Assigning users to Organization units
Organization Units (Org Units) are very similar to Departments within an Organization. They can be hierarchical so that they can be setup to mirror your organization's structure. All users should be assigned one or more organization units within the Unimarket user profile so their spend can be allocated within the Unimarket application to the correct org unit.
Note that the assigned Org Unit does not impact how spend is classified within the Organization's ERP. Spend within the ERP is solely based on the GL Accounting information on purchase order lines, rather than the organization unit.
Other uses for Organization Units
View Orders Sharing (optional) - Sharing is a feature in Unimarket that allows users to access orders within the same Organization Unit. The benefit of this feature is to allow departments visibility of orders for their group, as well as spend data within the group. With a hierarchical structure, the department heads can easily see all orders from the Org Units that they manage.
Receiving Sharing (optional) - Receiving Sharing is an optional addition to the feature which allows members of the Org Unit to receive any order for their department. With this option disabled, only the Buyer or Browser can perform the receiving action on the order.
Procurement Dashboard - Users will also have access to a Procurement Dashboard within the Reports module. An Org Unit can be chosen for what spend data will appear in the dashboard. If a user chooses a parent Org Unit, the child Org Units will be included in the data.
Reporting - Users can also export orders for their Org Units, either individually or for all Org Units they belong to. To report on a specific Org Unit, select that Org Unit before clicking Search and then choosing an Export option on the View Orders page.
Shopping Lists - This feature provides the user with the ability to create a shopping list with commonly ordered items from Hosted Catalog Items, Roundtrip Items, and/or Non-Catalog Items. You can then share the selected list with other users by Organization Unit.
User Management – All users should be assigned one or more organization unit within Unimarket so their spend can be allocated to the correct org unit. To assign users to the org unit, go to the org unit and navigate to the Users tab, click on Add User and begin typing the user's name, once you have found the correct user click on their name to add them to the Users to Add field, you can add multiple users in one go. Only Org Units that have a parent can have users added to them, so top tier Org Units cannot be assigned users. Administrators can easily filter by user Org Unit in the Admin/Manage User screen.
Account Code Restriction - In many cases, a community will want to limit the GL accounting codes users can see when checking out a requisition. Once this feature is activated for your community, you may select specific codes or a range of codes that the members of each Org Unit are able to access. This allows admins to limit the visibility of codes available to only some departments.
Approvals by Org Unit (not recommended) – Approvals will be routed based on the buyer's Org Unit; this can be done for requisitions, invoices and/or expenses. If the buyer belongs to multiple Org Units, they will select the appropriate one during the checkout process. Each buyer is tied to an Organization or Org Unit, that Org Unit is tied to one or more approval chains containing a hierarchy of approvers, each with an approval level. If there is more than one approval chain the buyer selects the correct one when creating the requisition
Contracts – When creating a Contract, you can assign the “owning” Org Unit which gives all users in that Org Unit visibility of the Contract without needing to be a member. You can also limit who can buy off that contract with the Purchasing Org Units so that only the users in a selected Purchasing Org Unit can select that contract for a supplier in the checkout screen, linking the order to the contract for spend tracking. If your contract is assigned to an Org Unit, you can filter the contracts by the Org Units on the View Contracts page.