• Contracts Administration Module

    If the community has the Contracts module enabled this can be configured by selecting the Administration option from the page selector menu on the left of the screen and then selecting the Contracts module from the options menu to the left of that.



    Contract Types

    Contract Types are a way to organize your contracts into different categories or types of contracts and add additional fields to the Leadsheet for certain contract types. You may want to create a Contract Type for purchase agreements with a supplier, certificate of insurance, master agreement, or any type of contracts signed by staff to be stored. The Contracts feature allows flexibility for the Community to store many types of contracts, depending on the needs of your establishment.



    When adding a contract type, you may also include an optional form. This would allow you to require additional information when creating a contract of a specific type. For more information on Community Forms, see the help documentation found in Using Community Forms.

    Document Types

    Document types are a way to keep the documents you attach to a contract organized. By creating Document Types you can assign these types to documents as you upload the files. Any documents assigned to a specific type will appear with the others of the same type, giving you an organized view of the Contract Documents.

    Link Types

    Contracts can be linked together so it's possible to easily see the relationships between contracts. Link types allow you to define the relationship between those contracts. For example, master agreements that can have many sub agreements or a general consortium agreement that links to the specific supply agreement. Users select a Link Type at the time of linking to define the relationship.

    To create a link type select Add Contract Link Type, give the link type a name and enter a name for the Inward and Outward Relationship. The Inward Relationship is the name for the relationship pointing towards this contract e.g. Master Agreement of. The Outbound Relationship is the name for the relationship pointing towards the other contract e.g. Sub Agreement of.


    Workflows allow a peer review and approval process for contracts. Community administrators can design custom tailored workflows for each contract type within their community. This allows contracts to follow a designated path with groups or individual users to review, approve and edit contracts before the contract is cleared to go live. For more information on Workflow, see: Contract Workflow

  • Why Is My Contract Not Linking To A PO

    The following reasons and troubleshooting steps, will assist when a user is unable to link a contract to a PO:


    Reason #1: Multiple supplier profiles utilizing similar names.

    Goal: Ensure the correct supplier is used for PO and Contract.

    For example:

    Troubleshooting steps:

    • Go to Contracts module > select Contracts > Key in contract number is Search Contracts field > select Counterpart tab > document the exact supplier name listed 
    • Go to Administration module > click Suppliers > Key in supplier name > clear State field > compare the supplier name on the contract to the supplier name listed.
    • If the supplier name on the contract is incorrect from supplier name listed, cancel the contract and create another utilizing the correct supplier name. 


    Reason #2: Supplier name entered as free text on counterpart tab on contract and does not match the supplier on PO.

    Goal: Ensure the correct supplier is tied to Contract.

    For example:

    Troubleshooting steps:

    • Go to Contracts module > select Contracts > Key in contract number is Search Contracts field > select Counterpart tab > document the exact supplier name listed 
    • Go to Administration module > click Suppliers > Key in supplier name > clear State field > compare the supplier name on the contract to the supplier name listed.
    • If the supplier name on the contract is incorrect from supplier name listed, cancel the contract and create another utilizing the correct supplier name (using the dropdown for your selection on the contract, if the supplier is listed).

    Note: For additional information, refer to help articles on how to:  

    Cancel an existing contract, refer to help article Canceling An Existing Contract

    Create a new contract, refer to help article Creating a New Contract




  • Creating a New Contract

    You can read below to find out more information on Creating a Contract or watch this short video:


    Users with the Create Contracts role can create new contracts by, going to the Contracts module and > select Create Contract.

    From the Create Contracts page, the user is prompted to fill out the information across the horizontal tabs about the new contract. The below sections document any information about the contract that the user enters digitally in the simple, searchable format.



    On the Counterpart tab, you can use the dropdown to select a Supplier that is available to your Community, which automatically populates the primary contact for the supplier into the Counterpart Contacts field at the bottom. If you would like to add a contact you can click on the +Add Counterpart Contact. Please click here for more information on the Counterpart Tab.


