If you are seeing a high amount of Unidentified Spend (or any amount) on your Procurement Dashboard and you would like to address this to ensure spend is being correctly allocated, please review the below.
Note: Unidentified Spend occurs when there are orders that were placed without a UNSPSC code assigned.
You can view the orders that were not categorized by running the Unimarket Order report from the Insights Module. Go to the Insights Module and click on Reports, then click Run Reports from the top right, and select to run the Unimarket Order Report for the timeframe you are interested in reviewing.
- Once you have the file, we suggest filtering by the Category Code and removing any lines with a Category Code present (column W). This will leave you with the items that did not have a UNSPSC/Category code.
- You will also want to filter by the Product Type to exclude Shipping (as Shipping is excluded). This will give you the items falling into the Unidentified Spend category.
To address the Unidentified Spend take the following steps:
1. Ensure your community has the setting turned on to require a category for all non-catalog orders. (This setting can be reviewed by going to Admin > Modules > Procurement > check the box for Non Catalog Category Required.)
2. You can choose to set default categories for your suppliers under the supplier's settings. If you set a default category, this will populate anytime a user is placing a non-catalog order with that supplier. (Users will still have the option to change the category if necessary).