Reports and Transaction Runs
Users with the Community Administrator, View Transactions or Create Invoices role will have access to Reports and can run reports on community data.
The Reports can be accessed by selecting the Insights Module from the module switcher. You can then click on Reports and see a list of the reports that have been run. You can select Download to extract a report in a CSV format. Reports older than 18 months will be removed.
You can read below to find out more information on How to Create a Report or watch this short video:
Run New Report
To Run a new report, select Run Report next to the More Actions button in the top right. Enter an email address which will receive notification once the report is ready, choose the Report Type you want to use and the date range you wish to report across (this defaults to one month).
The report will be added to the list, you can check the status of the report in the Status column and it can be downloaded once complete.
Report Types
Report Type Templates define the format and content of the report. Templates can be added to the community from a list of standard Unimarket templates or there may be custom templates defined and added to the community as part of the delivery process. To add a new standard template please contact Unimarket Support ( stating the templates you would like loaded. The current available templates are listed below.
Standard Templates Description Unimarket Commitments Provides an overview of commitments. Unimarket Goods Received Not Invoiced Lists order items created in the specified date range that have been received but do not have a matched invoice. Unimarket GRNI Accruals Reconciliation Goods Received Not Invoiced optimized for accruals reconciliation. Selects orders that were received between From Date and To Date. Unimarket Invoices - All Lists all invoices created in the specified date range. Unimarket Invoices - Matched Lists matched invoices created in the specified date range. Unimarket Order Report Lists orders created in the specified date range. Unimarket Receiving report Lists all buyer receiving that occurred in the specified date range. Unimarket Requisition Items in Progress Lists requisition line items created in the specified date range that are still awaiting approval. Unimarket Requisitions In Progress Lists requisitions created in the specified date range that have at least one item still awaiting approval. Unimarket Blanket Order Report Lists blanket orders with valid from dates in the specified date range. Unimarket Expenses Lists expenses created in the specified date range. Invoice Items Pending Receiving Lists all invoice items within the specified date range that are still pending receiving along with the users responsible for receiving the linked order item. Orders Created After Invoice This report identifies orders raised after invoice date. It highlights spend for which pre-approval was not completed. Time From Order to Fully Received The purpose of this report is to allow analysis of receiving behavior against order lines. It measures the time from order line creation to receiving closed. Unimarket Requisitions A list of requisitions placed in the system. All states. Unimarket Requisition Approval Statistics Requisitions and their associated approval timelines. -
Report Types Overview
Report Type Templates define the format and content of the report. Templates can be added to the Community from a list of standard Unimarket templates or there may be custom templates defined and added to the Community as part of the delivery process. To add a standard template please contact your Account Manager stating which templates you would like added
The available standard templates are listed below along with a brief description of what is included/excluded and the columns on the report.Invoice Items Pending Receiving
The Invoice Items Pending Receiving report lists all orders where the line items are Pending Receiving.
The columns on this report are: On Behalf Of, Order Number, Order Date, Order Type, Buyer Name, Supplier ID, Supplier Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Line Number, Amount, Currency, Invoice Created Date, Invoice Date, Creator, Supplier Created.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Invoice Items Pending Receiving Example
Orders Created After Invoice
The Orders Created After Invoice report lists all Orders within the specified date where the Created date is greater than the Invoice date.
The columns on this report are: Order Number, Created Date, Retrofit Order, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Calculation of Days Since Invoice Date, Invoice Subtotal, Buyer Name, and Supplier.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Orders Created After Invoice Example
Unimarket Goods Received Not Invoiced (GRNI)
The Goods Received Not Invoiced report lists order line items created within the specified date range that have been received but do not have a matched invoice. It includes all order line items with the receiving has been completed or closed. The report will exclude line items that have receiving open, were paid via Stripe or orders that are closed or cancelled.
The columns on the report are: Supplier Vendor ID, Product Code, Product Name, Quantity, Received Quantity, Invoiced Quantity, Currency, Unit Price, Subtotal, Tax, Total, Account Code, Distribution Percentage, Distribution Amount, Receiving State.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Goods Received Not Invoiced Example
Time From Order to Fully Received
The Time From Order to Fully Received report lists all orders within the specified date range that have at least one line item fully received. This report excludes Line items that have partial or no receiving.
