Purchase Order Integration uses the cXML standard to send orders to Communities from Unimarket.
This will be sent to a HTTP(S) endpoint using the POST method containing the cXML payload. Ideally this should be secured by TLS1.2.
In this Article
Example Basic Purchase Order
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cXML payloadID="[A Unique Value]" timestamp="2020-11-16T12:17:51.945+13:00" version="1.2.021" xml:lang="en">
<Request deploymentMode="test">
<OrderRequestHeader orderDate="2020-11-16T12:17:51.124+13:00" orderID="102" orderType="regular" type="new">
<Money currency="NZD">5.75</Money>
<Contact role="buyer">...</Contact>
<Extrinsic name="buyer-credential">...</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="shippingNote"/>
<ItemOut lineNumber="1" quantity="1" requisitionID="56">...</ItemOut>
<ItemOut lineNumber="2" quantity="4" requisitionID="56">...</ItemOut>
The Purchase Order starts with the Header which can used to authenticate the message. For Communities these are left empty.
<Credential domain="">
<Credential domain="">
<Credential domain="">
The Request element contains the the OrderRequest and shows if this purchase order has been sent from a Test or Production environment.
<Request deploymentMode="test">
<Request deploymentMode="production">
The OrderRequest contains attributes that describe the orderDate, orderID, orderType and type.
<OrderRequestHeader orderDate="2020-11-16T12:17:51.124+13:00" orderID="102" orderType="regular" type="new">
The orderDate attribute is the date and time the order was generated in the format:
The orderID attribute is the purchase order number.
The orderType attribute is the type of order this is. This could be: "regular" or "blanket".
The type is the status of the order:
new - This is a new order.
update - This means the order has been updated. The order will contain all details as they have been updated. Two new attributes will now be included in OrderRequest: orderVersion and isInternalVersion.
The orderVersion attribute shows the version number for this order. It will start from 2 and increase.
The isInternalVersion attribute is a flag that indicates if this change should be hidden from the supplier. This will be set to "no".
delete - This means the order has been cancelled.
The total element contains the Money Element. The Money element shows the total value of all items included in the order including taxes. The currency attribute shows the currency code.
<Money currency="NZD">5.75</Money>
This ShipTo element contains address information on where the Community would like the order to be delivered.
<Address addressID="101" isoCountryCode="NZ">
<Name xml:lang="en">Branch Location</Name>
<DeliverTo>Mike Brady</DeliverTo>
<Street>456 Something Drive</Street>
<Country isoCountryCode="NZ">New Zealand</Country>
The Address addressID attribute is a unique identifier for the ShipTo location in Unimarket.
The Name element is the name assigned to the location.
The PostalAddress element includes multiple elements relating to the address.
The DeliverTo element will show the Attention field value selected during checkout. By default this is the Buyers name.
The Street element can be repeated up to 3 times and contains information about the street address.
The City element contains the city.
The State element contains the state or region.
The PostalCode element contains the post or zip code.
The Country element contains the country and the isoCountryCode attribute is the ISO country code.
The Email element contains the email address for the Buyer.
This BillTo element contains address information on the billing address for the order.
<Address addressID="001" isoCountryCode="NZ">
<Name xml:lang="en">Head Office</Name>
<Street>123 Something Street</Street>
<Country isoCountryCode="NZ">New Zealand</Country>
The Address addressID attribute is a unique identifier for the BillTo location in Unimarket.
The Name element is the name assigned to the location.
The PostalAddress element includes multiple elements relating to the address.
The Street element can be repeated up to 3 times and contains information about the street address.
The City element contains the city.
The State element contains the state or region.
The PostalCode element contains the post or zip code.
The Country element contains the country and the isoCountryCode attribute is the ISO country code.
The Email element contains the email address for the Buyer.
This is the header level Shipping amount. The element will be included even when there is no charge.
<Money currency="NZD">0.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Standard Delivery</Description>
This is the summary Tax information for the orders, including the break down of the shippingTax and the tax for the lines.
