Suppliers have the ability to map their product categories to Unimarket UNSPSC codes. This means that variances between UNSPSC code versions can be mapped and customers receive a consistent category value for reporting. It also means that suppliers using another category system can maintain a mapping table so that their categories can be mapped back to the UNSPSC standard. The mapping applies to both hosted and punch-out catalogs.
Suppliers can choose to manually add mapping from within their eStore or upload mapping via the supplied CSV template.
Note: When mapping between UN versions, only the exceptions need to be mapped. For example, if a code in UN version 9 is the same as in UN version 16 then no mapping is required. If the code is different then the supplier needs to set up a mapping. |
Manually adding mapping
Click Profile from the menu on the left and click Configure Store. From there you will be able to go to the Categories tab to add or modify mapping.
If 'Calculator' in UNSPSC version 9 is 44101801 but it needs to be mapped to 'Pocket Calculator' in UNSPSC version 16 which is 44101809, click +Add Category Mapping and a pop up box will appear. Enter the External Category and select a field for the UNSPSC Category. The External Domain field is optional.
Click Add to create the category mapping orAdd More if you wish to create additional mappings.
Note: When setting the domain please ensure that the value you specify matches the value that will be returned from your roundtrip catalog. You can also choose to leave the domain blank and Unimarket will look for a matching mapping rule and ignore the domain. |
Upload mapping via CSV
You can upload mapping using a CSV file by adding mapping information into the category template, which can also be found by clicking Download Category Mappings.
Fields available within the category template are:
Column | Name | Description | Mandatory |
A | External Code | Category code that needs to be mapped back to Unimarket UNSPSC standards | Y |
B | External Domain | What the external code is | N |
C | Unimarket Code | Unimarket UNSPSC code | Y |
Browse for your CSV file and click Upload.
Set default mapping
Suppliers have the ability to set a default UNSPSC category for when a category value is not recognized (or is blank) is passed from a supplier site and there is no mapping setup for that value.
Go to Profile and click Configure Store. On the Categories tab, enter the UNSPSC category you would like to select as your default.
If you are unsure which category to select, click Browse to bring up a UNSPSC category tree view where you can drill into the categories. Once you have found the correct category, click Select to set as default.
Note: If no default is setup and a value is not recognized then the system will display 'NA' in the category. |