Suppliers are able to export a list of Invoices created within Unimarket. This will provide you with a summary of up to one year of Invoices including the associated Order numbers, the State and other helpful details.
Export Invoices
To export your invoices, click on Transactions and then click on View Invoices In the left side menu. Use the filters to drill down on the invoice data you would like to export and click Search (the export will only include the currently filtered list of invoices). When ready click the small arrow next to Search and select Export.
Fields included in the export
Field Name | Description |
InvoiceNumber | The invoice number in Unimarket. |
OrderNumbers | The Order number in Unimarket associated with the Invoice. |
Buyers | The Buyer who placed the Order, or the assigned Buyer for the Invoice. |
Customer | The Customer the Order was created for. |
Creator | Who created the Invoice. |
State | The State of the Invoice. This will let you know if the has been accepted by the Customer. |
InvoiceDate | The billing date of the invoice. |
CreatedDate | The date the the Invoice is created in Unimarket. |
The Due date of payment. |
Any contracts or external documents that be referred. |
Comment | Any Comments added to the Invoice. |
Currency | The Currency 3 letter code of the Invoice. |
Subtotal | The invoiced amount excluding tax. |
Shipping | The shipping cost of the order. |
SpecialHandling | Any special handling costs. |
Tax | The tax amount as a dollar value. |
Discount | Any applicable discounts. |
Total | Total cost of the invoice. |
InvoiceReference | Invoice Reference from your finance system. (If your finance system is set up to include an invoice reference on its response message to Unimarket when an invoice is successfully sent over, this field will include the Invoice Reference.) |
InternalInvoiceNumber | Internal Invoice Number. |
PaymentStatus | Payment status can be Canceled, Failed, Paid or Paying. |
AmountPaid | Total amount paid. |
OutstandingBalance | Total outstanding balance. |