Procurement Dashboard
The Procurement Dashboard provides strategic procurement insights around spend through a dashboard of graphs and widgets. The dashboard is visible to users with the Community Administrator, Create Invoice or View Transactions role and community users where Sharing is enabled.
Spend By Purchasing Method
This graph provides a breakdown of the method by which buyers are purchasing:
- Catalog - This includes items from Hosted catalogs and Roundtrip catalogs.
- Non-Catalog - Excluding non-catalog items from an RFQ or Quote.
- Quote - Including items from Bid Request's, RFQ's and Quote's.
You can view either the 12 months prior today's date or you can select the previous year from the drop down menu in the top right of the graph. For example, if today is 26 October 2016, "This Year" will be 1 November 2015 - 12 October 2016, "Last Year" will be 1 November 2014 - 31 October 2015. You can then view the totals for each month by hovering your mouse over the graph.
To view the data for different individual Org Units, select them from the Organization Unit drop down menu in the top left of the graph. If there is no Org Unit selected you will see data for all Org Units you have access to.
- If you only have access to one Org Unit this drop down will not be selectable.
- If you select an Org Unit that has child Org Units, the graph will show data for the child Org Units also but not vice versa.
To view only Catalog, Non-Catalog or Quote data click on the the name underneath the graph that is not needed to deselect that option and that data will drop off the graph. To bring the data back, you can click the name to select it again.
Top 10 Suppliers
This graph provides data on the top 10 suppliers based on either amount spent or number of transactions. This can be used by procurement managers to see whom they are spending their money with and which suppliers have high transactions and may therefore provide opportunities for process improvement and/or savings.
You can select amount spent or number of transactions data by using the drop down menu on the top left of the graph. The drop down menu on the top right of the graph is where you select the time period you would like to see data for; Last 30 Days, Previous 30 Days, Last 60 Days or Last 365 Days.
Low Value Orders
This graph displays orders under a specified value and which supplier those orders were for. It allows communities to identify if they are raising a lot of small low value orders that can potentially cause higher costs around shipping and processing time.
You can choose to view orders under $50, $100 or $500 by using the drop down menu in the top left of the graph. The drop down menu right next to this is where you select the time period you would like to see data for (Last 30 Days, Previous 30 Days, Last 60 Days or Last 365 Days).
Spend By Category
This graph shows the top 10 product categories (UNSPSC codes) based on the amount spent. This allows the community to understand what they are spending money on.
You can select the time period you wish to see data for by selecting either Last 30 Days, Previous 30 Days, Last 60 Days or Last 365 Days from the drop down menu in the top right of the graph.
NOTE: If you have a high amount of unidentified spend, please review our article on How to Manage Unidentified Spend.
Suppliers By Category
This graph shows the number of unique suppliers who have orders in the top 10 categories for the selected period of time. This allows communities to see how many suppliers they are using in each category and may therefore provide opportunities for savings.
You can select the time period you wish to see data for by selecting either Last 30 Days, Previous 30 Days, Last 60 Days or Last 365 Days from the drop down menu in the top right of the graph.
Performance Dashboard
This dashboard is designed to help communities monitor the performance of their procurement and approval processes. The dashboard is visible to users with the Community Administrator, Create Invoice or View Transactions role and community users where Sharing is enabled.
Pending Requisitions
This widget shows the community's number of pending requisitions and the total value of those requisitions exclusive of tax and shipping.
Note: This excludes pending requisitions that have been escalated or have had an approval reminder sent out. Requiring Attention
This widget shows the community's pending requisitions with approval tasks open for 3 or more days.
Cycle Time
This widget shows the average time taken from the creation of a requisition until it is fully approved and an order is created over the last 30 days. There are also sections that show how many of those were under or over the average time, a section which shows if any requisitions were declined and a small up/down arrow to the right of the time indicating whether this time has gone up or down from the previous 30 days cycle time.
Approvers Activity
This graph can be flited to show the approver with the most approvals or the slowest approvers (hours on average) over a specified period of time; Last 30 Days, Previous 30 Days, Last 60 Days or Last 365 Days. You can switch between the most approvals and the slowest approvers using the drop down menu in the top left of the graph and the time period is selecting using the drop down menu to the left of that.
Note: If your community has external approvals enabled this graph will not be visible. Approvals Per Order
This graph shows the number of approvals tasks completed on requisitions before they become orders over a specified time period. You can select Last 30 Days, Previous 30 Days, Last 60 Days or Last 365 Days from the drop down menu above and to the right of the graph.
To view the total amount of orders in a section of the graph, hover your mouse over that section.
Note: If your community has external approvals enabled this graph will not be visible. Orders
This widget shows the number of orders placed in the last 30 days and the total value of those orders. The small up/down arrow next to the orders number indicates whether that total is up or down versus the previous 30 days.
Open Orders
This widget shows the total number or open and partially received orders and their total value.
Note: If your community doesn't have Receiving enabled this widget will not be visible. By clicking on this widget you will be directed to the Orders page with the filtering already predefined to show all of your open and partial orders.
Old Open Orders
This widget shows the total number of orders that are open or partially received and are older than 90 days.
Note: If your community does not have Receiving enabled this widget will not be visible. By clicking on this widget you will be directed to the Orders page with the filtering already predefined to show all of your open and partial orders older than 90 days.
This widget shows the number of orders that contain order lines that have a greater received quantity versus invoiced quantity and the total value of the lines that have been received but not invoiced.
By clicking on this widget you will be directed to the Orders page with the filtering already predefined to show all of your Goods Received Not Invoiced.
Note: If your community does not have Receiving and Invoicing enabled this widget will not be visible.