<Money currency="NZD">0.75</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
<TaxDetail category="GST" percentageRate="15.00" purpose="shippingTax">
<Money currency="NZD">0.00</Money>
<Money currency="NZD">0.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
<TaxDetail category="GST" percentageRate="15.00" purpose="tax">
<Money currency="NZD">5.00</Money>
<Money currency="NZD">0.75</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
The TaxDetail element contains the category, percentageRate and purpose attributes along with the TaxableAmount and TaxAmount elements.
<TaxDetail category="GST" percentageRate="15.00" purpose="tax">
<Money currency="NZD">5.00</Money>
<Money currency="NZD">0.75</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
The category attribute is the type of tax that is being applied.
The percentageRate attribute is the tax rate being applied.
The purpose attribute indicates which part of the order is included in the tax calculation.
The TaxableAmount element is the subtotal amount excluding tax.
The TaxAmount element is the amount of tax for the TaxableAmount.
Note: There is a TaxDetail element for each purpose. |
This contains the Name and Email Address for the Buyer.
<Contact role="buyer">
<Name xml:lang="en">Mike Brady</Name>
Extrinsics are additional elements that can be included to extend the cXML standard.
This is where you can find additional information about the order.
<Extrinsic name="buyer-credential">
<Credential domain="unimarket-user">
<Extrinsic name="shippingNote"/>
<Extrinsic name="requisition-created-date">2020-11-16T12:17:51.055+13:00</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="organisation">Mike Test Environment</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="organisation-unit">Testing</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="is-retrofit-order">no</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="order-source-type">DEFAULT</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="requisition-source-type">DEFAULT</Extrinsic>
The ItemOut element is repeated for each item that is included in the order.
<ItemOut lineNumber="1" quantity="1">
<Money currency="NZD">1.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Product Code 10003</Description>
<Classification domain="UNSPSC">44000000</Classification>
<ManufacturerName xml:lang="en">Description 10003</ManufacturerName>
<SupplierID domain="external-id">TestVendorID</SupplierID>
The ItemOut lineNumber attribute is the line number for that item on the order.
The ItemOut quantity attribute is the quantity ordered for the item.
<ItemOut lineNumber="1" quantity="1">
This includes identifying codes for the item.
The SupplierPartID element is the product/item/SKU code for the item.
The SupplierPartAuxiliaryID element is a supporting code used in conjunction with the SupplierPartID. This is typically used for configuration details for a variable items.
This includes more descriptive elements about the item.
<Money currency="NZD">1.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Product Code 10003</Description>
<Classification domain="UNSPSC">44000000</Classification>
<ManufacturerName xml:lang="en">Description 10003</ManufacturerName>
The UnitPrice element is the price per unit excluding tax for the item.
The Description element is the name for the item.
The UnitOfMeasure element is the in which the unit is measured for the item.
The Classification element is the UNSPSC for the item. This is derived from the catalogue when the item is selected, from the default category for the supplier set by the customer or blank if it's not supplied.
<Classification domain="UNSPSC">44000000</Classification>
The ManufacturerName element the item description of the item along with any form details.
The SupplierID element will contain the Supplier ID assigned by the Community or when this is not assigned; it will default to the unique ID generated by Unimarket for the supplier.
<SupplierID domain="external-id">TestVendorID</SupplierID>
<SupplierID domain="unimarket-code">[Unique Supplier UUID]</SupplierID>
This ShipTo element contains address information on where the customer would like the order to be delivered.
<Address addressID="101" isoCountryCode="NZ">
<Name xml:lang="en">Branch Location</Name>
<DeliverTo>Mike Brady</DeliverTo>
<Street>456 Something Drive</Street>
<Country isoCountryCode="NZ">New Zealand</Country>
The Address addressID attribute is a unique identifier for the ShipTo location in Unimarket.
The Name element is the name assigned to the location.
The PostalAddress element includes multiple elements relating to the address.