    If the counterpart is not a connected Supplier in Unimarket, you can enter their name in the Supplier Name field (as a free-text) and add any relevant contact information by clicking  Add Counterpart Contact.



    On the Leadsheet tab, users must complete required fields marked with a red asterisk. If a user does not enter a contract number, the system will automatically generate one for your Community. You can find a breakdown of the Leadsheet page on its dedicated help article.



    On the Bid tab, you can select Link to Unimarket Bid Request or Enter Bid Request Detail. If neither of these options applies you should select None. The Bid Request linked to Contract help article has a breakdown of the Bid Tab.



    On the Documents tab, you can add documents to the contract by clicking +Add Document and fill in the fields marked with a red asterisk. This is where you will upload any attachments associated with the contract. Please click here to view more information on the Documents Tab.



    On the Members tab, you can click on +Add Member if you would like to add more members to the contract. You can also edit existing members by clicking on the word Edit on the right hand side of their name. The Owner of the contract can only be changed on the Leadsheet. You can find more information on Contract Members on the dedicated help page.



    On the Alerts tab, you can set alert notifications by clicking +Add Alert and fill in the fields marked with a red asterisk. This section is not mandatory. Please click here to view more information on the Alerts Tab.



    Once your contract is complete, select Finish. If you need to go back to make any updates, you can do so by clicking on Contracts on left panel > select the desired contract to amend >click More Actions drop down on the top right and select Amend. You will then have access to all the tabs previously discussed and can make necessary updates.


    Creating a Contract through a template CSV file upload

    Users with the Create Contracts role can create contracts using a CSV file upload.

    Go to Contracts > select More Actions in the top right hand of the screen > click Upload/Download



    On the Upload Contract scree, click Upload > a pop up screen will appear with two attachments available. Download Specification gives you a list of the requirements for the form and Download Template  should filled out and uploaded. Once your CSV template is completed, download your updated document, by selecting Browse.


    What do the fields in the Contract template mean?

    Column Name Description Mandatory
    A Contract Type An existing Contract Type name. Y
    B Contract Name The name you are giving to this contract. Y
    C Description A brief description of this contract. Y
    D Contract Number The contract number associated with this contract. Y
    E Owner An existing User name as it appears in Unimarket. Y
    F Start Date The contract start date. Y
    G End Date The contract end date. N
    H Expiry Warning Date Optionally enter a date here to be notified when this contract is expiring soon. N
    I Default Contract If yes, when this contract becomes active it will become the default for the counterpart supplier. N
    J Value Contract Value.  N
    K Alert Value Enter a value here to be notified when Funds Remaining falls below this value. N
    L Organization Unit The Organization Unit that owns the contract. This can be used later for searching and filtering contracts by organization unit. N
    M  Purchasing Organization Unit Members of these organization units will be able to purchase against this contract. N
    N Category  An existing Category code. N
    O Supplier Vendor ID An existing Supplier Vendor ID. N
    P Counterpart Name   N
    Q Currency An existing currency code. N
    R Contact Title   N
    S Contact Name   N
    T Contact Email  Must be a valid email address. N
    U Contact Phone Prefix number-extension with length limits 5-20-20. N
    V Contact Address Line 1   N
    W Contact Address Line 2   N
    X Contact Address Line 3   N
    Y Contact City   N
    Z Contact Region/State   N
    AA Contact Postal Code    N
    AB Contact Country An existing Country code. N
    AC Document Visibility If left blank will use the default set for your Community. Sets if the documents. Can be Set as Members Only or Always Visible. N


    Creating a Contract from an Existing Requisition or Order

    Users with the Create Contracts role can create contracts linked to existing orders or requisitions from the View Order/Requisition page. On an order, this option appears in the Action menu in the top right. On a pending requisition, the option will appear at the line level. This is because some communities allow multiple suppliers to appear on one requisition.

    • From a Requisition



    • From an Order


    Once you have done this you will be taken to the Create Contract Screen which you'll see has various tabs you can populate to form your contract. Just click on any of the tab names below to see information explaining each one:







    For information on Contracts Administration see Contracts Administration Module.

