The Invoice Inbox is a central area in Unimarket that allows suppliers and your community to submit invoices electronically via email. The Invoice Inbox will give Accounts Payable users (Create Invoices role) the ability to process invoices submitted to the inbox easily with an "invoice stub" that can be linked to the order by referencing the order number in the subject line of the email from the supplier or, manually linked after it arrives.
Note: If Buyers Can Invoice Orders is enabled and either:
The Invoice Inbox will not be enabled automatically for customers that have the invoice module enabled. Contact your Unimarket account manager to request the Invoice Inbox be enabled for your community. The Invoice Inbox can be found within the Invoices module by clicking on Inbox for those users that have the Create Invoices role.
Key Features
- Dedicated Invoice Inbox email address per customer - Each customer community will have a unique email address to provide to the suppliers that they wish to submit their invoices via the Invoice Inbox.
- Linking the emailed invoice to a PO - The invoice inbox will read the subject line of the inbound emails from the suppliers to find any related POs existing in your Unimarket eProcurement system. When a PO number is found in the invoice email subject, Unimarket will link the PO to the invoice stub for quick and easy creation of the invoice using the line details from the PO.
Note: If you have Order Versions enabled for your Community, the invoice will link to the latest version of the order. For example, if PO 251/1 and 251/2 exist, than the invoice inbox will automatically assign invoices to 251/2. |
- Supplier Email Recognition - As suppliers begin emailing their invoices into the Invoice Inbox, Unimarket will recognize the email address that a specific supplier's invoices come from and learn to link the invoice stub to that supplier if they do not enter the related PO into the email subject line.
Note: For customers who have users from within their own community emailing invoices they have received directly from a supplier, the supplier email recognition won't automatically link emails that come from an address with the same domain as the default email set for the community within Unimarket. This prevents community users email addresses that email invoices for different suppliers from getting linked to specific suppliers. |
- Invoice Inbox Visibility - Invoice Inboxes can be set to visible for all users with the Create Invoices role, or specific users with that role.
Note: If the community chooses "Specific Users", manual updates as staff changes happen. If the community selects for all users to see the inbox, any new users with the Create Invoices option will gain access to that specific inbox. |
- Multiple Invoice Inboxes - Communities have the option of creating multiple invoice inboxes and setting one of the inboxes as the default. For more information, check out the help article on Multiple Invoice Inboxes.
- Filters - You can filter by State, Tag, Supplier, Date Range, and if Buyers Can Invoice Order is enabled you can also filter by assignee.
- Views - You can adjust your view to either Compact or Detailed. Detailed shows additional information such as Tags, Subject Line and the Attachment.
- Search - You can search by supplier name, supplier ID, order number, email address, email subject, attachment file name or date.
- Easy attachments - The invoice stub will contain any attachments from the email received plus the email message for any relevant information about the invoice or supplier. The attachments can be easily previewed in the browser (using the eye icon) individually, they can all be downloaded in one file by selecting Download All and the attachments will carry over the created invoices. You will never need to save and reattach an invoice attachment again.
State - The State field for the Invoice Inbox search contains the different states for an invoice stub.
- Ready - the invoice stub is ready to be turned into an invoice
- Deleted - the invoice stub has been deleted. Deleted invoice stubs will not be visible in the default view and will need to be searched specifically to keep the inbox clear
- Invoice Created - the invoice stub was turned into an invoice. A link to the created invoice will be on the invoice stub.
- Tag - The invoice stub can be assigned Tags to help identify who within Accounts Payable is responsible for reviewing the invoice or flag any special requirements.
- Spam Filtering - Spam filtering is automatically enabled for inbound invoice emails and administrators are able to adjust the spam threshold to ensure it filters at a level suited to the community. For more on this see Community Settings.
When an invoice is submitted to the Invoice Inbox, the user will see the following options on the right side of each entry:
- Invoice Order - If the invoice has been linked to an order and the order is able to be invoiced this will take you to the Invoice Order screen to flip the order into an invoice.
- Review - Navigates you to the invoice Review screen to allow users to view the invoice document on screen and search for the correct supplier and/or order.
- Delete - Deleting an invoice stub will remove it from the standard view but can be seen if searched for the Deleted state.
- Add Note - Invoice Inbox users can add a note to each Invoice Stub for reference. This note will be visible to all users with access to the Invoice Inbox and can be viewed, as shown below:
- Move To Inbox - If invoice Inbox users have access to multiple invoice inboxes, they can move invoices between inboxes and include a note for reference. Please refer to Multiple Invoice Inboxes help article for more information.
Note: If your community has the feature turned on to allow Buyers to Invoice Orders, and the invoice has been assigned to you to process, you will receive an email notification advising you of this from the email address setup in the community settings under Invoicing. Please refer to the Invoice Inbox - Buyers Can Invoice Orders help article for more information. |
Invoice Review
The invoice Review screen allows users to view the invoice document on screen and search for the correct supplier and/or order. Users can also reassign the buyer, un-assign from the buyer and change/edit the linked order.
If you want to know more about Creating Electronic Invoices, click here.