If you are looking for ways to automate your Unimarket master data uploads or generate regular report exports we now have a simple flat file option if you don't have the budget or bandwidth for full integration.
Unimarket File Automation allows customers to securely import and export files to and from Unimarket using simple CSV flat files. This removes the big jump to full integration, but it also removes the need to deal with data loads and reports manually. File Automation requires very little setup other than Secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP) and the use of our CSV import templates. Automated reporting is even simpler whereby reports can be automated on a regular export cycle to an sFTP location of your choice.
The following Unimarket master data imports are supported by File Automation:
- Users
- Account Codes
- Approval Data
- Payment Status
- Creating and updating Supplier records
- Supplier Addresses (remittance)
- Upload Blanket Order Invoices Using a CSV
Unimarket can enable this service for specific uploads as needed (much like an integration point), so you can easily pick and choose what level of automation makes the most sense for your organization. Further details relating to setting up File Automation can be found here.
If you are interested in enabling File Automation, please speak to your Account Manager so we can understand your requirements, enable the relevant setup and configure secure authentication. Note: there is a minimal annual cost to have this functionality.