If blanket orders are enabled for your community you can also choose to have Edit Blanket Orders enabled. This feature allows users with the creator of the blanket order and the approver(s) the ability to edit the dates however, only the creator can increase and decrease the amount. If the change is made during the approval process this will move forward to create a PO. If this change is made after the PO has been created a new blanket order number will be generated, carrying over any existing release orders and invoices.
Note: Edit Blanket Orders doesn't need to be enabled to edit the access (users included in the Available To field). |
Edit Access
The edit access tool will allow the creator (buyer) of the blanket order or a community administrator to add additional users into the Available To section. Users in the Available To section will be able to purchase on the blanket order by selecting the blanket number in the checkout screen for the same supplier orders. Those same users will also be able to accept/approve invoices that have been issued directly against the blanket order.
- From the left Hamburger Menu, select View Orders from the Orders menu.
- Locate the order using the search filters at the top of the page. For more search filters just click More Options to the right of the search boxes.
- Open the order by clicking on the order number and select Edit Access from the Actions menu in the top right of the screen.
Edit Buyer
The Buyer on blanket orders in Unimarket can be edited from the original buyer for the instances when the original buyer has left the organization or has moved into a different department and the ownership of the blanket order needs to be taken over by another user. The creator of the blanket order or a community administrator have the ability to Edit Buyer on an order.
- From the left Hamburger Menu, select View Orders from the Orders menu.
- Locate the order using the search filters at the top of the page. For more search filters just click More Options to the right of the search boxes.
- Open the order by clicking on the order number and select Edit next to the current buyer name.
- A popup will appear, allowing you to select a new buyer from a drop down list. Once you select the new buyer you will need to enter a note and select OK to finalize the update.
Edit Dates
Blanket Orders in Unimarket can be extended or shortened in time by editing the Valid From date or Valid To date. The creator of the blanket order, the approvers, or a community administrator is capable of doing this.
- Select View Orders from the Orders menu.
- Locate the order using the search filters at the top of the page. For more search filters just click More Options to the right of the search boxes.
- Open the order by clicking on the order number and select Edit Dates from the Actions menu in the top right of the screen.
- A popup will appear, allowing you to select a new valid from date and/or valid to date. Once you select your new dates, a new blanket order number will be generated, carrying over any existing release orders and invoices.
Increase Amount
Changes can also be made to the total amount of a blanket order by the blanket order creator only.
- Select View Orders from the Orders menu.
- Locate the order using the search filters at the top of the page. For more search filters just click More Options to the right of the search boxes.
- Open the order by clicking on the order number and select Edit Amount from the Actions menu in the top right of the screen. A popup will appear, prompting the user to choose an increase or decrease in the total amount.
- If the user chooses to increase the amount, they will be prompted to provide the new total amount, as well as any justifications required by the community.
- Once the increase is applied, the change will create a new blanket requisition that routes for approval for the new total amount. Once those changes are approved, all existing release orders and invoices will be carried over to the new blanket order number.
- To make things easy for suppliers, they are informed of the changes, but can still invoice against the original blanket order number. The invoices will be routed to the most current version of the order automatically.
Decrease Amount
A decrease in the amount to a blanket order may be useful to bring the balance of a blanket order down to 0 to close out the order. This is performed the same way as an increase, except when the pop-up appears you would select Decrease Amount instead. The creator of the blanket order or a community administrator is capable of doing this.
After selecting the new amount, a new order number will be generated. This change will not be routed for approval because no additional funds are required.
Close a Blanket Order
Users with the Create Invoices role or the blanket order buyer can close a blanket order by opening it and selecting Close from the More Actions menu on the right of the screen.
For more on Blanket Orders, please refer to Blanket Orders.