The Shopping List feature provides the user the ability to create a shopping list with the frequently ordered items from Hosted Catalog and/or Non-Catalog Items.
You can read below to find out more information on Shopping Lists or watch this short video:
Note: Shopping Lists can be shared with other users within your Org Unit. |
Add to/Create a Shopping List From a Catalog
From a Catalog you can add an item to an existing Shopping List or Create a new one by following the below steps.
- Finding Products in Marketplace - When you have found the product you want to purchase click on Add to List
- This will generate a pop-up where you can select if you wish Add to a new shopping list or Add selected items to an existing shopping list
- If you selected to add to a new shopping list enter the name and Click OK
- If you selected to add to an existing shopping list use the drop down list to select the correct list and click OK
Once complete you will receive a notification at the top right advising the item has been added to your Shopping List. You can click View Shopping List to be taken to the shopping list screen.
Create a Shopping List From Your Cart
To create a new Shopping list with a mixture of Non-Catalog and Hosted Catalog Products, you first need to Add the Items to your Cart.
Once you have the products you wish to add to the shopping list in your cart follow the below steps:
- Click the Shopping Cart Icon in the top right to view your cart
- Click +Add to Shopping List
- Select
- Click OK
Adding Items to an Existing Shopping list
To add items to a current shopping list you will first need to add them to your cart. Once you have the items you wish to add follow the below steps:
- Click the Shopping Cart Icon in the top right to view your cart.
- Click Add to Shopping List
- Select Add selected items to existing shopping list
- Use the drop down menu to select the list you wish to add to
- Select OK
Using your Shopping List
When you are ready to use the Shopping Lists created, click on Lists on the left menu pane. Where from here you can then browse through the available list titles, and select the list you would like to use. Shopping Lists are sorted A-Z by name.
You can either select all items from a list or only select the items you need by checking the appropriate boxes on the right side of the items. If you only require one item from the shopping list click Add to Cart to right of the item.
For Non-Catalogue items, an Edit option is available if any of the details and/or pricing has changed before continuing Checkout.
Share Shopping Lists
When you would like to share a Shopping List click More Actions and select Share Shopping List. You can then select the Org Units you wish to share the list with and Click OK.
Note: Only the creator of the shopping list can share/clear/delete the shopping list. |
Copy to List
The Copy to List function allows you to add items from one shopping list to another. Just Select the items you wish to copy using the checkbox on the left. Once you have selected all the items from this list click More Actions and Select Copy to List.
Select if you want to add the items to a new shopping list or one that already exists and click OK.
Removing Items from a Shopping List
You can remove items from a Shopping List, by selecting the Shopping List you want to modify from the Lists selection, then once you have selected the Shopping List go to More Actions where you can select the Remove Selected Items action
If you wish to remove multiple products, click the checkbox to the left of the items you want to remove.
Or you can remove individual items from a list by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the product.
If you wish to remove a shopping list completely click Delete Shopping List.
Note: If you select all items in the list and use the Remove Selected Items function, the shopping list will be deleted. |