Upload standard order invoices in a CSV format via the User Interface
Unimarket provides the ability for customers to upload invoices for:
- Standard Orders; and
- Blanket Orders (refer here for Blanket Order specifics)
- Retrofit orders are not supported at this stage.
Invoices for standard orders can be uploaded in a CSV file format to make the process of entering the invoice lines quicker and easier. This process mimics the Invoice Order flow in the UI, which you can read more about here. Once invoices are loaded against the order they will follow the Invoice Matching Configuration (process) the customer has in place to be matched for payment.
Users must have the Create Invoice or Community Administration role to see the import option.
- there must be a valid order in Unimarket to post the invoice to. Retrofit orders are not supported at this stage.
- the order must be in Open State (if the order is closed, the upload will fail)
To Use:
Invoices: on the Invoice menu - click Import on the right-hand side:
The popup includes the Specification & Template (also see below for the template)
Once loaded, users can check the progress in the File Processing menu.
CSV Template Details
Please be aware that all columns are required in this file, but some values can be left blank. We have indicated Required N where you are able to submit an invoice without these.
Field | Example | Required | Notes |
Organisation | 0101 | Y |
Organisation Code |
Bill To Code | 123 | Y | |
Ship To Code | 456 | Y | |
Community Supplier ID | UM01234 | Y | Unimarket's unique ID for the supplier |
Supplier ID | S4444 | Y |
Your supplier (vendor) ID for your ERP. Note: either the Supplier ID OR the Community Supplier ID are required. Both are not required unless the Supplier ID is not unique. |
Order Number | 566777 | Y | Standard order number the invoice is to be posted against |
Order Line | 1 | N | Required when invoicing a standard order - ensure this is the order line and not the invoice line (that is below) |
Invoice Number | INV987 | Y | |
Invoice Date | 16/01/24 | Y | |
Invoice Subtotal | 100 | Y | |
Invoice Total | 110 | Y | |
Invoice Tax | 10 | Y | |
Invoice Shipping | 0 | Y | Can be set to 0 |
Shipping Tax | 0 | Y | Can be set to 0 |
Invoice Discount | 0 | Y | Can be set to 0 |
Invoice Line | 1 | Y | Repeat the line number if there are multiple distributions (splits) |
Product Code | N | Can be blank | |
Description | Stainless Bolts | Y | |
Quantity | 1 | Y | |
UOM | EA | Y | Accepts any valid UOM |
Unit Price | 100 | Y | |
Line Amount | 100 | Y | |
Line Tax | 10 | Y | |
Distribution% | 100 | N | Required if you have multiple distributions for one Invoice Line. Otherwise can be left blank. |
AcctFormat | GL | N |
Account coding is only applicable to Blanket Orders (the columns form part of the template, but can be left blank) |
AcctPart1 | 1 | N | |
AcctPart2 | 1 | N | |
AcctPart3 | 100 | N | |
AcctPart4 | 18312 | N |
Consolidated Invoicing
Note: if the customer has the consolidated invoices feature enabled, this file supports the processing consolidated invoices - where a consolidated invoice is defined as one invoice that is to be attributed to more than one purchase order.
Please contact our Support team should you require further information on this.
File Format
The upload file can contain both Blanket Orders & Standard Orders within a single file format - if a customer wishes to process both in the one file, all applicable fields to each order type need to be considered and entered appropriately.