The DeliverTo element will show the Attention field value selected during checkout. By default this is the Buyers name.
The Street element can be repeated up to 3 times and contains information about the street address.
The City element contains the city.
The State element contains the state or region.
The PostalCode element contains the post or zip code.
The Country element contains the country and the isoCountryCode attribute is the ISO country code.
The Email element contains the email address for the Buyer.
Note: This is the same detail that appears in the OrderRequestHeader element. Some systems might need this information at item level. |
This is the item level Shipping amount. The element will be included even when there is no charge.
<Money currency="NZD">0.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Standard Delivery</Description>
This is the Tax information for the item.
<Money currency="NZD">0.15</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
<TaxDetail category="GST" percentageRate="15.00" purpose="tax">
<Money currency="NZD">1.00</Money>
<Money currency="NZD">0.15</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
The Money element total amount of tax for the item.
The Description element is the description of the tax being applied.
The category attribute is the type of tax that is being applied.
The percentageRate attribute is the tax rate being applied.
The purpose attribute indicates which part of the order is included in the tax calculation. For items on the order this will be "tax".
The TaxableAmount element is the subtotal amount excluding tax for the item.
The TaxAmount element is the amount of tax for the TaxableAmount.
Note: There is a TaxDetail element for each purpose. |
The Comments element is where any item level notes are included.
<Comments>For Mike</Comments>
Complete Basic Order Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cXML payloadID="dc61a74d-82ac-4a87-8b83-6e757edd7f85" timestamp="2020-11-16T12:17:51.945+13:00" version="1.2.021" xml:lang="en">
<Credential domain="">
<Credential domain="">
<Credential domain="">
<Request deploymentMode="test">
<OrderRequestHeader orderDate="2020-11-16T12:17:51.124+13:00" orderID="102" orderType="regular" type="new">
<Money currency="NZD">5.75</Money>
<Address addressID="101" isoCountryCode="NZ">
<Name xml:lang="en">Branch Location</Name>
<DeliverTo>Mike Brady</DeliverTo>
<Street>456 Something Drive</Street>
<Country isoCountryCode="NZ">New Zealand</Country>
<Address addressID="001" isoCountryCode="NZ">
<Name xml:lang="en">Head Office</Name>
<Street>123 Something Street</Street>
<Country isoCountryCode="NZ">New Zealand</Country>
<Money currency="NZD">0.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Standard Delivery</Description>
<Money currency="NZD">0.75</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
<TaxDetail category="GST" percentageRate="15.00" purpose="shippingTax">
<Money currency="NZD">0.00</Money>
<Money currency="NZD">0.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
<TaxDetail category="GST" percentageRate="15.00" purpose="tax">
<Money currency="NZD">5.00</Money>
<Money currency="NZD">0.75</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
<Contact role="buyer">
<Name xml:lang="en">Mike Brady</Name>
<Extrinsic name="buyer-credential">
<Credential domain="unimarket-user">
<Extrinsic name="shippingNote"/>
<Extrinsic name="requisition-created-date">2020-11-16T12:17:51.055+13:00</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="organisation">Mike Test Environment</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="organisation-unit">Testing</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="is-retrofit-order">no</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="order-source-type">DEFAULT</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="requisition-source-type">DEFAULT</Extrinsic>
<ItemOut lineNumber="1" quantity="1">
<Money currency="NZD">1.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Product Code 10003</Description>
<Classification domain="UNSPSC">44000000</Classification>
<ManufacturerName xml:lang="en">Description 10003</ManufacturerName>
<SupplierID domain="external-id">TestVendorID</SupplierID>
<Address addressID="101" isoCountryCode="NZ">
<Name xml:lang="en">Branch Location</Name>
