You can automate approval data uploads by sending the Approval CSV file templates to Unimarket via sFTP (Secure file transfer). There are 3 templates that can be automated which are Groups, Chains and Rulesets. The upload feature must be enabled by Unimarket so please contact your account manager if you would like to discuss this option and have it enabled.
sFTP Setup
Before you can start sending / receiving files, sFTP setup is required. Details can be found here.
Loading Files
Files sent to Unimarket must be sent in order so they process correctly. This means that each file must be sent and fully uploaded (not fully processed) before sending the next file. They should not be sent all at once. Note that once uploaded the files will be processed.
Because the approval uploads have related data the following order is required:
1. Groups
2. Chains
3. Ruleset
Files should be sent to the correct inbound folder location on the sFTP server. Details are below.
Once processed the files will be moved the processed folder and the relevant sub-directory beneath.
File naming convention
Groups and Chains
Groups and Chains do not have a naming convention and should just be sent to the corresponding folder on the sFTP server.
There can be many rulesets where a separate CSV upload file is needed for each. Files should be sent to the corresponding sFTP ruleset folder, however the filename needs to contain the ruleset name as outlined below. Note there are 3 underscores required between the Date and the Ruleset Name. This will ensure the rules are loaded to the correct ruleset.
- Name Format: date___rulesetname.csv
- Example: 20220825___1 Project Accounting