approvals Community Buyer who created requisition BACKGROUND JOB - A background job (data export) has been completed and is ready for download for either the supplier or the community Unimarket Community, Supplier User who initiated background job BLANKET ORDER ALERT AMOUNT - A blanket order has reached the alert amount set by the blanket order buyer
"Subject: Blanket Order Budget Notification
Blanket Order 173 Demo Blanket Order Name for Demo Supplier has fallen below your specified alert amount $900.00; only $100.00 is left. Invoices submitted which exceed the amount will be rejected. Please login and View Orders to review the Blanket Order status."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Orders Community User who created Blanket Order BLANKET ORDER ALERT DATE - A blanket order has reached the alert date set by the blanket order buyer
"Subject: Blanket Order Expiry Notification
Blanket Order 173 Demo Blanket Order Name for Demo Supplier will expire on 21/06/2017. Invoices submitted after the date will be rejected. Please login and View Orders to review the Blanket Order status."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Orders Community User who created Blanket Order BLANKET ORDER APPROVAL REQUIRED - An invoice has been created against a blanket order and requires approval
"Subject: Unimarket blanket order invoice requires approval
Invoice 510981980484 for Demo Supplier has been submitted against your blanket order 173 Demo Blanket Order Name.
This invoice requires your approval. Please click here to login and view the invoice."Unimarket Community Blanket order creator and users who blanket order is available to BLANKET ORDER INVOICE APPROVED - An invoice submitted against a blanket order was approved
"Subject: Unimarket blanket order invoice accepted
Dear Demo Admin 2,
Your invoice 510981980484 for the blanket order 173 Demo Blanket Order Name has been accepted.
Click here to login and view this invoice."Community User who created Blanket Order Community Blanket order creator, users available to and user who created invoice BLANKET ORDER INVOICE DECLINED - An invoice submitted against a blanket order was declined
"Subject: Unimarket blanket order invoice declined
Dear Demo Admin 2,
Your invoice sd5v4 for the blanket order 173 Demo Blanket Order Name has been declined.The reason given was:
Decline reason here.Click here to login and view this invoice."
Community User who created Blanket Order Community, Supplier Blanket order creator, users available to and user who created invoice BLANKET ORDER SUBMITTED - A blanket order has successfully been submitted
"Subject: Demo Community Demo Supplier Blanket Order: 173
Demo Community
Demo SupplierBlanket Order 173
Created Date: 20/06/2017 4:09 PM
This order was not sent to the supplier.Supplier Bill To
Demo Supplier Attn: Accounts Payable [Bill To 1]
1 Fake court 1 Fake Street
Nowhere Nowhere
New Zealand New Zealand
Demo Blanket Order Name
Description here.
Valid From Valid To Limit Buyer Contact
20/06/2017 12:00 AM 21/06/2017 11:59 PM $1,000.00 Demo Manager
email@email.comThis Blanket Order was issued under the following Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions Text here.."Community Email set up in community email settings: Orders Community, Supplier If the blanket order was sent for approval - Blanket order creator, if they selected to send it to the supplier - email set up in supplier email settings: Orders and available to users CC'd in CATALOG SUBMITTED BY [SUPPLIER]- Alerts customer of a new catalog or an update to an existing catalog.
"Subject: Catalog Submitted by [Supplier]"
Unimarket Catalog Submitted
Supplier X has submitted catalog [Catalog Title] for review. To view the catalog click here. You will need to approve the catalog and ensure Buyer Groups have been added before Buyers are able to purchase from it.Unimarket Community Supplier Comments email address, users with the Catalog Reviewer role CATALOG APPROVED - A catalog has been approved.
"Subject: Catalog Approved by "Customer Name"
Community "Community Name Here" has approved your catalog "Catalog Name Here".
Unimarket Supplier Creator of the catalog, Supplier default CATALOG DECLINED BY [CUSTOMER]- Alerts supplier of a declined catalog.
"Subject: Catalog Declined by [Customer]"
Community [Customer] has declined your catalog. You can view comments posted here.