<DeliverTo>Mike Brady</DeliverTo>
<Street>456 Something Drive</Street>
<Country isoCountryCode="NZ">New Zealand</Country>
<Money currency="NZD">0.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en"/>
<Money currency="NZD">0.15</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
<TaxDetail category="GST" percentageRate="15.00" purpose="tax">
<Money currency="NZD">1.00</Money>
<Money currency="NZD">0.15</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
<Comments>For Mike</Comments>
<ItemOut lineNumber="2" quantity="4">
<Money currency="NZD">1.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Product Code 10004</Description>
<Classification domain="UNSPSC">44000000</Classification>
<ManufacturerName xml:lang="en">Description 10004</ManufacturerName>
<SupplierID domain="external-id">TestVendorID</SupplierID>
<Address addressID="101" isoCountryCode="NZ">
<Name xml:lang="en">Branch Location</Name>
<DeliverTo>Mike Brady</DeliverTo>
<Street>456 Something Drive</Street>
<Country isoCountryCode="NZ">New Zealand</Country>
<Money currency="NZD">0.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en"/>
<Money currency="NZD">0.60</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
<TaxDetail category="GST" percentageRate="15.00" purpose="tax">
<Money currency="NZD">4.00</Money>
<Money currency="NZD">0.60</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">NZ GST</Description>
Expected Response
The expected response back to the POST request is a cXML payload with a 200 Status code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Status code="200" text="OK">Purchase Order Processed Successfully</Status>
The Status code attribute should be in the 200 range. All others codes will be considered an error.
The Status element can include any information about the order.
Exchange Rates
When an order is sent to the supplier it will use the currency as per the supplier store. There are additional attributes included in each Money element to show the value in the currency set for the customer.
The OrderRequestHeader element contains an additional Extrinsic element showing the exchange rate.
<Extrinsic name="exchange-rate">
<ExchangeRate alternate-currency="NZD" currency="USD" user-specified="false">0.6930</ExchangeRate>
The ItemOut element also shows the exchange rate in the attributes for the Money elements in UnitPrice and Shipping.
<ItemOut lineNumber="1" quantity="5">
<Money alternateAmount="1.443001" alternateCurrency="NZD" currency="USD">1.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Product Code 10</Description>
<Classification domain="UNSPSC">44000000</Classification>
<ManufacturerName xml:lang="en">Description 10</ManufacturerName>
<SupplierID domain="external-id">2</SupplierID>
<Money alternateAmount="0.00" alternateCurrency="NZD" currency="USD">0.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en"/>
The alternateCurrency attribute shows the currency code that is set for the Community.
The alternateAmount attribute shows the value in the currency set for the Community.
Note: More information on how exchange rates are managed is available here: Exchange Rates |
Distributions allow the Community to code their purchases to account codes. These can be included at an item level in the purchase order.
<Accounting name="GLCode">
<AccountingSegment id="Auckland">
<Name xml:lang="en">Location</Name>
<Description xml:lang="en">Auckland Office</Description>
<AccountingSegment id="Blue">
<Name xml:lang="en">Team</Name>
<Description xml:lang="en">Team Blue</Description>
<Money currency="NZD">12.00</Money>
The Distribution element contains Accounting and Charge elements. This is repeated for each account code used for the iteam.
The Accounting name attribute shows the account coding format that was used.
The AccountingSegment element is repeated for each part of the account code.
The AccountingSegment id attribute is the value for the account code part.
The Name element is the name of the account code part.
The Description element is the description of the value in the AccountingSegment id attribute.
The Charge element contains the value that has been assigned to the account code.
Example Distribution for an Item
This show an two account codes for the same line. The account code consists of two parts: Location and Team.