The columns on this report are: Order Number, Order Created Date, Order Line Number, Order Line Quantity, Receiving State, Received Quantity, Receipting Date, Calculation of Receipting Days, Unit Price, Subtotal, Tax, Total, Buyer Name, Supplier.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Time From Order to Fully Received Example
Unimarket Blanket Order Report
The Unimarket Blanket Order report lists blanket orders with valid from dates in the specified date range.
The columns on this report are: Blanket Order Number, Change of Order Number, Blanket Order Description, Details, Buyer, Supplier, Supplier ID, Org Unit, Valid From Date, Valid to Date, State, Value, Funds Available, Funds Allocated, Currency, Account Code, Financial Year, Blanket Requisition Number, Available To.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Blanket Order Report Example
Unimarket Expenses
The Unimarket Expenses report lists all expense claims loaded in Unimarket within the specified dates.
The columns on this report are: Expense Number, Buyer VendorId, Buyer Name, Buyer Username, OBO VendorId, OBO Name, OBO Username, Category, Claim Number, Claim Name, Created, Date, Description, Expense Type, Payment Type, Payment Type ExternalId, Reimbursement Type, Reimbursement Type ExternalId, State, Supplier, Supplier ExternalId, Amount, Account Code, Distribution Percentage, Distribution Amount.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket GRNI Accruals Reconciliation
The Unimarket GRNI Accruals Reconciliation report is a Goods Received Not Invoiced report optimized for accruals reconciliation. This report lists orders that were received within the specified date range, it includes all line items that have been received but do not have a matched invoice.
The columns on this report are: Order Number, Order Date, Supplier Name, Supplier Vendor ID, Order Line Number, Order Line Description, Order Line Quantity, Received Not Invoiced Quantity, Received Not Invoiced Total.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket GRNI Accruals Reconciliation Example
Unimarket Invoices - All
The Unimarket Invoice - All report lists all Invoices within the specified date range. The report is grouped by Invoice Line Item and Account Code. All invoices loaded into Unimarket are included on this report.
The columns on this report are Invoice Number, Line Number, Order Number, Created, Invoice Date, Matched Date, Creator Username, Creator Name, Supplier Created, State, Order Type, Supplier, Supplier Vendor ID, Product Code, Description, Category Code, Category Name, Quantity, Currency, Unit Price, Subtotal, Tax, Total, Serial Numbers, Account Code, Distribution Percentage, Distribution Amount, Receiving State, Buyer Username, Buyer Name, On Behalf Of, Order Variance Approved, Order Variance Username, Order Variance Date, Receiving Variance Force Matched, Receiving Variance Username, Receiving Variance Date.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Invoices All Example
Unimarket Requisition Approval Statistics
The Unimarket Requisition Approval Statistics report lists all requisitions within the specified date range excluding requisitions that are Incomplete or Abandoned.
The columns included on this report are: Requisition Number, Line, Requester, Buyer, OBO, Outcome, Approver ,Task Created ,Task Completed, Total Time (Hours), Approver Decision, Approve / Decline Reason.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Requisition Approval Statistics Example
Unimarket Invoices - Matched
The Unimarket Invoices - Matched report includes invoices where the State is Invoice Accepted or Downloaded within the specified date range. This report will exclude invoices in any other State.
The columns on this report are Product Code, Description, Category Code, Category Name, Quantity, Currency, Unit Price, Subtotal, Tax, Total, Serial Numbers, Account Code, Distribution Percentage, Distribution Amount, Receiving State, Buyer Username, Buyer Name, On Behalf Of, Order Variance Approved, Order Variance Username, Order Variance Date, Receiving Variance Force Matched, Receiving Variance Username, Receiving Variance Date.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Invoices-Matched Example
Unimarket Order Report
The Unimarket Order Report lists orders within the specified date range excluding cancelled orders.
The columns on this report are: Order Number, Change of Order Number, Line Number, Requisition Number, Created, Order Date, Order Type, Payment Method, Is Retrofit, Blanket Order, Organization, Org Unit Code, Org Unit, Buyer Name, Buyer Username, On Behalf Of, Supplier, Supplier Vendor ID, Product Type, Product Code, Product Name, Category Code, Category Name, Quantity, Unit of Measure Name, Unit of Measure Code, Currency, Unit Price, Subtotal, Tax, Total, Distribution Percentage, Distribution Amount, Receiving State, Has Downloaded Invoice, AcctPart.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Order Report Example
Unimarket Receiving Report
The Unimarket Receiving Report lists all receiving done within the specified date range.
