Users with the Community Administrator or Community Supplier Administrator role can send messages to multiple or individual suppliers. You can view previous messages between your community and a supplier on the comments tab for each supplier.
Multiple Suppliers
- Go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers and select Bulk Change from the drop down menu in the Export button.
- Choose which suppliers you will send a message to.
Note: Lite suppliers will appear grayed out and although the checkbox is selected the message will not be sent to them, as lite suppliers do not have a store in Unimarket that they can login to for them to view or respond to the message. - Select Continue and select Create Comment.
- Select Continue again and a Comment box will appear to enter the message you wish to post to all the selected suppliers.
- Select Continue, review the suppliers you are sending the message to and select Finish.
Your message will now be sent to the selected Suppliers via email. The email will be sent from the email address of the user who created the message. This message will also be visible in the Comments tab for each supplier.
Individual Suppliers
- Go to the Administration module > Suppliers > Manage Suppliers.
- You will then need to locate the supplier using the search filters, click on the suppliers name to open the supplier and go to the Comments tab.
- Click +Add Comment and a pop up text box will appear where you enter the message you would like to send.
- Click Send once you have reviewed your message and it will be sent to the supplier from your email address. If the supplier replies within Unimarket by creating another comment, it will be sent to the community email address entered in the community profile settings. However, if they reply directly to the email, it will come back to your email address. For more information on profile settings see Community Profile.
You can view the message history for each supplier by going to the Manage Suppliers tab, clicking on the supplier name and going to the Comments tab.