If the Supplier Request feature has been enabled for your community, buyers and browsers have the ability to request a new supplier from the Unimarket Directory.
Requesting Access to an Existing Supplier from the Unimarket Directory
Community Administrators do not have this feature as they can create a supplier invitation to register directly and there is no need to submit a request for approval.
- Go to the Marketplace module and select Request Supplier under Purchasing.
- Select Search Existing Supplier under Search or Add a New Supplier.
- Type in key words to find the desired supplier.
- Choose the supplier from the drop-down menu.
- Select the user you are sending the request to and enter your reason.
- Once you are happy select Send Request and a notification will be sent to the users that can manage the request.
- While the request is under review the status will be listed as Pending.
Status Definitions
Pending – The request is under review by a Supplier Request or Community Administrator.
Accepted – The request has been approved and an invitation has been sent to either the supplier’s email address provided in the Supplier Request form or, the email address specified by the existing supplier.
Completed – Supplier has completed the registration and the registration is under review (Pending status on Supplier Administration page). Once the supplier is Connected, the requesting user will receive the email notification that the supplier is available.
Declined – The request has been declined. An email notification will also be sent to you if your request is declined with the reason provided.
Deleted – This request has been deleted by the requesting user (only the requesting user can Delete a request).
Email Notifications
When the supplier is connected and available to trade with you will receive an email notification.