The columns on this report are Receipt Date, Created Date, Receipt Number, Note, Action, Received Quantity, Received By Username, Received By Name, Receiving State, Total Received, Quantity, Total Invoiced Quantity, Outstanding Quantity, Order Number, Line Number, Order Type, Buyer Username, Buyer Name, Store Name, Store Vendor ID, Product Code, Product Name, Quantity, Currency Code, Unit Price ,Subtotal, Account Code Distribution Percentage, Distribution Amount.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Receiving Report Example
Unimarket Requisition Items in Progress
The Unimarket Requisition Items in Progress lists requisitions created in the specified date range with at least one line item awaiting approval.
The columns on this report are Requisition Number, Description, Begin Approval Date, Type, Supplier, Buyer, On Behalf Of, Current Approver, Organization Unit, Account Code, Distribution Percentage, Distribution Amount, Currency, Unit Price, Quantity, Subtotal, Tax, Total.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Requisition Items In Progress Example
Unimarket Requisitions In Progress
The Unimarket Requisitions In Progress report lists all requisitions created within specified dates that are still in the approval process. This will exclude line items that have been approved.
The columns on this report are: Requisition Number, Description, Begin Approval Date, Type, Supplier, Buyer, On Behalf Of, Current Approver, Lines, Organization Unit, Currency, Subtotal, Shipping, Tax, Total.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Requisitions In Progress Example
Unimarket Requisitions Report
The Unimarket Requisitions Report lists all Requisitions created within the specified date range excluding requisitions that are Incomplete or Abandoned.
The columns included on this report are: Requisition Number, Requisition Date, Supplier, Requisition Type, Requisition State, Requester, Buyer, OBO, Order Number, Order Submission, Org Unit, Created From Invoice, Order Receiving Contract Number, Blanket Amount Sent, Blanket Amount Hidden, Subtotal, Tax,Total, Justification Type, Justification, Approved Date, Cycle Time (Hours), No of Approvals.
You can find an example report on the link below.
Unimarket Requisitions Report Example
Custom Reports
If you want to define custom report templates please contact your Account Manager.
Example Reports
Scheduled Reports
To support Customers with extracting data from Unimarket on a regular basis, there is the ability to generate reports to run on a schedule.
From your Insights Module > Schedules, roles of Community Administrators & View Transactions are able to create reporting schedules.
Note, this feature is only available to run on a specific day at the moment - we have not yet provisioned the ability to select a month-end or once a month type of schedule.
Watch this short video on how to create a scheduled report or continue reading below:
Click on Schedules from the left side menu and then click +Schedule Report from the More Actions Menu in the top right.
A Schedule Report pop up will appear where you will select Reports and you can enter the necessary information that is needed to schedule your report.
Schedule Name - Enter in a name for your Scheduled Report cycle.
Report Type - Select the Report Type you would like to run on a schedule from the drop down.
Run Report Predefined Period - Select From Run Date if you want to customize how much data the Report contains. For example, 3 weeks back from the run date.
- Last Month - uses predefined logic. On the first day of each month, it will generate for the previous month. For example, September 1st will include all data from August 1st - August 31st.
- Last Quarter - uses predefined logic. On the first day of each month, it will generate for the previous quarter. For example, April 1st will include data from January 1st - March 31st.
- Last 6 Months - uses predefined logic. On the first day of each month, it will generate for the previous 6 months. For example, August 1st will include all data from February 1st - July 31st.
Run Report Duration - Duration is how much data to include in the report from the time it was run.
Run Report Period Type - Select Hour(s) 1 to 48, Day(s) 1 to 365, Week(s) 1 to 52, or Month(s) 1 to 12 as the period type.
Days - Select the day or days of the week that you would like this report to run. You can use this in combination with Run Time to do something like "Every Monday & Wednesday at 8am"
Run Time - Select the time of day you would like this report to run. (If you would like this report to run at multiple times during the day, you can press the + next to the drop down box to add additional times.
Recipients - Once the report has run, an email notification will be send to the specified email address to advise the report is now available (the report is not sent via email for size and security reasons).
Alternatively, an sFTP Endpoint can be chosen to securely submit the data to a folder location on the customer side.
If you need to add or edit your Endpoint list, please contact Unimarket Support.
Filename Template - The output file can have a specific naming convention to meet parameters you may require. There is a default loaded using the naming convention and date of the report run.