Unimarket Supplier Creator of the catalog, Admin/Default contact on the supplier account COLLABORATOR CANCELLATION - A bid request was cancelled
"Subject: Request for Quote Collaboration Cancelled: Demo Bid Request Name
The request for quote "Demo Bid Request Name" has been canceled. Please contact Demo Buyer
( if you have any queries."Community User who created Bid Request Community All collaborators COLLABORATOR INVITATION - An invitation to collaborate with the creator on a bid request
"Subject: Bid Request Invitation to Collaborate: Demo Bid Request Name
Dear Demo Manager,
You have been invited to join a Bid Request by Demo Buyer ( for "Demo Bid Request
Name".Please click here to login and view the details."
Community User who created Bid Request Community All collaborators COMMUNITY REQUEST SUPPLIER DECLINED - A supplier request that was submitted has been declined
"Subject: Supplier Request Declined
Your supplier request for access to ABC Supplier has been declined by Demo Admin 2 for the following reason:
Decline reason here.."Community Supplier Request Admin that declined the request Community User who requested supplier COMMUNITY REQUEST SUPPLIER COMPLETED - A supplier request that was sent has now been accepted and the supplier is now available to trade with
"Subject: Supplier Request Approved
Your supplier request has been approved. You can now trade with ABC Limited and they are available in your list of
suppliers."Community Supplier Request Admin that accepted and completed the request Community User who requested supplier COMMUNITY USER INVITATION - An invitation to finalise the creation of a user login
"Subject: Become a member of Demo Community
Dear Demo,
Welcome to the Demo Community Online Purchasing Portal.
You have been assigned a user account. Click the link below, and then log in with the provided username and temporary password. On first login, please check your account details and change the assigned password. Also, ensure that you keep your login information secure at all times.
Please login: here
UnimarketUsername: DUsr, Password: h8cxTzjM"
Community Email set up in community email settings: Default Community Email of user specified by user who sent invite FORUM POST CREATED - A comment has been added to a requisition, the Supplier/Community forum or Workgroup forum for a Bid Request
"Subject: Comment added to 'Community/Supplier
Forum for Demo Community and Demo Supplier' by 'User Name'Demo forum post.
This message was added by 'Demo Admin 2' to 'Community/Supplier Forum for Demo Community and Demo Supplier' comments.
Please click HERE to respond to this comment."
Community, Supplier Email of user, email set up in community or supplier email settings: Supplier or Community Forums Community, Supplier Email set up in community or supplier email settings: Supplier or Community Forums or user who created Bid Request GENERIC_INTEGRATION_PROBLEM - An integration message has an error in it which has caused it to fail (only sent if 'Email on Failure' is checked on integration point) "Subject: Problem sending integration message for ORDER
Unimarket encountered an error while trying to send an integration message with the following details:
Created: 20170619T23:31:39.000Z
Purpose: ORDER
The encountered error is fatal and Unimarket will not attempt to automatically redeliver this message."Unimarket Community, Supplier Email set up in community or supplier email settings: Default GENERIC DOCUMENT SUBMITTED IN THE COMMUNITY - A new Generic Document has been uploaded in the Community by a Community/Supplier Administrator.
"Subject: User has submitted a new Generic Document in Unimarket for Supplier"
User has recently submitted a Generic Document in Unimarket for Supplier (Example Document). Log into Unimarket and view the Suppliers Documents tab to view the document.Unimarket Community Supplier Comments email address, users with the Supplier Administrator role GENERIC DOCUMENT SUBMITTED BY THE SUPPLIER - The Supplier has uploaded a Generic Document in their supplier account for a Customer.
"Subject: Supplier has submitted a new Generic Document Document in Unimarket
Supplier has recently submitted a new Generic Document Document in Unimarket. Log into Unimarket and view the supplier's Generic Document tab under Certificates and Documents to view the document.
