cXML Request
The Request element contains the deploymentMode attribute and the InvoiceDetailRequest element.
The deploymentMode can be either "test" or "production".
The InvoiceDetailRequest is the invoice that is contained in the message and is made up of 3 sections:
- InvoiceDetailRequestHeader
- InvoiceDetailRequestOrder
- InvoiceDetailSummary
This contains attributes for the invoiceDate, invoiceID, operation, purpose and elements for InvoiceDetailLineIndicator and InvoicePartner.
The invoiceDate is the Invoice Date listed on the invoice
This should be in the format: YYYY-MM-DD. If this is missing then Unimarket will assign the date and time the invoice was received as the Invoice Date.
The invoiceID is the Invoice Number listed on the invoice
The operation will always be "new"
The purpose will always be "standard"
<InvoiceDetailRequestHeader invoiceDate="2020-10-08" invoiceID="TestInvoice10018" operation="new" purpose="standard">
The InvoiceDetailLineIndicator element is used to signify if Tax is present at a line level.
(Required in AU & NZ)
<InvoiceDetailLineIndicator isTaxInLine="yes"/>
The InvoicePartner element contains the Bill To contact.
<Contact role="billTo">
<Name lang="en">Bill To Address</Name>
<Street>123 Something Street</Street>
<Country isoCountryCode="NZ">New Zealand</Country>
This will show for the customer in the Bill To section on the Invoice in Unimarket.
See the articles below for additional information on Invoice Integration:
Invoice Integration - Overview
Invoice Integration - cXML Header (Credentials)
Invoice Integration - InvoiceDetailSummary
Invoice Integration - InvoiceDetailOrder
Invoice Integration - Discount at Header Level
Invoice Integration - Shipping at Header Level
Invoice Integration - Shipping at Line Level
Invoice Integration - Shipping & Special Handling at Header Level
Invoice Integration - Shipping & Special Handling at Line Level