If the community has the Procurement module enabled this can be configured from the Administration menu under Procurement in the Modules section.
Note: If you have the Financial Years feature enabled there will be a Settings tab, which includes what you see below, and a Management tab where you manage your financial years (fiscal years). For more on Managing Financial Years (Fiscal Years) click here. |
Setting | Definition |
Enable Delivery Date | Allows delivery dates to be specified on purchase orders during checkout. |
Enable Saved Requisitions | Allows users to save a requisition and continue with it at a later point. |
Enable Price Estimates | Enables the price estimate functionality for non-catalog orders. This allows the buyer to specify a price range. This can be overridden for individual suppliers. |
Enable Retrofit Orders | Enables the ability to create retrofit orders. This option will appear in the checkout. |
Enable Retrofit Date | Enables the ability for buyers to specify the order date when creating a retrofit order. |
Non-Catalog Category Required | If enabled, buyers must provide a UNSPSC category for all non-catalog order items. |
Enable Line Copying | Allows buyers to copy and edit lines during checkout. This can be used if the buyer needs to split the line by quantity. |
Enable Reassign Requisitions | Allow buyers to reassign their items to other users during the checkout process. |
Enable Reassign Requisitions Outside Organization Units | Allow buyers to reassign their items to other users outside the organization unit during the checkout process. |
Enable Automatic cancellation of Incomplete Requisition | A periodic job will run to Cancel any Requisition that is sitting in Incomplete state for more than 2 years. |
Blanket Orders
Setting | Definition |
Enable Blanket Orders | Enables Blanket Order Across all Suppliers (can be overridden for individual Suppliers). |
Enable Release Order Coding | If enabled allows buyers to update the account coding for release orders during checkout. |
Include Shipping | Include release orders shipping amount when deducting funds from blanket orders. |
Include Tax | Include release order tax amount when deducting funds from blanket order. |
Checkout Default Layout
These settings define which sections of the checkout are expanded or collapsed by default.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions are managed on a per-organization basis. The link available here will redirect you to the organizations page. You can find more information on setting the Terms and Conditions on our dedicated help article.
Setting | Definition |
Auto-Accept Quotes | Enables the ability for supplier quotes to be automatically added to the buyers shopping cart rather than reviewed and accepted. |
Reminder Period | Defines the number of hours prior to a quotes expiry that the buyer will be sent a reminder. |
Enables the ability for community buyers to purchase from suppliers using credit card. Please note that this must be coordinated with suppliers that accept credit cards. The credit card payment option will only appear for those suppliers that have it enabled. If Stripe is enabled you find the settings for Stripe and how it is displayed to your Buyers.
Note: Stripe is available only to Australian Communities. Please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss enabling this payment option |
Setting | Definition |
Enable Receiving Date | Allows buyers to set a user-defined receiving date. This can be used if the community has a need to back-date receiving. |
Enable Auto-Receiving | Allows auto-receiving for all suppliers if the buyer selects it during checkout. This can be overridden for individual suppliers. |
Enable Auto-Receiving Threshold | If enabled, allows a threshold to be specified. All orders not over that value will have auto-receiving enabled by default. This can be overridden for individual suppliers. |
Auto-Receiving Threshold | Where the auto-receiving threshold value should be entered. |
Enable Invoice Reminder Wait time | If enabled, allows the receiving reminder for an order that has a Pending Receiving Invoice to be delayed by a number of days after the Order Created Date. |
Invoice Reminder Wait Days | This is the number of days after the Order Created Date that the system will wait before sending a receiving reminder for an order that has a Pending Receiving Invoice. |
Enable Open Order Reminder | If enabled, allows a reminder email to be sent for orders that are not fully received (or manually closed) and are still open after a specified number of days. |
Open Order Reminder Days | Where you specify the number of days an order has to be open before it is included in the reminder email. |
Contract Spend
Setting | Definition |
Allow Off Contract Spend Default | The default setting to Allow or Disallow off contract spend for suppliers. Can be overridden at individual supplier level. |
Update all existing suppliers with the community default | Note this will override any existing supplier specific settings. |
Non-Catalog Settings
Setting | Definition |
Default Form |
Select a default Non-Catalog Form from your list of created forms. The form selected will then be the one defaulted on the Non-Catalog screen for Buyers to use, unless they choose an alternate from the drop-down list (where there is more than one form). |