  • Creating Contracts with Bulk Upload

    Creating Contracts through a template CSV file upload

    Users with the Create Contracts role can create contracts using a CSV file upload. To get to this option click on Contracts, then View Contracts, and select Upload/Download from the Actions menu in the top right hand of the screen.

    On the next screen click Upload on the far right, next to the Contract Type you would like to upload. Contracts must be uploaded separately per Contract Type, as each type may have different custom forms. Selecting Upload will open a pop-up window with two attachments available. Download Specification gives you a list of the requirements for the form, and Download Template is the template you can fill out and upload. Once your CSV template is filled out, attach it in Contracts File field and click OK.




    What do the fields in the Contract template mean?

    Column Name Description Mandatory
    A Contract Type An existing Contract Type name. Y
    B Contract Name The name you are giving to this contract. Y
    C Description A brief description of this contract. Y
    D Contract Number The contract number associated with this contract. Y
    E Owner An existing User name as it appears in Unimarket. Y
    F Start Date The contract start date. Y
    G End Date The contract end date. N
    H Expiry Warning Date Optionally enter a date here to be notified when this contract is expiring soon. N
    I Default Contract If yes, when this contract becomes active it will become the default for the counterpart supplier. N
    J Value Contract Value.  N
    K Alert Value Enter a value here to be notified when Funds Remaining falls below this value. N
    L Organization Unit The Organization Unit that owns the contract. This can be used later for searching and filtering contracts by organization unit. N
    M  Purchasing Organization Unit Members of these organization units will be able to purchase against this contract. N
    N Category  An existing Category code. N
    O Supplier Vendor ID An existing Supplier Vendor ID. N
    P Counterpart Name   N
    Q Currency An existing currency code. N
    R Contact Title   N
    S Contact Name   N
    T Contact Email  Must be a valid email address. N
    U Contact Phone Prefix number-extension with length limits 5-20-20. N
    V Contact Address Line 1   N
    W Contact Address Line 2   N
    X Contact Address Line 3   N
    Y Contact City   N
    Z Contact Region/State   N
    AA Contact Postal Code    N
    AB Contact Country An existing Country code. N
    AC Document Visibility If left blank will use the default set for your Community. Sets if the documents. Can be Set as Members Only or Always Visible. N


    For information on Contracts Administration see Contracts Administration Module

  • Leadsheet Setup

    The Leadsheet holds the parameters for the contract.

    When creating the contract this may require a contract type, which can be configured by a Community Administrator. The contract type may also require additional forms to be filled out, depending on how your Community Administrator has configured your contract types. Users will use the leadsheet to create a name and contract number associated with the contract. If a user does not enter a number, the system will automatically generate one for them. Users are also prompted to give a short description of the contract, allowing extra details to describe the contract.

    Field Name


    Contract Type

    Contract Types can be created by the community administrators and can be assigned a custom form to create additional fields to add to the default list of fields defined in the leadsheet.


    The contract name is entered as free text, searchable from the View Contracts page.

    Document Visibility

    Sets the default visibility of Documents for the contract. Can be set as Members Only or Always Visible. This setting can be different at the Community, Contract and Document level.

    Contract Number

    The contract number that is assigned to the contract outside of the Unimarket system or the contract number that is configured to be created by Unimarket if no other number is defined. the contract sequence number must be created by a Unimarket admin or your account manager.


    This field allows you to differentiate between the Initiator that created the contract record and the Owner/manager of the contract if they are different.


    Short summary of the contract in additional to the main fields on the leadsheet. Entered as free text, searchable from the View Contracts page. the character limit for this field is 2,000 characters.

    Start Date

    The past, present, or future date when the contract starts.

    End Date

    The future date when the contract ends. This date is also used as the Start Date if the Auto Renew option for the contract is enabled. An alert will be sent on this date to alert members of the contract expiry.

    Expiry Warning


    Setting an Alert date to remind members of the contract that a contract is approaching the end of it's terms. This is sent on the date selected.

