If you need to export details about your contracts you can do this by filtering your contract list at the top of the screen for what records you wish to export, then click Export to choose the appropriate export.
The following exports are available:
Contract summary export
This provides a summary of contract information across all contract types including:
Contract Name, Contract Number, Start Date, End Date, State, Counterpart Name, Currency, Owner, Initiator, Value, Contract Type, Counterpart Type, Members
Contract details export
This provides the full details of the contract. It can only be exported for one Contract Type at a time as the available information can be different by type.
Contract Type, Contract Name, Description, Contract Number, Contract Link, Owner, State, Created Date, Start Date, End Date, Expiry Warning, Default Contract, Value, Alert Value, Funds Allocated, Funds Remaining, Organization Unit, Purchasing, Organization Units, Available to All Buyers, Category, Supplier Vendor ID, Counterpart Name, Currency, Contact Title, Contact Name, Contact Email, Contact Phone, Contact Address Line 1, Contact Address Line 2, Contact Address Line 3, Contact City, Contact Region, Contact Postcode, Contact Country, Renewal Start Date, Renewal End Date, Documents Visibility