You can update these parameters as below:
- ${scheduleName} - if you need to name the output file something different to your schedule name
${runDate(PATTERN)} - if you need an alternate date pattern, replace "PATTERN" with a date/time formatting.
- MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm_ss -> 06-01-2018_02_22_39
- yyyy-MMM-dd-hhm -> 2018-Jun-01-0225
Example template:
ScheduledReport_${scheduleName}_Date-${runDate(YYYY-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss)} ->
ScheduledReport_ScheduleName_Date-18-06-16_02-46-19.csv -
Order Exports
For simplified reporting, a user can use the Order Exports feature without requiring a specific role to access the Insights module in Unimarket. Order Exports is a useful tool for cost center managers or buyers, to provide a view of applicable orders.
Watch this short video on how to Export Orders or read below for additional details:
Go to Marketplace > select Orders. The page can be filtered if there is a specific set of data you are seeking (e.g. date range, supplier), by selecting Filters.
To begin exporting, click Export on the right of the screen.
Select Export Orders or Export Order Lines.
The Export Orders will provide the summary/header level detail of the orders and Export Order Lines will provide a line level breakdown of orders.
Note: Values used in exports, exclude GST & Shipping. Type Fields Export Orders Order Number, Change Of Order Number, Order Type, Payment Method, Payment Status, Retrofit Order, Created Date, Order Date, Order State, Receiving State, Has Accepted Invoice, Requisition Number, Blanket Order, Blanket Balance, Organisation, Org Unit Code, Org Unit, Buyer ID, Buyer, Supplier ID, Supplier, Supplier Tags, Currency, Order Value, ShipTo, Bill To
Export Order Lines OrderNumber, OrderType, PaymentMethod, PaymentStatus, RetrofitOrder, CreatedDate, OrderDate, OrderState, ReceivingState, HasAccepted Invoice, RequisitionNumber, BlanketOrder, BlanketBalance, Organisation, OrgUnitCode, OrgUnit, BuyerID, Buyer, SupplierID, Supplier, SupplierTags, Currency, OrderValue, LineNumber, ProductSource, CatalogueTags, ProductName, ProductCode, ProductTags, UnitPrice, Quantity, UnitOfMeasureName, UnitOfMeasureCode, ReceivedQuantity, InvoicedQuantity, RceivedAmount, InvoicedAmount, OrderLineAmount, SplitPercentage, AcctCodeFormat, AcctPart1, AcctPart2, AcctPart3, AcctPart4, AcctPart5
Once the desired option is selected, a pop-up box will appear > select the hyperlink titled Here to proceed to the Background Jobs screen.
Once your CSV file is in a Finished state, select Download.
Running an Export of Financial Commitments
Use the Commitments filter on the View Orders page to get a quick understanding of your current financial commitments. This will provide you with a clear picture of the Ordered, Received and Invoiced (GRNI) quantities and dollar amounts for each of your open (not fully received) order lines.
- Starting on the View Orders screen, expand the Filters panel and select Commitments under the Views list.
- To see all commitments make sure you remove the '90 Days' default date range and leave date blank. This will search for all open order lines.
- Using the Export function select 'Export Order Lines'.
- Your report can be downloaded from the Tasks/Background Jobs menu. Note that you can choose to schedule this export using the report Schedule function found within the Insights module.
Transaction Runs
A Transaction Run is used to allocate matched* invoices (or expenses) to a specific numbered 'Transaction Run' when extracting invoice information to upload into an external system for payment. The transaction run ensures invoices cannot be picked up more than once (to prevent any being paid twice) and will only pick up invoices that are not yet part of an existing transaction run. Users with the Community Administrator or Create Invoices role have access to create these and can go back at any stage and review or download all transaction runs and their invoice information, making it easier to review payment information.
Matched - The state of an invoice that has matched the original order. For more on invoice states click here or, for more on invoice matching click here. Creating a Transaction Run
Transaction runs can be found in the left hand menu when in the Insights module.
Firstly you'll need to select 'Create Transaction Run' from the More Actions menu on the right of the screen to open the transaction run pop-up where you configure the settings.