    Default Contract

    If the Default Contract is selected and the Contract is active, the contract becomes the default contract for all orders created for the counterpart supplier (the buyer can remove/change this when creating the requisition if required).


    The total dollar value of the contract throughout the life of the contract term.

    If entered, this value is the maximum funds that can be allocated against this contract. Any orders will be validated & checked against this to ensure the value has not been exceeded. A user attempting to checkout against this contract may receive an error if the value is exceeded, or an inbound marketplace integration message may fail returning a 400 response. 

    (If this happens, some common solutions are to amend the contract to increase the amount, create a new contract, or wait until a new contract is established.)

    Alert Value

    The dollar value that triggers an alert to the contract members. If the Alert Value is entered, the email alert will be triggered when the total amount of orders purchased against this contract reaches the Alert Value.



    Select the Organization Unit that 'owns' the contract (for example, the department who signed/negotiated the contract). This can be used later for searching and filtering Contracts by Organization Unit.




    Members of the Organization Units specified in this field will automatically have the contract defaulted as the selection in checkout and those purchases will be tracked against this contract. Any users not in the specified Purchasing Org Units will not be able to select the contract for tracking in checkout.


    Select a UNSPSC code to associate with the Contract for searching and reporting on the contracts.


    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract.

  • Contracts - Documents Tab

    The Documents tab of a contract is used to upload and store the signed contract and any other supporting documents associated with the contract. The Documents tab is the ideal place to include any legal details or signed paperwork associated with the contract. By keeping the documents stored electronically, contract documents will always be easily accessible in a paper-free digital format that can be accessed at any time. 



    Document types are configured by Community Administrators. For instructions on setting up custom document types for your community, see Contracts Administration Module.


    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract.

  • Contract Counterpart

    The Counterpart tab is where the details of the supplier, individual or entity that the contract applies to will appear.

    When creating the contract if the counterpart is a Unimarket Supplier you can select them from the Supplier dropdown picklist, which automatically populates the primary contact for this supplier into the Counterpart Contacts field at the bottom, however you can edit/delete or add additional contacts if necessary.

    If the counterpart is not a connected Supplier in Unimarket you can enter their name in the Supplier Name field (as a free-text) and add any relevant contact information by clicking the Add Counterpart Contact button.

    Contract Counterpart.jpg


    Amendment to Counterpart

    The Supplier in the contract Counterpart can be amended in two scenarios:

    1. If the Start Date is in the future - the supplier can still be edited by entering a free-text supplier or selecting from the dropdown list of connected Unimarket suppliers.

    2. If the Start Date is in the past (i.e. contract has already started) - only a free text supplier can be edited. If the supplier was selected from the dropdown list of connected Unimarket suppliers this can no longer be edited and locked out of editing. 


    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract.

  • Contracts - Members Tab

    The Members of a contract are the users who are able to view the contract and depending on their permissions may also be able to edit the contract. The Members tab of a contract will display any user(s) added to the contract. Other than the Initiator and the Owner specified in the leadsheet, all additional members are assigned either edit, review or view permissions. All members of the contract will receive the alert email notifications letting them know of amendments and alerts that have been set up.


    The initiator of the contract and the owner specified on the leadsheet are automatically included as members with edit permissions. All users that reviewed the contract based on the contract workflow will automatically receive view permissions. Other users can be added by selecting 'Add Member' either during the creation of the contract or at a later time by amending the contract. For more on contract amendments see Contract Amendments.


    • Edit - The member is able to edit the contract and make any amendments necessary. The user with the edit permission is also be able to contribute to the Comments section.
    • View - The member with the view permission is only be able to view the contract and attached documents. They will not be allowed to make any changes or leave comments.
    • Review - The member with the review permission is only be able to review the contract and attached documents and these permissions are added based on the contract workflow. They will not be allowed to make any changes or leave comments once the contract is approved. 

    Note:  Users who are members of contracts but do not have the View Contracts or Create Contracts role can only see contracts they are members of.


    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract.

  • Contracts - Transactions Tab

    The Transactions tab will show you any requisitions, orders or invoices related to the contract. If there are not yet any transactions against the Contract, this tab will be hidden. 


