During registration you (the supplier) may be requested to provide payment details such as your bank account details and proof of bank account. Customers may also ask if you can accept payment by credit card. This information is passed to your connected customers and provides them with the information they need to pay you efficiently. Please note that this does not determine how customers will pay you, it just provides them with your up to date payment information.
Note: Only Supplier Administrators are able to edit Company Profile information. For more on Supplier users, see our article Create & Manage Users. |
Updating Payment Options
Once registered and logged into your store select Profile from the menu on the left and click on Company Profile. Then select the Payments tab.
Click Edit on the right hand side of the page to submit your answers to the banking detail questions.
To allow customers to use your ACH banking information, you must also give them authorization to view this information. You can either share your ACH details with All Customers or choose to share it with Specific Customers. If you choose to share this information with specific customers you will need to enter your customer selections into the box for Add Customers.
If you do accept Bank Account/ACH, the screen will open and you can enter your nominated bank account details for payments. (The bank account verification should be a scanned bank document like a statement, teller slip or pre-printed deposit slip.)
You can update this information at any time in the future by coming back to the Payments tab.
Note: Bank account format for the United States Routing - 9 digits Account 5-17 digits |