Unimarket Community Supplier Comments email address INVOICE BUYER APPROVAL REQUIRED - An invoice that is outside tolerance has been sent to the buyer for approval
"An invoice has been received from a supplier and assigned to you for acceptance. Please login to review and accept the
invoice. If it is not your invoice please assign back to the central invoice inbox."Unimarket Community Buyer who created the order that the invoice is against INVOICE RECEIPTING REQUIRED - An invoice has been submitted against an order which has not been marked as received yet
"Subject: Reminder: Receiving Required
Demo Community
An invoice has been received from Demo Supplier for the following Order lines. The invoice will be placed on hold until the lines are received in the system. Once the items are delivered by the supplier, please login to Unimarket to receive the order lines so that the invoice can be processed.Order Number Description Qty Ordered Qty Received Status
172 Product4 1 0 OpenPlease login to receive the items."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Invoicing Community Email of buyer who created order INVOICE REJECTION - An invoice that was submitted against a blanket order was declined by an approver
"Subject: Unimarket Invoicing Issue
Dear Demo Admin 2,
The following Invoice Item(s) have not been sent to Demo Community:
Invoice sd5v4, line 1
Rejected by userContact Demo Manager for further information."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Invoicing Supplier, Community Email of user that created invoice, email set up in supplier settings: Invoices or email set up in community settings: Invoices INVOICE RETROFIT APPROVED - A retrofit invoice was approved by the buyer
"Subject: Invoice cds46c154c5 approved
Retrofit order 177 has been approved and created for invoice cds46c154c5 for Demo Supplier. The invoice and order will
now be processed by matching.Please login to review the invoice and associated order."
Community User who created the invoice Community Buyer selected when creating retrofit invoice INVOICE RETROFIT CANCELLED - A retrofit invoice that had been submitted has now been cancelled by the creator
"Subject: Invoice 45561056 canceled
Invoice 45561056 for Demo Supplier has been canceled by the creator and no longer requires your action. It has been removed from your task list.
The reason given was:
Cancellation reason here."Community User who created the invoice Community Buyer selected when creating retrofit invoice INVOICE RETROFIT INVOICE RECEIVED - A retrofit invoice has been sent to a buyer to approve
"Subject: Invoice 45561056 received
Invoice 45561056 has been loaded and assigned to you for approval.
Please login to review the invoice. If accepted, the invoice items will be placed in an incomplete requisition to create a retrofit order for checkout, coding and approval.Invoice Number 45561056
Supplier Demo Supplier
Creator Demo Admin 2Item Code Qty Unit Price UOM Subtotal
Product Demo249 12 $12.00 Each $144.00Please login to review the invoice."
Community User who created the invoice Community Buyer selected when creating retrofit invoice INVOICE RETROFIT INVOICE REJECTED - A retrofit invoice has been declined by the buyer
"Subject: Invoice D5454654 declined
Invoice D5454654 for Demo Supplier has been declined by Demo Administrator.
The reason given was:
Reject reason here.Please login to cancel, amend and resubmit the invoice if required."
Community Buyer selected when creating the retrofit invoice Community User who created invoice INVOICE STUB BUYER REVIEW REQUESTED - An invoice has been emailed into the Community Invoice Inbox and has been assigned to a buyer to process
Subject: New incoming Invoice has been assigned to you
An invoice has been received from a supplier and assigned to you for acceptance. Please login to review and accept the invoice. If it is not your invoice please assign back to the central invoice inbox."
Community Email set up in community email settings: Invoicing Community Buyer selected when reassigning the invoice stub. ON HOLD INVOICE - Lists suppliers that have invoices on hold
Subject: Unimarket Invoices On Hold Reminder
The following suppliers have invoices on hold that require attention.
- Stationary Supplier
Click here to view these invoices.