    There are three ways to link an order to a contract.

    • During Checkout - Select the contract related to the purchase on the checkout screen.
    • From an Existing Order - Choose Link Contract from the More Actions menu of the order page.


    • From an Existing Requisition - Select Link Contract on the pending requisition.


    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract.

  • Contract Workflow

    The Contract Workflow functionality allows for all reviews and approval processes for contracts being executed for your institution. The contract workflow is based on the Contract Type selected when the contract is being created. Community administrators can assign the workflows to the contract types and configure tailored workflows for each contract type within their community. This allows contracts to follow a designated path or be routed to an ad hoc peer review with groups or individual users to review. Workflow members can approve and edit contracts before the contract is approved and finalized.

    Setting up Contract Workflows

    Designating the path for a Contract Workflow is done by identifying the steps and possible transitions the contract can take before being approved. This is described in three steps.

    Tasks: Each task is an individual step of the workflow. A Task may be something like "Peer Review" or "Signature Required". These Tasks can be customized to whatever text is needed to best describe the task.

    Transitions: The transition is the link between Tasks. A transition can move forward to a new task, return to a previous task, or sideways to a separate task. The flexibility of the transitions is a true power of the workflow.

    Approvers: The approvers are the users who initiate the Transitions between Tasks. If the Task allows two Transitions (e.g. 'APPROVE' or 'RETURN FOR REVIEW') the approver chooses which of these Transitions to Initiate. approvers can consist of individual users, or of approval groups. Within the approvals groups, the workflow can be defined to require any or all approval to act on the task.

    Because every Contract Workflow is customized for the different transitions based on your institutions needs then configured for which approvers initiate the tasks, please work with your Account Manager to build and implement your workflows.

    Workflow Task Assignment

    Based on the Workflow Set-Up, if a Task has no assigned approvers, users can assign a adhoc user. Example: Your organization requires peer review for all contracts, but the users performing this peer review may differ per contract. Leaving the Task open without any approvers in the workflow enables users to choose ad hoc which users or groups should approve the next Task.



    Workflow Email Notification

    When a contract completes its workflow, an email notification is sent to the Contract Initiator and the Contract Owner so they know the contract is ready to use. The email also includes a link to the applicable contract.

  • Viewing & Managing a Contract
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    Recently viewed articles

  • Searching for a Contract

    You must have the Contracts Administrator role, View Contracts role or be a member of a contract with the Create Contracts role in order to view a contract.

    All contracts can be viewed by selecting Contracts from the module switcher. You can search and view the details of your community contracts on the Contracts page. If you are a member of the contract with edit permission you can also make changes to contracts, including copying, amending or renewing a contract.


    When a user navigates to Contracts, there are a number of filters that can be used to help search for the contract(s) they are looking for. To view all search options, click the Filters button on the top right (you can also hide the filters by pressing the button again).

    Search Contract.jpg

    • Search Contracts - This searches the contract number, name, description and any attachment names. 
    • Contract End Date - This allows you to search by the contract end date.
    • Counterpart - Filters all contracts by counterpart (the party the contract applies to).
    • State - This allows a user to filter contracts by Active or Pending. If your community has a contract workflow uploaded then you can also search by any custom states that have been used. If the user would like to include Expired and Canceled contracts, they can tick the box under State to include these in their search.   
    • Buyer - Filters all contracts by who the initiator or owner of the contract is.
    • Contract Number - If the user knows the number of the contract they are looking for, this filter will make their search quick and easy.
    • Organization Unit - If your contract is assigned to an Org Unit, you can filter the Org Units you belong to.
    • Include Closed - If you check the box to Include Closed, your search results will include any contracts that are expired, canceled, or archived. (This is deselected by default).

    For information on contracts see Creating a New Contract or Contracts Administration Module.

  • Amending a Contract

    The Amend function is used to make any changes to an existing contract. An amendment is necessary when the terms or original parameters of your contract have changed. This may include a change in start date, end date, an increase in the monetary volume of a contract or additional documentation needed to extend a contract. All amendments are published in the Amendments tab, allowing the changes made over the life of a contract to be easily viewed and audited. 

