The Blanket Order functionality provides communities with the ability to create a blanket (or contract) order for the provision of unspecified products and services to one supplier over a specified time-frame. The blanket order is pre-approved using the standard approval process and then products and services are provided on a purchase-on-demand basis. Users draw down on the blanket order as required without the need for a purchase order each time.
Note: Blanket Orders must be enabled for your community and once enabled it can then be enabled/disabled for certain suppliers. To enable this feature contact us at |
See the below articles for more:
Creating a Blanket Order - allow buyers to purchase goods and services without the need to raise a new purchase order each time.
Making Changes to Blanket Orders - After a blanket order is created the creator of the blanket order or a Community Administrator can edit the access (users included in the Available To field). If Edit Blanket Orders is enabled for your community the creator and community administrators can also change the dates however, only the creator of the blanket order creator can increase or decrease the amount.
Note: If a user does not see the options in the actions menu to make the needed changes to the blanket order, check to make sure that a buyer group is assigned to the Supplier that the blanket order is with. |
Drawing Down Using an Invoice - The supplier invoices against the blanket order and the invoices are then routed to the blanket order creator and authorized users for approval. Once the invoice is approved a matching release order is automatically generated which draws down on the blanket order.
Drawing Down Using a Release Order - Authorized buyers can create a release order which draws down on the blanket order. Release orders do not require further approval.
Approving Blanket Order Invoices - Users with access to the blanket order (users included in the Available To field for the blanket order) have the ability to view and approve invoices on the Blanket Order.