Unimarket Community Email set up in community email settings: Invoicing ORDER CANCELLED - An order has been cancelled by the buyer
Subject: CANCELLED - Demo Community - Demo Supplier Purchase Order: 168
Order 168 has been cancelled
Demo Community
Demo Supplier
Purchase Order 168
Created Date: 31/05/2017 2:37 PMSupplier Ship To Bill To
Demo Supplier Attn: Demo Admin 2 Attn:Accounts
1 Fake court Head Office 2 [Ship To 2.0] Payable [Bill To 1]
Nowhere 2 Fake Street 1 Fake Street
New Zealand Nowhere Nowhere New Zealand New ZealandBuyer Contact Terms Currency Shipping
Demo Admin 2 On Account Default NZD Manual Order Delivery
Line Item Qty Price Total
1 Product3 2 $30.00 / Each $60.00
Code: Product3
2 Product5 1 $50.00 / Each $50.00
Code: Product5
3 Product7 1 $70.00 / Each $70.00
Code: Product7
4 Product8 1 $80.00 / Each $80.00
Code: Product8
Subtotal $260.00
Shipping $0.00
Tax $39.00
TOTAL $299.00This Purchase Order was issued under the following Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions Text here.."Community Email set up in the community email settings: Orders Community, Supplier Email set up in supplier email settings: Orders and Buyer CC'd in ORDER SUBMITTED - An order has been successfully submitted to the supplier
Subject: Demo Community - Demo Supplier Purchase Order: 183
Demo Community
Demo Supplier
Purchase Order 183
Created Date: 5/07/2017 11:42 AMNote: PAID This order has been paid using a PCard with card number xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1234 will be included if payment was via PCard. Supplier Ship To Bill To
Demo Supplier Attn: Demo Browser Attn: Accounts
1 Fake court Head Office 2 [Ship To 2.0] Payable [Bill To 1]
Nowhere 2 Fake Street 1 Fake Street
New Zealand Nowhere Nowhere New Zealand New Zealand
Contact Payment Currency ShippingRequester: Demo Browser On Account - Default NZD Manual Order Delivery
DemoBrowser@email.comBuyer: Buyer Person
Line Item Qty Price Total
1 Heraeus Flextime Xtreme 2 Correct Flow 12 2 $10.00/Each $20.00
Subtotal $20.00
Shipping $0.00
Tax $3.00
TOTAL $23.00This Purchase Order was issued under the following Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions Text here.."Community Email set up in the community email settings: Orders Community, Supplier Email set up in supplier email settings: Orders, Buyer and Browser (if applicable) CC'd in PENDING SUPPLIERS - There are new suppliers who are waiting to be connected to the community via the supplier management page
Subject: Pending Suppliers
Dear Demo Community,
The following suppliers have signed up to Unimarket and wish to trade with you.- 3M (AU$)
- Arrow Uniforms
- Demo Bid Request Supplier
- Ecobags
Please login to Unimarket and decide if you wish to connect with them."
Community Email set up in community settings: Supplier Forums Community Email set up in community settings: Supplier Forums QUOTE CLOSURE - A supplier initiated quote has reached the community specified reminder time before the quote expires e.g. 2 hours before quote expires
"Subject: Reminder for Quote: Quote Name
Dear Demo Admin 2,
Your Quote is due to expire at 23/06/2017 11:45 AM. Please login to Unimarket to review and check out your quote or contact your delegated approver to ensure approval is
complete."Unimarket Community User that quote was sent to QUOTE CREATED - A supplier creates a quote for a customer outside of a bid request or RFQ
"Subject: New quote from Demo Supplier for you.
Dear Demo Admin 2,
Demo Supplier has sent you a quote 'Demo Supplier Quote Name'.
It has been added to your Quotes page.
Please login to Unimarket to check the details."Unimarket Community User who was selected when quote was created with quote creator CC'd in REQUISITION ABANDONED - A user has cancelled a requisition that was assigned to them
"Subject: Requisition 174 Canceled
Your Requisition 174 has been canceled by Demo Buyer (Email address here). Please submit a new
requisition or contact the buyer for details."Community Email set up in the community email settings: Default Community User who created and reassigned the requisition REQUISITION ASSIGNMENT - A user has reassigned a requisition to buyer to checkout
"Subject: Requisition 174 Assigned
Demo Admin 2 has assigned a requisition to you for action. They included the note:
Reassignment reason here.
The requisition can be reviewed by clicking on Tasks > Incomplete Requisitions"Community Email set up in the community email settings: Default Community User who requisition was assigned to REQUISITION COMMENT ADDED - Buyer and/or Approvers have commented on a Requisition
Subject: Comment added to 'Requisition RXXXXXX’ by 'User Name'
(This will be whatever the comment is)
This message was added by [this message was added by user that submitted comment] to 'Requisition R422604' comments.
