The Forms administration page is located in the Administration module under Settings in the Management tab. If enabled for your community forms allow additional community-defined information to be captured, some examples include Travel Forms, Sole Source forms, Contract for Services etc.
The Community can define custom forms for use with:
- Non-Catalog Item
- Request For Quote (RFQ)
- Justification (internal forms)
- Supplier Requests
- Expense Types
- Contract Types (refer note below)
- Supplier Profile
Add a Form
To add a form select Add Form and give the form a name and optionally a description that will show in the help bubble text next to the form. Then you can begin adding fields to your form.
Adding Form Fields
To define the fields that will be included on the Form, select Add Field. This pop-up will allow you to configure the field for your form to request relevant details to be provided by your users.
- Type: Defines the details required and how the information is requested from your users. Some Field Types such as Picklist, will cause an Add Option button to appear.
- Name: Display Name.
- Code: The code acts as an identifier for reporting. The fields must all have unique codes. Codes will not be visible to users.
- Description: Longer description. This will display below the form field if Show Description is ticked.
- Show Description: Displays the description on the page below the field, if not selected the Description is shown in a help bubble next to the field.
- Mandatory: Requires the user to take action on the field question. You can select Yes, No, or Conditional. If Conditional is selected you will then have a box to chose the Field (from the other fields available on the form you are working on) that it is conditional based on and another box for the Type (either Blank or Not Blank).
- Visible: This can either be yes or conditional (based on a previous answer entry).
- Help Text: A message to help users with their entry.
- Default Value: A value set to automatically appear in the entry that can be changed by the user if needed. This would be used if the answer 9 times out of 10 will be Yes, then you can set the default value to Yes.
Field Types
You can find the various options for the Type of field available listed below:
- Checkbox: Allows the user to check the box or leave unchecked for a Yes/No answer or as a mandatory checkbox, the user is required to check the box confirming that they have read the information.
- Date: Provides a calendar to select a date.
- Date/Time: Provides a calendar to select a date and time format fields to define a time.
- Decimal Number: Allows for decimal numbers (i.e. 1.5).
- Help/Information: Opens up the field for Content/Type as a mandatory field on your form.
- Hyperlink: Opens a mandatory field where you can enter a hyperlink on your form.
- Money: Formats the field to currency and requires numbers to be entered.
- Multiselect: Add Option will appear.
- Number: Requires numbers to be entered.
- Paragraph Text: Allows for free form text.
- Picklist: Add Option will appear.
- Radio button: A group of Radio buttons
- Text: Allows for free text to be entered (limited to 255 characters)
Using Conditional Fields
Form fields can be made conditionally visible, meaning dependent on previous fields. To use this feature, under Visible choose the value of 'Conditional'. You can then select the Conditional Field, meaning the field the visibility is dependent on. You would then choose how the Conditional Field must be populated to make your new field visible in the Type and Value fields.
The example below shows that Form Field 2 will be visible if on Form Field 1 the user selects the value Yes. If the user selects the value as No then Form Field 2 will not appear.
Configure Usage
Once you have created a form you will need to configure usage to determine where it should be used.
You can select where it will be used by clicking More Actions and selecting Configure Usage allows for the form to be used on non-catalog Items, RFQs, or the justification section of the checkout screen. Please see below for information on how to use the form for Expense Types and Contract Types.
Note: When configuring a Form to use with Contracts, the form field names cannot be exactly the same as Contract fields, otherwise your export will error - e.g. "Contract Type" exists in the contract data/fields in the UI, and so if you need to use that field again, you will have to name it slightly different (lower case works). |
Additional Actions
You can find the more ways to manage your forms by selecting the More Actions button these options are:
- View Forms: Returns you back to the View Forms page to view all forms.
- Copy: Allows for copying the existing form if a change needs to be made to an existing form.
Note: an existing form that has been used cannot be edited. The previously used form can be copied with a unique name (edited date is suggested) then the old form can be deleted and replaced with the new version. |
- Delete: Deletes the form but will not delete the form data that exists in the history of the system.
- Edit: Will only show if the form has not been used yet.
- Preview: Allows for a preview of the form and functional usage. The layout of the form will be determined by the location in the system where it will be used. For example, if the form is added to an RFQ, the fields will be horizontally arranged, if the form is used in the Justification section of Checkout the fields will be arranged to fit appropriately vertically and horizontally in the checkout screen.
- Configure Usage: Allows for the form to be used in the RFQ, Non-Catalog item data or the Justification section of the checkout screen.
Non-Catalog Item Form
If Non-Catalog order forms are defined within community then the buyer must select a Non-Catalog Item Type on the Create Non-Catalog Item page. This displays a list of the forms and when an Item Type is selected the associated form fields are displayed alongside the standard fields. Buyers complete the details and all the information is passed to the supplier as part of the order. The additional information can be viewed on the requisition by approvers.
RFQ Form
As with the Non-Catalog order process, if there are associated RFQ forms then the buyer must select an RFQ Type on the Create RFQ page. This displays a list of the forms and when an RFQ Type is selected the associated form fields are displayed alongside the standard RFQ fields. Buyers complete the details and all the information is passed to the supplier(s) as part of the RFQ and can be viewed on the Form tab when viewing the RFQ.
Justification Form
If the community has defined justification forms, then a Justification Type pick-list will display within the Justification section of the Checkout and the Create Blanket Order pages. This displays a list of the forms and when a Justification Type is selected the associated form fields are displayed alongside the standard justification fields. Buyers complete the details and all the information is passed internally to approvers, visible on the Justification tab when viewing the requisition. Suppliers do not see the justification information.
Communities can make the Justification Type required and/or select the Default Justification Type, this is setup under the Community's Settings (Administration module > Settings > Settings tab > Justification section).
Supplier Request Forms
You can read below to find out more information on Supplier Request Forms or watch this short video:
Creating a supplier request form will add the form to the supplier requests sent to administrators by users. This allows each community to configure specific important fields to gather information when a user requests a new supplier.
Once the form is created, it can be assigned to the Supplier Request window under Admin module > Settings > Settings > Community Users Setting
Expense Types
To configure a form for Expense Types, create the form as per the above process then navigate to the Expenses Administration page (Administration module > Modules > Expenses > Expense Types tab). When creating a new expense type, select the relevant form in the Form dropdown. If the community has defined Expense Type forms, an Expense Type picklist will display when a user is adding an expense line to a claim. This displays a list of the forms. When an Expense Type is selected the associated form fields are displayed alongside the standard expense fields. Users complete the details and all the information is routed internally to the appropriate approvers.
Contract Types
To configure a form for Contract Types create the form as per the above process then navigate to the Contract Administration page (Administration module > Modules > Contracts > Contract Types tab). When creating a new contract type select the relevant form in the Form dropdown.
Note: When configuring a Form to use with Contracts, the form field names cannot be exactly the same as Contract fields, otherwise your export will error - e.g. "Contract Type" exists in the contract data/fields in the UI, and so if you need to use that field again, you will have to name it slightly different (lower case works).
If the community has defined Contract Type forms then a Contract picklist will display on the Leadsheet tab when a user is creating a new contract in Unimarket. This displays a list of the forms and when a Contract Type is selected the associated form fields are displayed alongside the standard Leadsheet fields. Users complete the details and the form information is displayed when viewing the Leadsheet.
Supplier Profile Form
Communities can now record additional information against a supplier by creating a Supplier Form. Suppliers do not have access to view the form or information entered on the form. Users with the Community Admin role can create a Supplier Form. For more information on how to set up your Supplier Profile Form please click here.