You can view Orders placed between your Community and Suppliers using the View Orders page within the Marketplace module. For Buyers, the Orders found in these pages may be limited to those placed by them or others in their Organization Units.
To find out how to change the Buyer default for searches see User/Buyer Search Filter Default.
View Orders
To view Orders you have access to, select Orders on the left menu menu. You can use the filters at the top of the page to filter for a range of Orders. The displayed Orders will filter to the orders created in the last 90 days by default.
By default, the Search function is set to Search Order Number. To search for a specific item within orders, select the Search Order Number drop-down and select Item. When searching for an item, a list of related orders will appear with the item listed just below the order number.
Click Filters at the top of the page to see all available options. This includes Supplier, Order Type, Buyer, Receiving, if the order Has Accepted Invoice, Organization Unit, Work Order, Order State, Payment Method. You Can also filter the list to only show Goods Received Not Invoiced (GRNI) or Commitments orders using the Views Field.
Export Orders
To export the Orders from this page click the Export button next to the Filter button and select either Export Orders or Export Order Lines. The export will include whatever search results are currently being displayed. The default filter is the Created Date set to Last 90 Days and can be changed to a Custom Date Range.
Export Orders provides an array of great information for a Buyer and include Supplier Tags for reporting purposes.
Note: Order Exports are available in the task/background menu for 7 days, from action date. |
Bulk Change Orders
To bulk change certain orders, click the Export button next to the Filter button and select Bulk Change. This will allow the user to Close Order, Reopen Order, or Update Organization Unit.
Note: Bill To and Ship To addresses will retain what was applied at the time of the Order, in cases where an update is made to the address. |
Available Actions on Orders
In the More Actions menu you will find the below available options.
- Copy: Copies the Order to your Shopping Cart and begins the checkout process.
- Close: Closing an Order prevents any further receiving and invoicing or editing.
Depending on whether your community has the below enabled you may also see these options:
- Cancel: Cancels the Order.
- Edit: Allows you to edit the Order.
- Receive All: Allows you to receive all the products in the Order at once.
- Create Contract: Users with the Create Contract role can create a new contract directly from an Order.
- Link Contract: Users with the Create Contract role can link the order to an existing contract for the associated Supplier.
- Resend Email: resends email confirmation to Community and Supplier.
For information on:
- Cancelling or Editing an Order see Cancel & Edit Orders
- Receiving see Receiving Orders
- Contracts see Contract Management
- Creating an Invoice from an Order see Creating Electronic Invoices