Community Email set up in the community email settings: Default Community Buyer and Approvers that the approval is sitting currently with RFQ ACCEPTED - A supplier has accepted and provided a quote for a bid request
"Subject: Accept Bid Request Demo Bid Request Name Here
Dear Demo Buyer,
Demo Supplier has accepted your Bid Request: "Demo Bid Request Name Here"."Unimarket Community User who created Bid Request RFQ DECLINE - Supplier has declined the Bid Request or RFQ
"Subject: Decline Bid Request Demo Bid Request Name Here
Dear Demo Buyer,
Testing 123 has declined your Bid Request: "Demo Bid Request Name Here".
The reason they gave was:
Decline reason."Unimarket Community User who created Bid Request RFQ INVITATION - A community user has created an RFQ or Bid Request
"Subject: Bid Request: Demo Bid Request Name
Dear Demo Supplier,
Demo Community is inviting suppliers to provide quotations for Demo Bid Request Name. Suppliers should ensure that their Bid is submitted no later than 21/06/2017 5:00 PM. All queries regarding this Bid Request should be directed to the sender.
Please click the link below to view and respond to the requirements for Demo Bid Request Name. Respondents are required to complete the Unimarket online registration or login to their existing account. Bid responses should then be submitted electronically via your Unimarket account.View the Bid Request
If you have questions or require technical assistance please contact
Yours sincerely
Demo Buyer
chloe.stubbs@unimarket.comPlease Note
- Demo Community reserves the right to not accept the lowest price or any bid; and change, suspend or cancel (in whole or in part) any aspect of this bid process at any time.
- Information in this Bid Request is provided for the sole purpose of preparing and submitting a bid, and the information will be kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.
- The respondent's Bid must allow for all obligations in providing the product or service. Demo Community's expectation is that the prices are the total price payable.
View the Bid Request.
Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions Text here.."
Community User who created RFQ Supplier, External Email set up in supplier email settings: RFQs or email specified by RFQ or Bid Request creator when inviting supplier not in Unimarket RFQ QUOTE - Supplier has accepted and quoted for the Bid Request or RFQ
"Subject: Created a quote for Bid Request Demo Bid Request Name Here
Dear Demo Buyer,
You have received a quote from Demo Supplier for your RFQ: "Demo Bid Request Name Here". Please click here to login and view the quote details."Unimarket Community User who created Bid Request or RFQ RFQ WON - The Bid Request or RFQ has been awarded and the user awarding it has selected to notify the suppliers
"Subject: Request for Quote WON: Demo Bid Request Name
Dear Demo Supplier Administrator,
Thank you for your response to the Request for Quotation for "Demo Bid Request Name".We intend to accept all or part of the quotation "Demo Bid Request Name", offered by your company. Expect to receive a purchase order reflecting the final award details shortly.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Yours sincerely,
Demo BuyerCommunity User who created Bid Request or RFQ Supplier Email set up in supplier email settings: RFQs SFTP File Processing Error - Problem processing file ‘FILENAME’
Subject: “Problem processing file ‘FILENAME’”
Unimarket encountered an error while trying to process a file with the following details
Filename: FILENAME
The encountered error is fatal and Unimarket will not attempt to automatically reprocess this file.Unimarket Customer Community “Integration” email (or Default if none setup) SUPPLIER CONNECTED - Customer has connected to supplier
Subject: Connected to Customer
You have been connected as a supplier to (Customer Name) via the Unimarket Marketplace. Our records have been automatically updated with the details you provided during registration.
If you require further information please add a comment to (Customer Name) through the Comments menu or via the contact details below.
To use the Comments menu, log into the Unimarket supplier portal ( and select the Profile menu. You can then select (Customer Name) and choose the Comments tab.
Unimarket Supplier Default Contact SUPPLIER DISCONNECTED- Customer has disconnected supplier
Subject: Disconnected from X Community
Community X has removed you from their community and online trading has been disabled.
If you require further information please contact Community X through the comments feature under the Profile/Customers section of your Unimarket account.
