Suppliers can create an export of the orders within their store and can filter these orders by customer and date.
Create Export
To create an export, go to the View Orders page by selecting Transactions followed by View Orders from the top left menu. From View Orders, select Export Orders from the More Actions menu to the right of the page, and you will be taken to the Export Order page where you will see a history of exports done by any user of the store.
Under the More Actions menu, select '+ Create Export'. A pop-up will appear where you can define the parameters for the order export.
Order Date range (optional): Define the date range for the Order Date to include the order within your date specified. If you do not specify any dates, the order export will include all orders available.
Customer (optional): You can specify the customer for which you want to export the orders in the report. If you leave the Customer field blank, the export will include all customers' orders.
Include Exported Orders (optional): By default, the Order Export will only include orders that were not included in a prior export report. For any supplier that may use this report as a way to upload to your supply chain and ordering system, this is to keep you from duplicating orders. You can indicate if you would like to Include Exported Orders to override the default, thereby pulling every order from the above date range and customers defined.
Once you click Create, the export will appear in the list of previous exports with options to download it or view the orders that are included in this export. Below is an example of the export and the data it includes.
The Order Export report is formatted with header and line-level information about the orders to meet most import process format requirements. The header and line level-data are defined in the column 'Order Line Type' with an "H" for Header and "L" for Lines.