Your customers now have the option to pay by Purchasing Card using the Stripe payment gateway that is integrated to Unimarket.
If your customer has requested that you register for Purchasing Card payments (credit card), then you will need to register for a Stripe account or link your existing Stripe account to your Unimarket account. The below steps outline the Stripe registration process.
Note: Stripe is currently only available for Australian customers. |
Connect with Stripe
Log in to your Unimarket supplier account and select Profile and then Configure Store from the menu on the left.
Select the Stripe tab and press the Connect with Stripe button.
Register with Stripe
Complete the Stripe registration form which will create a Stripe account. You can find a detailed guide with videos on creating or connecting a Stripe Account on the Stripe Support pages. If you already have a stripe account you can click on the Sign In link in the upper right hand corner. (If you have multiple accounts, select the one that you plan to use with our platform).
Note: Users on Stripe are not able to link accounts. Only the Stripe account holder can link the account to Unimarket. |
Once completed, click Authorize Access to this Account which will link your Stripe account to Unimarket. After authorization is completed you will be taken back to Unimarket to complete the final step of selecting Enable Payment via Stripe.