If your notice that your expenses are not flowing into your ERP take the following steps to troubleshoot:
- Determine the dates the expense claims in question were approved (i.e. moved into an approval status in Unimarket)
- Go to the transaction run screen and identify the Transaction Run the expenses were included in based on the approved date and the date the next Transaction Run was scheduled.
- Review the email inbox where your error notifications are set to go to see if any errors resulted for that particular Transaction Run.
- If there is an error in the file, the entire file is not processed and the email will contain the error report to assist you in troubleshooting the issue.
- Your team should review the errors and fix them accordingly.
- Banner customers can reload and process this expense file manually using FZUMEXI.
- If you could not find the email notification outlining any errors, have a member of your IT team review this file to see if any errors are seen related to these files within your ERP system.