Watch this short video on how to use the New Create Invoice Screen or read below for instructions:
From the Create Invoice Screen you can either select an order to submit an invoice against or enter an invoice directly which will then create a retrofit order if no order number is entered at the time the invoice is created.
Note: Since this screen allows you to both submit an invoice against an order or enter an invoice directly, in turn creating a retrofit order, the Enter Invoice Screen and Invoice Order Screen will no longer be present in Production. |
Enter the invoice details on the left side:
Field | Definition |
Preview Mode | If this is toggled on, it will show the image of the attachment(s) that were loaded. If there is more than one attachment, you can click onto each attachment to view them. |
Order Number | If there is an order in the system you can enter the order number into this field. Once entered, it will pull the relevant data. |
Supplier | Enter the Supplier Name you would like to invoice in this field. |
Invoice Number | Enter the invoice number. |
Invoice Date | Enter the invoice date. |
Payment Due Date | Enter the Payment Due Date. |
Buyer |
Confirm the Buyer. To change the Buyer on the invoice click the field to open a drop down menu from which you can search for the correct user. |
Bill To | Select the Bill To address. |
Remittance Address | If the supplier has more than one remittance address, you can change the remittance address. If there is only one, you cannot change this field. To view the entire address, you can hover over the i on the right side of this field. |
Enter your first line item with its Quantity, Unit Price, Unit of Measure and tax if applicable. If you need to add additional lines you can press the Add Lines button. Once all lines are added you can additionally add Comments, Shipping and Shipping Tax if applicable.
Note: If the Contracts module is enabled for your community, the selected supplier has at least one contract, and the user creating the invoice has access to at least one of those contracts, a new Contract field will appear where you can select the contract this invoice should be linked to. |
When you have completed all the required information select Submit Invoice or, if you would like to create another invoice straight after, check the box for Create Another under the Submit Invoice button before clicking Create.
A notification will be sent to the Buyer to approve/decline the invoice. At this point the invoice will have a state of Pending Initial Acceptance.
Note: If you select yourself as the buyer the invoice will automatically be accepted. |