Community Supplier Comments Email address on File in Community Settings. Supplier Default Contact SUPPLIER LITE- Customer has added a new Lite Supplier
Subject: Unimarket E-procurement Notification on behalf of (Community Name)
Dear Lite Supplier Name,
Community Name uses the Unimarket eProcurement solution. Purchase orders created through Unimarket will be sent to the Order Email address listed below. Please confirm your order email and contact details and add this email address to your safe senders list. If any of your details are incorrect or you have any questions, please contact us at: LiteSupplierDefault@AdminSettings.comOrder Email (where your orders will be sent):
Name Lite Supplier Name
Contact Email orders@sendhere.comCommunity Lite Supplier Default Email address on File in Community Settings. Supplier Lite Supplier Contact Email Address entered when Lite Supplier is created SUPPLIER PROFILE CHANGES - To alert customer of changes on supplier profiles
"Subject: [Supplier] details have been Changed
Changes have been made to the supplier 106 Grill LLC.
To prevent any fraudulent activity you have been notified of the below changes.
The following supplier profile information has been changed:
- Addresses
- Contacts
- Emails.
Unimarket Customer Supplier Profile Changes email address SUPPLIER BANK ACCOUNT CHANGED - A supplier has changed their bank account information in their Company Profile
"The Unimarket supplier profile bank account details for DemSup were changed by Demo Supplier Administrator. Bank account security is important so please review the details within your Unimarket account to ensure they are correct. The new details will be sent to all your connected customers.
Old bank account details:
Bank: Bank Name
Account name: Account Name
Account number: 0040051456106510New bank account details:
Bank: Bank Name
Account name: Account Name
Account number: 0040051456106500"Unimarket Community Email set up in supplier email settings: Invoicing TASK DIGEST - If the community has the Task Digest enabled, any users with tasks showing on their Outstanding Receiving page will receive an email advising them of the order details (max 10 orders) and the frequency of the email is set by a community admin
"Subject: Unimarket Tasks Outstanding
Outstanding Tasks
Date Task Description
01/08/2023 04:35 PM Requisition REQ3254 Requisition REQ3254 (DemoSupplier) for Demo Buyer
is awaiting your approval.
The total to be approved
is $55.00. This Requisition
is for multiple items, please
log in to view the details.
01/08/2023 04:29 PM Requisition REQ3251 Requisition REQ3251 (Demo
Suppliers) for Demo Buyer
is awaiting your approval.
The total to be approved
is $15.95. This Requisition
is only for Item1.
31/07/2023 04:31 PM Invoice 987654 Invoice 987654 has been
received and is waiting
your approval.
View all your Approvals tasks.
Invoice Acceptance
Date Task Description
31/07/2023 2:50 PM Invoice 515461546 Invoice 515461546 for Blanket order 144 requires your acceptance.
14/06/2023 10:13 PM Invoice 1 Invoice 1 for Blanket Order 52 requires your acceptance.
14/01/2023 10:13 PM Invoice 87981651 Invoice 87981651 has been loaded and requires your acceptance to create a retrofit order.
View all your Invoice Acceptance tasks.Outstanding Receiving
Date Task Description
3/05/2023 10:28AM Order 152 Order 152 has pending invoices. Please receive if appropriate.
3/02/2023 12:19PM Order 68/2 Order 68/2 has pending invoices. Please receive if appropriate.
16/12/2022 2:50PM Order 93 Order 93 has pending invoices. Please receive if appropriate.
View all your Outstanding Receiving tasks."Community Email set up in community email settings: Default Community Any users that have outstanding receiving tasks TRANSACTION RUN - A scheduled Transaction Run has been created and an email address has been entered to send the report notification after the transaction run has been generated.
"Subject: Unimarket Report is ready
Your scheduled Unimarket Transaction Run is ready.
Use the link above to be taken directly to your report, or login and navigate to the Insights module / Transaction Runs.Unimarket Community User who's email address was added when scheduling the transaction run WORKFLOW TASK - A contract creator has created a workflow task for a contract
"There is a Purchasing Review task for Contract 5 - Testing for 12 Stones Media Group LLC for you to complete."
Community User who created the workflow task Community User who task has been assigned to
(search terms: emails, emails sent, alert emails)