<ItemOut lineNumber="1" quantity="15">
<Money currency="NZD">1.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Product Code 10005</Description>
<Classification domain="UNSPSC">44000000</Classification>
<ManufacturerName xml:lang="en">Description 10005</ManufacturerName>
<SupplierID domain="external-id">TestVendorID</SupplierID>
<Accounting name="GLCode">
<AccountingSegment id="Auckland">
<Name xml:lang="en">Location</Name>
<Description xml:lang="en">Auckland Office</Description>
<AccountingSegment id="Blue">
<Name xml:lang="en">Team</Name>
<Description xml:lang="en">Team Blue</Description>
<Money currency="NZD">12.00</Money>
<Accounting name="GLCode">
<AccountingSegment id="Wellington">
<Name xml:lang="en">Location</Name>
<Description xml:lang="en">Wellington Office</Description>
<AccountingSegment id="Red">
<Name xml:lang="en">Team</Name>
<Description xml:lang="en">Team Red</Description>
<Money currency="NZD">3.00</Money>
Distribution Extrinsics
Distribution Extrinsics can be included in the ItemDetail element to show the percentage assigned for each account code for the item.
The Extrinsic element has a name attribute of "unimarket-distribution-details" and will include repeating extrinsic elements for each account code for the item.
The account code can be identified in the Extrinsic name attribute with the format:
"Account Code Format":"Account Code"
In this example it's: "GLCode:Auckland-Blue" or "GLCode:Wellington-Red"
The associated percentage can be found in the contained Extrinsic element.
<ItemOut lineNumber="1" quantity="15">
<Money currency="NZD">1.00</Money>
<Description xml:lang="en">Product Code 10005</Description>
<Classification domain="UNSPSC">44000000</Classification>
<ManufacturerName xml:lang="en">Description 10005</ManufacturerName>
<Extrinsic name="unimarket-distribution-details">
<Extrinsic name="GLCode:Auckland-Blue">
<Extrinsic name="percentage">80.00000000</Extrinsic>
<Extrinsic name="GLCode:Wellington-Red">
<Extrinsic name="percentage">20.00000000</Extrinsic>
<SupplierID domain="external-id">TestVendorID</SupplierID>
Common cXML Elements
The tables show some examples on where to find common fields used from the Header and Item levels.
Header Level
Detail | Path | Example |
Environment | cXML/Request/@deploymentMode | test |
Order Date | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/@orderDate | 2020-11-16T12:17:51.124+13:00 |
Order Number | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/@orderID | 102 |
Order Status | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/@type | new |
Ship To ID | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/@addressID | 101 |
Ship To Name | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/Name | Branch Location |
Deliver To / Attn To | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/PostalAddress/DeliverTo | Mike Brady |
Street |
cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/PostalAddress/Street[1] cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/PostalAddress/Street[2] cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/PostalAddress/Street[3] |
456 Something Drive |
City | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/PostalAddress/City | Auckland |
State / Region | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/PostalAddress/State | |
Post / ZIP Code | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/PostalAddress/PostalCode | 1010 |
Country | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/ShipTo/Address/PostalAddress/Country | New Zealand |
Buyer Name | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/Contact[@role="buyer"]/Name | Mike Brady |
Buyer Email | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/Contact[@role="buyer"]/Email | mike.brady@unimarket.com |
Order Total | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/Total/Money | 5.75 |
Shipping Total | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/Shipping/Money | 0.00 |
Tax Total | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/Tax/Money | 0.75 |
Order Note | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/Extrinsic[@name="shippingNote"] |
Item Level
Detail | Path | Example |
Line Number | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/ItemOut[*]/@lineNumber | 1 |
Quantity | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/ItemOut[*]/@quantity | 1 |
Item Code | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/ItemOut[*]/ItemID/SupplierPartID | 1010003 |
Item Description | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/ItemOut[*]/ItemDetail/Description | Product Code 10003 |
Unit of Measure | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/ItemOut[*]/ItemDetail/UnitOfMeasure | EA |
UNSPSC / Product Category | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/ItemOut[*]/ItemDetail/Classification | 44000000 |
Unit Price | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/ItemOut[*]/ItemDetail/UnitPrice/Money | 1.00 |
Tax | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/ItemOut[*]/Tax/Money | 0.15 |
Item Note | cXML/Request/OrderRequest/ItemOut[*]/Comments | For Mike |
Additional Information
Example Downloadable Files