The transaction run filename name can be edited to suit the needs of the user and also allows a few variable terms to be used. This means the variable term you enter is automatically replaced with the matching piece of data. Please see the examples below:
- ${runDate(PATTERN)} - Transaction Run generated date, replace "PATTERN" with a date/time formatting:
- MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm_ss - Will be replaced with 06-01-2018_02_22_39
- yyyy-MMM-dd-hhm - Will be replaced with 2018-Jun-01-0225
- ${runNumber} - Will be replaced with the Transaction Run number
- ${randomNumber} - Will be replaced with a random number
- ${reportName} - Will be replaced with the Transaction Run Report name
Enter name as TransactionRun_${reportName}_Date-${runDate(YY-MM-dd_hh-m-s)}
Generated as TransactionRun_ReportName_Date-18-06-16_02-46-19.csvTransaction runs can be created with or without a date range depending on your needs:
- By using a date range - if you specify a date range for the transaction run it will pick up invoices based on what option you select in the drop down list for 'Invoice Date Type' during the creation of the run.
- Created Date - if you select this option it will pick up invoices created (entered in Unimarket) within the date range you have chosen, i.e. if you create a transaction run for 1 June-30 June it will pick up all invoices created within that date range, as long as the invoices haven't already been allocated to a transaction run.
- Invoice Date - if you select this option it will pick up invoices with an invoice date within the date range you have chosen, i.e. if you create a transaction run for 1 June-30 June it will be pick up all invoices with an invoice date within that date range, as long as the invoices haven't already been allocated to a transaction run.
- Open (i.e. no date range) - if you choose not to select any date range and leave the date fields blank when creating the transaction run it will pick up all invoices based on what option you have selected in the drop down list (Created Date/Invoice Date).
- Hybrid - you can select either a start date or an end date depending on what information you are after:
- If you want all invoices from when you started using Unimarket until your 'year end date', leave the start date blank and enter the end date.
- If you want all invoices from a specific date and onwards until todays date, enter the start date and leave the end date empty.
For either of these, the system will then pick up any invoices not yet allocated to a transaction run.
The other settings that appear here are explained below:
- Supplier Access - Select either suppliers that are accessible by all customers on Unimarket (Public) or on internal use only suppliers (Internal). Leave blank to report on all.
Supplier - There are 2 options for users to select.
- Include: The scheduled transaction run will only contain records for the selected supplier.
- Exclude: The scheduled transaction run will contain records for all suppliers except for the one selected. This will be selected and blank by default. The Supplier field can be kept blank if you don't want to exclude any supplier.
- Connected Suppliers Only - Checking this box will ensure only currently connected suppliers are reported on. Leaving this unchecked will report on all.
- Organizations - Select specific organizations to report on or leave blank to report on all.
- Transaction Type - If your community uses more than one type of transaction you will need to select the type you wish to report on.
Once you have clicked OK to create the transaction run and it is complete, choose Download to save it. You can also click View to see the options selected when the transaction run was created on the Transaction Run tab or, view a list of the invoices included in it on the Invoices tab.
Scheduled Transaction Runs
Transaction runs may also be scheduled on a calendar to run as reoccurring reports to automatically run and save to a specific location.
When setting up a scheduled transaction run there are some additional settings as compared to the ones used for creating a single transaction run and these are explained below:
- Days - Select which days of the week you would like this to run on.
Run Time - Select what time of day this should be run at.
- Clicking the small plus symbol to the right of Run Time adds another time field. This allows it to be run more than once a day without having to create a separate scheduled run for each time.
- Endpoint - Where the report is sent to once it is done. For assistance setting up an FTP endpoint for your transaction runs, contact your Administrator.
- Email Address - Where to send report notifications after generating the transaction run. The email will have a link directly to the current report.
- Reports - Choose which reports if any you would like to use.
Transaction Runs to an sFTP
When creating a Scheduled Transaction Run, these can be automatically sent to a dedicated sFTP. The Transaction Run itself will generate as above, but can be sent directly to the customer. There is an option to "Resend" the transaction run for those set up to send via sFTP.
Note: if a manual Transaction Run is made between scheduled, that file will be only picking up any new changes since the last run; and is only available for manual download. It is not separately sent via sFTP.
Supplier Transaction Run
The Supplier Transaction Run indicates new suppliers, updated suppliers, and those that have disconnected from the community that haven't yet been assigned to a transaction run.
Order Transaction Run
The Order Transaction Run indicates Open, Closed, and Cancelled orders that haven't yet been assigned to a transaction run.
NOTE - Each order will only be sent once, so when the order is created it will be included in a transaction run. If it is later cancelled, no update will be sent. - ${runDate(PATTERN)} - Transaction Run generated date, replace "PATTERN" with a date/time formatting:
Supplier Transaction Run
The Supplier Transaction Run indicates new suppliers, updated suppliers, and those that have disconnected from the community. You can choose to run this report as a one time query as needed or schedule it to run on a reoccurring basis. Please see Transaction Runs for more information for how to set this up.
