The Invoice Inbox is a central area in Unimarket that allows suppliers and the community to submit invoices electronically via email. If desired, communities can also configure the inbox to allow Buyers the ability to process invoices submitted to the inbox which relate to their orders.
The Invoice Inbox will not be enabled automatically for customers that have the Invoice module enabled. Contact your Unimarket Account Manager to request the Invoice Inbox and buyers Invoice Inbox option be enabled for your community.
Invoice Inbox
Each community with this feature enabled is given a unique Invoice Inbox email address, which can be found at the top of the Invoice Inbox page.
When an invoice is emailed into the invoice inbox, it will be automatically linked to an order if the order number is referenced in the subject line, or it can be manually linked to a buyer or order from within the inbox by someone with the Create Invoices role (Accounts Payable). Once the invoice is linked, the Buyer will receive a notification email asking them to review the invoice and a task will appear in their tasks menu under Invoice Inbox.
When the Buyer clicks on the Invoice Inbox in their tasks menu they will be taken to the Invoice Inbox page where they can view any current invoices awaiting review. The invoices will have the option to either Invoice Order or Review.
- Invoice Order - Starts the Invoice Order process and auto selects the order number and supplier. The attachments from the invoice stub will carry over to the invoice that is created.
- Review - Gives the user options such as reassign the buyer, un-assign from the buyer and change/edit the linked order.
Note: If the buyer also has the Create Buyer Invoices role, they will have the Create option, where they will be able to manually create a retrofit invoice in cases where there is no order within Unimarket. |
Once you have either selected Invoice Order or Create and created the invoice or selected Unassign/Reassign to unassign it, the task will disappear from your tasks menu and it will no longer appear on your Invoice Inbox page.
For more more on the Invoice Inbox see Invoice Inbox - Accounts Payable.