Invoices can be sent to the community in three ways:
- Suppliers send the invoice electronically via integration - directly out of their system into Unimarket (B2B).
- Suppliers login to Unimarket and create the invoice using Invoice Order functionality.
- Suppliers send the invoice using the traditional post/email/fax methods and the community AP team use the Community Invoice Order functionality to process and match the invoice.
Community Invoice Order (PO Flip)
Community Invoice Order functionality provides users (with the Create Invoice role or Create Buyer Invoice role) with the ability to create electronic invoices through the Unimarket application. Invoice Order allows the user to locate the corresponding order for an invoice they have received, then flip the order into an electronic copy of the invoice and submit it for matching.
Note: The Create Invoices role allows users to invoice ANY order in the system. The Create Buyer Invoice role allows users to invoice their specific POs in which they are listed as the buyer. As a result, the invoice itself is not routed for approval, the requisition is routed for approval. (In the case of a blanket order in which the PO is already approved, a buyer created invoice would be approved automatically and go along for posting.) |
Creating an Invoice
There are 3 different ways you can begin the Invoice Order process. See below for more:
1. Invoice Order - From Menu
- Click on Invoice Order in the Invoices menu within the Invoices module.
- In the header section of the invoice select the desired supplier.
- If your community has Remittance Address selection enabled, you can select a remittance address.
- Enter the invoice number (from the suppliers invoice) and invoice date.
- In the Order Number section click on the search icon to find the order that relates to the invoice.
- Select the desired order and click the Add Order button. The order line details will be added to the invoice.
Note: If your community has Consolidated Invoices enabled you can select multiple orders to invoice at the same time. |
2. Invoice Order - From Order
- Locate the order you wish to invoice by selecting View Orders from the Orders menu within the Marketplace module and searching.
- Open the order by clicking on the order number and select Invoice Order from the top right of the page.
- Enter the invoice number (from the suppliers invoice) and invoice date.
3. Invoice Order - From Non-Invoice Orders
- Select Orders and then Non-Invoiced Orders from the Invoices menu and you will see all orders that do not currently have a submitted invoice against them.
- Locate the order you wish to invoice and select Invoice Order on the right hand side of the order in the list.
- Enter the invoice number (from the suppliers invoice) and invoice date.
Note: The system will warn you if the supplier is not set up for invoicing. All the suppliers details must be present before the invoice can be created. To setup the supplier select Setup Invoicing from the Actions menu on the top right. |
Creating an Invoice - Remaining Steps
Note: Any lines that do not yet have a submitted invoice against them will have the checkbox to the left of them selected. If you need to create a partial invoice deselect any lines that do not need to be invoiced and they will appear in a lighter grey color to show they are deselected with the quantity at 0. |
- If any changes to the line item detail from the order to the invoice are necessary (e.g. submitting a partial invoice, invoicing a different amount etc.), ensure you edit the details for the lines here.
- Add shipping charges to the invoice if applicable.
- Click Create to submit the invoice for matching.
Matching Status
The View Invoice page will show a summary of the matching statuses.
State of Invoice | Definition |
Downloaded | The Invoice has matched and been extracted as part of a Transaction Run. |
Invoice Accepted | All the invoice lines have matched and the invoice is in an accepted state ready to pay. |
On Hold | The invoice submitted by supplier exceeds the tolerances set by the community and was placed On Hold for review and further action by a user with the Create Invoice role. |
Pending Delegated Approval | The invoice has been accepted by the buyer and routed for delegated approval. It is pending approval by the delegated approver. |
Pending Initial Acceptance | The invoice relates to a retrofit or blanket order and is awaiting acceptance by the buyer and creation of a requisition for approval. |
Pending Order Acceptance | The Invoice was placed On Hold due to matching exceptions and has been sent to the buyer or requester for review and acceptance. |
Pending Receiving | The items on the order have not been received by the buyer. Once the buyer receives the item(s) the matching will reprocess. |
Canceled | The invoice creator cancelled the invoice before it was approved. |
Invoice Rejected | The invoice contains matching exceptions and was placed On Hold. The exceptions have been reviewed and Rejected by the Community. Invoices cannot be changed from the Rejected state. |
Discounts on Invoices
If enabled, both the Enter Invoice & Invoice Order screens will now include a Gross Total, a Discount Field, and the Net Total (essentially the payable amount).
Once created, the discount is shown on the Invoice record and the invoice PDF.
Note: Invoice matching and any retrofit requisitions are still based on the Gross total amount, rather than the discounted amount. |
Credit Invoices
For more on credit invoices see How to Create a Credit Invoice.
Invoices for Retrofit Orders
For more information see Retrofit Orders & Invoices.