Each report stores when it was last run. A supplier record will also capture a date for when it was last updated.
What do the fields in this report mean?
Column Column Heading Description A Unimarket ID The supplier UUID. B Supplier ID
Supplier ID. C Update Status
This can be Connected, Updated, or Disconnected. D Last Updated Date The last time an update was made to the specific supplier. E Company or Trading Name This will be optional if the supplier is an individual. F Supplier Type This will be Lite, Registered, or Premium. G Profile Type This will be either Company/Organization or Individual. H Supplier First Name This will only populate if the supplier is registered as an individual. I Supplier Last Name This will only populate if the supplier is registered as an individual. J Legal Business Name This will be optional if the supplier is registered as an individual. K Business Number This only populates for NZ customers. (Max character length is 255). L Tax Registered This indicates if the supplier is Tax Registered with Yes/No. M Tax Identification Type This only populates for US customers and is part of the W9 and will show as SSN or EIN. N Tax Number / ABN This is optional if the supplier is not tax registered. (Max character length is 255). O Tax Rate The Tax Rate itself, rather than the Tax Code (eg: NOTAX). If no Tax Rate has been defined at the Supplier level, we will retrieve the rate from Community level. P Currency This shows the valid currency code. (Ex: USD for United States Dollars) Q Default Category This shows the default UNSPSC code. (Max character length is 8). R Default Contract This shows the Contract ID and helps support customers using contract information. S Supplier Tags This shows a comma separated list of Tags. T Contact Person This shows the suppliers default contact person - name.
U Contact Phone This shows the supplier's default person phone number. V Contact Email This shows the suppliers default contact persons email. W Default Email This shows the suppliers default contact email. X Invoicing Email This shows the suppliers invoicing email. Y Order Email This shows the suppliers order email. Z Remittance Email This shows the suppliers remittance email. AA Remittance Name This shows the name of the community default remittance address. AB Remittance Address Line 1 This shows the default remittance address. AC Remittance Address Line 2 This shows any address information that was entered on line 2. AD Remittance Address Line 3 This shows any address information that was entered on line 3. AE Remittance City This shows the remittance city. AF Remittance State / Region This shows the remittance state/region. AG Remittance Zip / Postcode This shows the remittance zip/postcode. (Max character length is 20). AH Remittance Country This shows the remittance country. AI Physical Address Line 1 This shows the physical address. AJ Physical Address Line 2 This shows any address information that was entered on line 2. AK Physical Address Line 3 This shows any address information that was entered on line 3. AL Physical City This shows the city. AM Physical State / Region This shows the state/region. AN Physical Zip / Postcode This shows the zip/postcode. (Max character length is 20). AO Physical Country This shows the country. AP Mailing Address Line 1 This shows the mailing address. AQ Mailing Address Line 2 This shows any address information that was entered on line 2. AR Mailing Address Line 3 This shows any address information that was entered on line 3. AS Mailing City This shows the city. AT Mailing State / Region This shows the state/region. AU Mailing Zip / Postcode This shows the zip/postcode. (Max character length is 20). AV Mailing Country This shows the country. AW Payment Term Code The default payment term for the Supplier, or if none are set, the Community level default. A common example is “NET30”, where the Net amount is due within 30 days.
AX Bank Account Country This shows the Bank Account Country. AY Bank Name This shows the Bank Name. AZ Branch Address This shows the Bank Branch address. BA Bank Account Name This shows the Bank Account Name. BB Bank Account Type This shows the bank account type which can be Checking or Savings. BC Deposit Format This shows the deposit format which can be CCD, CTX, or Unspecified. BD Bank Account Number This shows the bank account number. BE Bank Account Currency This shows the currency code. (Ex: USD - United States Dollars). BF Bank Account Verification This indicates Yes or No for if bank account verification has been provided. BG Bank SWIFT Code This is shown if the Country is different from your zone. (Max character length is 255). BH Bank IBAN Code This is shown if the Country is different from your zone. (Max character length is 255). BI Credit Card Accepted This indicates Yes or No if the supplier accepts credit cards. BJ Stripe Enabled This indicates Yes or No if Stripe is enabled. BK Form Field Name This field is populates based on form fields if any are being used.