    Note: The Start Date of a Contract can be changed as long as the Start Date remains earlier than any linked Orders or Requisitions.


    Creating an Amendment

    When a user selects the Amend function on a contract, they are initially presented with a check-box stating "This change represents an amendment". Checking this box allows an amendment record to be published for the change. The user will also be prompted to include a description of the amendment they are making, as well as an effective date. The date can be set to the current date or any date in the future that reflects when the change to the contract will take effect.

    Amendment Documents

    Amendment documents can also be added at this point. This is the ideal location to store any official documents related to the change in the contract in a digital form, eliminating the need to keep any paper documents related to the change in any terms or parameters. Although attaching documents is not necessary, it can be very useful.


    As an alternative, if the change is a simple edit (for example, fixing a typo), the user can leave the box unchecked. This will keep the amendment from being published in the Amendments tab.

    Viewing Amendments

    Amendments are published within the Amendments tab of every contract. This supplies a detailed and easy-to-use audit trail for all amendments to the contract. Amendments can also be deleted from here, however a deleted amendment can still be viewed by checking the Show Deleted Amendments check-box.


    The Details function allows the user to view the description and any other details significant to that amendment.


    Note: Every field within an expired Contract can be edited using the Amend action, excluding existing limitations (i.e. Start Date & End Date). Any users who are Members of the Contract with Edit access (including the Owner) or users with the Contracts Administrator role will have the ability to amend a contract with an End Date in the past. 


    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract.

  • Commenting on a Contract

    After selecting a specific contract, the Comments tab allows you to keep running comments between all internal members of the contract. The Comments section will also publish any alerts associated with the contract. This allows all events related to the contract to be documented electronically and audited later if necessary. All comments are saved and time-stamped, allowing the members of the contract to review them at any time, even after the contract has ended.

    Add Comment

    Comments can be added to the contract on the Comments tab by selecting Add Comment.


    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract.

  • Renewing a Contract

    Once you have an existing contract, you can set up an automatic Renewal in the future to start on the active contracts end date. To do this, you can press Renew from the More Actions menu within the Contract and it will copy all the details of the existing contract and allow you the ability to make changes.




    Unlike the 'Copy' function, the 'Renew' function keeps the same contract number, linking the renewal to the previous contract. At this point, the user can also set up future renewals to auto-renew. Renewals for contracts save time, and if the terms of the contract change by the time the renewal happens, these changes can be easily amended. (Contracts can be renewed from the Active or Expired state. Contracts that have been Canceled cannot be renewed.)


    Add Renewal

    When amending a contract users can go to the Renewals tab and select +Add Renewal.  Users will then be prompted to enter the dates for the future renewal of the contract. Users can also include a new value associated with the future renewed contract. By creating renewals for a contract, users can also add alerts specific to their renewal to remind them to review any important details.


    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract.

  • Canceling An Existing Contract

    The Cancel function is used to cancel an existing contract, by users with the Create Invoices role.

    Some use cases for canceling an existing contract, are:

    • Start Date & End Date of contract has changed.
    • Contract created with an incorrect registered supplier name.
    • Supplier name entered as free text on Counterpart tab of contract.
    • Services no longer needed.
    • Contract breached.

    To cancel an existing contract, go to Administration > select Contracts > locate and select desired contract > click More Actions > select Cancel.

    Once selected, the Cancel Contract pop-window will appear, to insert the reason for cancelation and > select OK


  • Contract Exports

    If you need to export details about your contracts you can do this by filtering your contract list at the top of the screen for what records you wish to export, then click Export to choose the appropriate export.



    The following exports are available:


    Contract summary export

    This provides a summary of contract information across all contract types including:

    Contract Name, Contract Number, Start Date, End Date, State, Counterpart Name, Currency, Owner, Initiator, Value, Contract Type, Counterpart Type, Members


    Contract details export

    This provides the full details of the contract. It can only be exported for one Contract Type at a time as the available information can be different by type.

