Unimarket automatically relay your company details to all your connected Unimarket customers to ensure your customer's records are up-to-date.
You can view your connected customers by selecting Profile on the left side panel > click Customers
Updating Your Profile
To update your profile, go to the relevant login page for your zone:
NZ: https://supplier.unimarket.co.nz
AU: https://supplier.unimarket.com.au
Enter the email address associated with your Unimarket profile and password.
Note: If you have forgotten your password, instructions can be found here on how to reset your password. |
Once logged in, select Profile from the menu on the left > select Company Profile.
Company Profile
Company profile contains information available for your customer's viewing, that consist of your profile, contacts, emails, addresses, payments and logos. On the Profile tab, you can update your profile information by selecting Edit.
Profile Management
Your company profile/trading name
Company Details
You can classify your profile type as: Company/Organization or Individual. If you choose Company/Organisation, complete the following mandatory fields:
- Legal Business Name
- Company or Trading Name
- Business Number (NZBN) : (For NZ suppliers only) New Zealand Business Numbers are unique identifiers allocated to businesses in New Zealand and can be entered at Supplier Registration.
If you choose Individual, complete the following is fields:
- Company or Trading Name (Mandatory field)
- First Name (Mandatory field)
- Last Name (Mandatory field)
Note: If your NZBN has changed, please contact our Unimarket Support Team. |
Tax Details
Select if you are tax registered and add your GST number (NZ) or ABN (AU) to your profile.
Categories Supplied - One or more product/service categories you supply.
Default Category - The category that will be used when a customer creates a Non-Catalog item or the catalog item does not have a category assigned.
Regions Supplied - The regions your company supplies.
Description - A description of the products and or services you provide. This displays on your directory listing for customers and potential customers.
Company URL - Your company website URL.
Affiliated Purchasing Agreements - Affiliated Purchasing Agreements you belong to.
Add your company contact details for profile activities such as: orders or invoice matching. You can assign various contacts to each customers or choose a primary default contact for all customers.
Note: To view instructions on how to create and assign contacts, go to Create and Assign Contacts. |
There are 3 main addresses associated with your business that are viewed by your connected customers and can be updated.
- Physical Address (Mandatory field) - Will appear on POs.
- Mailing Address (Mandatory field)
- Remittance Address (Mandatory field) - You can create multiple remittance addresses by selecting Add Address
The payments tab allows suppliers to opt in for ACH and/or Credit card payment disbursements managed/processed by your connected customer(s).
Account Details - Your bank account details provided to the customer for payment.
Bank Verification - Documents confirming the bank account details provided are correct for your business.
- Logo - Small logo displayed in your store, directory and supplier directory listings.
- Printable Logo - Displayed on printable documents, such as invoices.
- Email Logo - Displayed on all your emails.