Creating Contracts through a template CSV file upload
Users with the Create Contracts role can create contracts using a CSV file upload. To get to this option click on Contracts, then View Contracts, and select Upload/Download from the Actions menu in the top right hand of the screen.
On the next screen click Upload on the far right, next to the Contract Type you would like to upload. Contracts must be uploaded separately per Contract Type, as each type may have different custom forms. Selecting Upload will open a pop-up window with two attachments available. Download Specification gives you a list of the requirements for the form, and Download Template is the template you can fill out and upload. Once your CSV template is filled out, attach it in Contracts File field and click OK.
What do the fields in the Contract template mean?
Column | Name | Description | Mandatory |
A | Contract Type | An existing Contract Type name. | Y |
B | Contract Name | The name you are giving to this contract. | Y |
C | Description | A brief description of this contract. | Y |
D | Contract Number | The contract number associated with this contract. | Y |
E | Owner | An existing User name as it appears in Unimarket. | Y |
F | Start Date | The contract start date. | Y |
G | End Date | The contract end date. | N |
H | Expiry Warning Date | Optionally enter a date here to be notified when this contract is expiring soon. | N |
I | Default Contract | If yes, when this contract becomes active it will become the default for the counterpart supplier. | N |
J | Value | Contract Value. | N |
K | Alert Value | Enter a value here to be notified when Funds Remaining falls below this value. | N |
L | Organization Unit | The Organization Unit that owns the contract. This can be used later for searching and filtering contracts by organization unit. | N |
M | Purchasing Organization Unit | Members of these organization units will be able to purchase against this contract. | N |
N | Category | An existing Category code. | N |
O | Supplier Vendor ID | An existing Supplier Vendor ID. | N |
P | Counterpart Name | N | |
Q | Currency | An existing currency code. | N |
R | Contact Title | N | |
S | Contact Name | N | |
T | Contact Email | Must be a valid email address. | N |
U | Contact Phone | Prefix number-extension with length limits 5-20-20. | N |
V | Contact Address Line 1 | N | |
W | Contact Address Line 2 | N | |
X | Contact Address Line 3 | N | |
Y | Contact City | N | |
Z | Contact Region/State | N | |
AA | Contact Postal Code | N | |
AB | Contact Country | An existing Country code. | N |
AC | Document Visibility | If left blank will use the default set for your Community. Sets if the documents. Can be Set as Members Only or Always Visible. | N |
For information on Contracts Administration see Contracts Administration Module