The Invoice Administration module can be configured to allow invoices that fall outside of the community's matching tolerances to be sent for approval manually or automatically. This would mean the buyer or requester who created or initiated the order that is being invoiced will receive a task to approve or decline the invoice and if approved it is then sent on for delegated approval based on your community's approval process.
Failed Matching Action
Within the invoice administration module this function has 3 different options: On Hold, Reject or Send for Approval. This state will be the default for any invoices that fall outside the configured tolerances and fail matching. Rejected invoices can be force matched however, as long as your community has the Invoice Approvals feature enable it is the On Hold and Send for Approval states that allow you to send them for approval.
On Hold - Manual
The On Hold state means the invoice is waiting for manual intervention to ensure it is processed correctly. It allows users with the Create Invoice Role to either reject the invoice, force match it or manually route the invoice for approval.
Send for Approval - Automatic
The Send for Approval option will automatically put any invoices that fail matching into a state of 'Pending Order Acceptance'. This means an email notification will be sent to the buyer(s) or requester(s) (on the order) to let them know it is sitting with them to approve or decline the invoice.
If the user declines the invoice, it is put into a Rejected state and an email is sent to the creator of the invoice. If it's approved, it's then automatically routed for delegated approval, an email is sent to the approver to let them know and the invoice changes to a state of 'Pending Delegated Approval'. This means the invoice is now sitting with a delegated approver to be declined or approved
Similar to the Previous step, if declined the invoice will change to Rejected but if approved, the invoice finally goes into a Invoice Approved (Matched) state meaning it has matched and can be paid. Whether declined or approved the buyer(s) or requester(s) will be notified by email.
For information on where to find this setting see Invoice Administration Module