    Contract Type, Contract Name, Description, Contract Number, Contract Link, Owner, State, Created Date, Start Date, End Date, Expiry Warning, Default Contract, Value, Alert Value, Funds Allocated, Funds Remaining, Organization Unit, Purchasing, Organization Units, Available to All Buyers, Category, Supplier Vendor ID, Counterpart Name, Currency, Contact Title, Contact Name, Contact Email, Contact Phone, Contact Address Line 1, Contact Address Line 2, Contact Address Line 3, Contact City, Contact Region, Contact Postcode, Contact Country, Renewal Start Date, Renewal End Date, Documents Visibility

  • Contract Alerts

    Any alerts associated with a contract are entered while creating a new contract, as part of an amendment or a contract renewal. These alerts are sent directly to a user's email with the alert name as the email subject, so there is no need to log in to Unimarket to receive an alert. Alerts allow the user to be reminded of any time-related functions related to a contract. For example, it is easier to negotiate the renewal terms for a contract ahead of time, so an alert can remind you to contact a supplier about a renewal. Another example may be a reminder to confirm payment has been sent, or an alert to review a contract for necessary amendments. Any alerts a user creates will be documented in the Alerts tab and can be viewed before the alert has been issued or after the fact.


    Add Alert

    Once a user selects 'Add Alert', a window appears prompting the user to choose a name, date and time associated with the alert. Choosing Add More allows the user to add another alert without having to go back to the list of alerts. If more alerts need to be added later, they can also be added by amending the contract. 

    Users have the option to set Recurring Alert, by checking the Recurring box and selecting among Quarterly, Monthly and Annual from the Frequency drop-down menu. They can then set the Date to the start date they would like this alert to be sent. It will be sent on that day each month/quarter/year and will automatically end when the Contract ends.

    For more information about amendments see Contract Amendments.




    Viewing Alerts Issued

    When reviewing contracts, all the Alerts issued are shown in the Alerts tab

    Contract Alerts View.jpg

    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract.

  • Forms on Contracts

    Contract Types

    You can read below to find out more information on Contract Forms or watch this short video:


    To create a Form - refer Create Forms help article.


    Once created, to configure a form for Contract Types navigate to the Contract Administration page (Administration module > Modules > Contracts > Contract Types tab). When creating a new contract type select the relevant form in the Form dropdown.


    Note:  When configuring a Form to use with Contracts, the form field names cannot be exactly the same as Contract fields, otherwise your export will error - e.g. "Contract Type" exists in the contract data/fields in the UI, and so if you need to use that field again, you will have to name it slightly different (lower case works).

    If the community has defined Contract Type forms then a Contract picklist will display on the Leadsheet tab when a user is creating a new contract in Unimarket. This displays a list of the forms and when a Contract Type is selected the associated form fields are displayed alongside the standard Leadsheet fields. Users complete the details and the form information is displayed when viewing the Leadsheet.



  • Bid Request Linked to Contract

    You can read below to find out more information on Linking a Bid Request to a Contract or watch this short video:


    Bid requests can be linked to a contract, which is convenient when you have awarded a bid to a supplier and want to connect the origin of the contract to the bidding event. By connecting a bid with a contract you can reference the original bid to assure consistency and as much detail as possible. When creating a contract the user will have two options for linking to a Bid Request.


    Go to the Contracts module > click Create Contract.


    Link Unimarket Bid Request to Contract

    To link a bid request to a contract after completing the Counterpart and Leadsheet tab, select Bid tab > Click dropdown in Bid request field and select  Link to Unimarket Bid Request > click the desired bid request in the Bid Request field.

    This option allows the user to search through existing Bid Requests in the Unimarket system based on the supplier that is entered on the Leadsheet and automatically link the details of that Bid Request. 


    Manually Enter Bid Request Details

    If the Bid Request was not entered into Unimarket, click the dropdown in the Bid Request field > select  Enter Bid Request Details > key in necessary information regarding the Bid Request.


    For more information on contracts see Viewing & Managing Contracts or Creating a New Contract